Other Kingdoms

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Because I don't want to make a new page for each kingdom when they're not any sort of main part here is where all the other kingdoms will be role-played.
Please make sure to label what kingdom you are role-playing in. If you fail to do so your comment WILL be deleted. There should be NO mixing kingdoms unless approved.
Trilantis and MOAB have their own page and should not be done here.


The Great Elven North:
A kingdom mainly of elves. It's where Lios is from. It's peaceful and covered in mainly farm and wood lands.

Kingdom mainly of demons. A long time ago, a demon seeking to take over hell was banished to the surface world and made a kingdom of his own.

The richest kingdom around! There's mainly angels and nymphs living there, but there are all sorts of species.

There was a huge struggle between vampires and werewolves. Some chose to set aside their differences and live through out the kingdoms, but many vampires were upset and created their own place where no werewolves were allowed.

The underground kingdom. There are loads of different species, but the largest group is dwarves.

The kingdom in the sky. It lives on a cloud and is home to anyone with flight.

Kingdom of Seasons:
Known for its constant change of weather the kingdom of seasons is another human dominant land. There are beings of every sort who live in this exotic country.

Monster Haven:
A safe place for those who have been labeled 'monster.' Many beings reside here, and it is rather peaceful.

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