Chapter 11: Under Cover

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~~~Last Time~~~

Listen to Sharax it's good music yo!

~~~This Time~~~

~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

So I'm in the briefing room the next day, with my team. And we were going over something important. But I wasn't listening. I was just lost in my crazy thoughts and listening to music. (if you want to know what you are listening to, see video)

Sans and Asriel have been acting weird lately. I don't know what's wrong with them, but I plan on finding out. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I realize that my name has been addressed. I look up at everyone and gave them a look that said what-are-we-talkn'-'bout? They all seem to sigh at the same time. I can't really tell through my headphones. 

I see Frisk gesture to there head, more specifically there ears. I realize that they are asking me to take off my headphones so I can hear them. I comply with Frisk's wish, and take off my headphones. Even though they are off, I can still hear the music thanks to my cat hearing.

"Did you get that?" Toriel asks me.

"Ummm... sneak in, blow up, sneak out?" I say, well more like ask but still.

They all groan in annoyance. I just continue to be dumbfounded and listen to the song emanating from my headphones. They start to re-explain the plan to me, but I zone out again. All that I got was some fancy auction that had some sort of fancy weapon in it. I couldn't tell.

I end up cutting them off because I got lost. "Okay, summarize please. You know I have a short attention span." I say and they all give me a "are you serious" face.

They give me a summarized version of the plan. So there is this auction that Chara, or one of her henchmen, plan on going to. In this auction is some weapon that we think Chara would want to get her hands on. The team will be split up into two groups. Group 1 will act like a group of auctioneers interested in the item. Group 2 will cover any entrances or exits that Chara could use to escape.

Each of us would play roles in this. I think Doggo gets to act as a guard and puts a tracer on Chara so we can keep tabs on her. Paps and MTT get to act like fancy, rich people wanting to buy something. I get to display some of my works with the forge. Yes I will be selling some of my knives and swords at the auction. Alphys and Undyne get to watch computers in a truck. Sans, Asriel, and Toriel will be... I don't actually know what they will do. I think they are under cover backup. And I think that is all for the roles that everyone will be playing. 

But I think that Chara isn't interested in what I have to sell, but more interested in this big fancy weapon that does fancy weapon stuff. And more specifically who made it because why spend a butt load of money on a weapon and try to figure out how to make it or simply kidnap the creator and have him make more for you. So my role was technically useless. I told eveyone my thoughts and they agreed with me and my reasonable raisins.

"Well, that does make sense. Thank you for the idea (Y/N)" Toriel said considering it.

"Woah, punk! Never thought of it like that." Undyne said.

"well you really think outside the box kid." Sans said also in amazement. So basically every one complemented it and and changed the plan to fit this.

The new roles were: Doggo has the same role, Undyne and Alphys have the same role, everyone would block the entrance and exit. And for some random reason me and Sans were going undercover as auctioneers.

"Alright I think that this is a good plan guys." I said chilly as I was walking over to the door.

"Um... were are you going child?" Toriel asked. I turned around and looked at her.

"I'm leaving. What else?" I asked back to her.

"Why are you leaving?" Tori asked more questions.

"Because I think we're done here." 

"but kid, this is happening tonight." Sans said joining into this conversation.

"Oh... Sooo, what is your point?" 

"We need to get you ready for the auction darling~" Mettaton said 

"look just nothing flashy, just casual clothing. no problem." Sans said

"OK then." I left the room and headed to my room and picked out an outfit. It was just a T-shirt and shorts. Pretty casual to me. I should Sans and he just flipped out "What?! No! You can't were that!?"

"Why? I thought that you said casual?" I asked back. But I already knew the answer. 

"times change (Y/N), that isn't casual anymore." I knew it. "here maybe Mettaton can help us with this. hey Mettaton! do you think you can help (Y/N) pick something to were?!" Sans shouted over to Mettaton.

 Oh no, Mettaton was probably going to make me try on like 100 dresses witch I don't like.(Sorry for all you girls who like to wear dresses. If you do like dresses then just say that you don't want to constantly try on 100 dresses) Mettaton runs over and scoops me up.

"Of course Sans! Come with me darling~ we need to pick out the perfect dress for you <3~" He says cheerfully. I am trying to struggle out of his grip as he takes my to this huge closet full of outfits.


"Come on darling~ Sans is gonna love you in a dress." He says trying to purrrsuade me into this. 

"I DON'T CARE! I JUST DON'T WANT TO WEAR A DRESS!" I shout back at him.

I was throwing a tantrum and I think he thought it was cute because, you see, when ever I get mad the fur on my ears and tail puff up. Trying to make me look menacing. But instead people think I look cute. So I was this neko yelling at Mettaton, who is way taller than me, with puffed up ears and tail.

So I try to not cooperate as much as possible. And it took like 5 hours for Mettaton to get a dress on me. XD. But he got the perfect outfit on and then he tried to put makeup on me. MAKE UP! That is another thing I don't like. And I have never touched or seen any of this stuff in all of my life. So I was pretty freaked out. So we agreed no make up, just the dress. So I walk out of the crazy big closet in this dress that I am not comfortable in. I walked up to Sans and once he saw me his face turned into a blueberry.  

(This is what the dress looks like by the way. Just imagine it in your favorite color.)

"What?" I ask. Clearly annoyed by the dress. I finally realize that he is lookin' at me for a reason.

"I know, I look stupid. Stop making it obvious." I say as I flatten my ears against my head and look to the side. Sans stood in shock.

"what? n-no you l-look amazing!" Sans said stuttering over his words. 

"OK, then shall we?" I said and held out an arm.

"hey that's my line!" He said and we just walked off and went on with the mission.


Week one of school is done and this is what we have to post for this story. See you can survive a week without a new chapter. Anyway question for you guys, Should the 'Last Time' thing be serious or should it stay silly. Let me know in the comments. Welp, see ya in the next one!   

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