Chapter 23: Threat Videos

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~~~Last Time~~~

What is the main reason for divorce?


~~~This Time~~~

~~(Y/N) POV~~

I woke up in bed... but I fell asleep in the limo...So, someone must've carried me in. OK cool. I get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. Starting with getting out of this uncomfortable dress. I morph into a cat and the dress falls on the floor. OK, I'm done. I walk over to the door. OK, now how to open this and have to change back into a person. I take a second to think before going into light travel and slipping under the door. That works. And walk to the Dinning Room. Some of the monsters were giving me some weird looks, but I can ignore them. Once I'm there, I walk in and... to be honest. It was really funny. A single cat walks into a room and the place goes silent. I giggle a cat giggle and look back at them.

"Again, why are you looking at me like I just blew up the world?" I ask everyone and everyone gets even more confused. I walk over to my usual seat and eat breakfast.

"(Y/N), is that you darling~?" MTT asked first.

"Yep. I'm a cat now... deal with it." I say back to him.

"Wait... how are you a cat?" Asreil asked. I thought the answer was obvious. But I guess he thought I died and possessed a cat or something stupid.

"Ummmmm.... Isn't it obvious? I thought it would be obvious."I say and look around the table," I'm a Neko, what made you think I wouldn't be able to turn into a cat?" I ask back to him. And everyone at the table went "Oooh." I thought it was pretty funny.

I finished eating my breakfast and went back to my room. Once there, I used the same trick to get in and... I found a disc on the lid of Karma's terrarium. It said WATCH THIS, on it. I look around and start to think about who could have left it.

OK, who could have left this... let's see.... It would have to be someone who was fast enough to sneak in while I went to eat breakfast. Who do I know who is that fast... Sans is fast, but why would he leave a video recording in my room and not tell me directly to my face?....It can't be any of my friends. They all have access to my room. The note is placed, well, more like dropped, into the it's position. Meaning someone snuck in... OK, so it's not any of my friends so... Who did it? I can only assume other mafia gangs but... the only huge one I know is Chara's and even it doesn't really have a name. Well, there's only one way to find out.

I change back into a person and get dressed, then I ask Alphys if I could barrow her computer again.

"W-What! H-H-How man-ny times a-are you g-gonna need to use my c-c-computer?" She asked.

"Sorry Alphy's it's just that, I got a video disc in the male today. Is it OK for me to use your laptop for a little bit?" I ask her. Lying about why I need to use it. She hesitantly handed it to me and I headed back to my room.

Once I inserted the disc and the familiar face of Chara shows up on the screen.

"Let me be honest with you. You have no chance of defeating me. All those missions you've done... they aren't helping you one bit. Though you may have delayed my plans, I will win. You really don't have a chance. The next time you see me, or interfere with any of my plans well...You wont live to see tomorrow. Don't tell anyone about this okay... (Y/N)? Hahahahahaha!" Said video Chara with stereotypical evil villain laugh.

"OK, *Deep inhale* THIS VIDEO SUCKS!!! THERE WASN'T EVEN ANY EXPLOSIONS OR STUPID CATS IN IT!!! I UNFRIEND YOU ON ALL THE SOCIAL MEDIAS!!" I shout at the computer screen. I then sigh and think of a good way to say that to Chara," Le gasp! I know! I'll make my own video! and send that to her!"

I run out of my room and to Alohys' room that she shared with Undyne... for obvious reasons. Once I get there I knock on the door and wait for and answer.

"W-Who's there?" Alphys asked.

"Yo! Alphys, it's (Y/N) talk'n. And I was wondering, do you have a video camera?" I ask her. remembering that she was the one who set up all the cameras in the underground, maybe she has a few left.

"Well... yeah, why?" Alphys asked from behind the door.

"I need to use one if you got it. Is that OK?" After some silence I hear she shuffling of clutter and the tapping of footsteps. A little later and Alphys opens the with a camera in her claws.

"I still don't know why you need this."

"Don't worry about. I plan on doing a funny thing and I wanted to get it on camera." I say to. Not entirely true but not entirely false either. I get the camera and head back to my room.

~~~Le Time Skip brought to you by jet powered farts~~~ 

I did it! I made a threat video. I put it on a seprate disc and put it in Alphys' computer to make sure it looked OK. This is what the video looked like.

"OK, Chara I will be blunt... YOUR VIDEO SUCKED!! THERE WERE NO EXPLOSIONS OR CATS!! So I will try my hand in making a threat video to you." Then a cardboard sign filled the screen saying This is a Threat By (Y/N). After the cardboard was removed from the screen I was sitting in a chair and a Chara doll was in my hand.

"This is you." I point at the doll," You think you are this." I put a pair of shades on the doll," When really you are this."

 I swap the doll with the shades to a doll that looked like Chara but had black goop coming out of her eyes," OK, granted, that is still really scary but soon you will look like this."

 I swap that doll for another one that looked like Chara with a black eye and was crying," But that's only if I continue doing missions with the Royal Sword. If I got to you without them, this is what I'll do to you."

 The video cut to a seen of me mashing a Chara doll with a boot. And sent back to my face," Not exactly death by my gigantic boot, but if I were to tell my friends about the video you sent me."

 I cut to a seen of me cutting a Chara doll with a knife and throwing it into a blender before cutting back to my face," Trust me, you will want death by my gigantic boot. So what's the solution to this problem?" 

The video cuts to a Chara doll that I am controlling. And a voice over starts,"This is Chara, Chara-"

 Cuts to my face." STAYS AWAY FROM OUR BASE."

 Cuts back to doll,"Chara keeps secrets, Chara-" 

Cuts back to my face," STAYS AWAY FROM OUR BASE!" 

Back to doll," And Chara gets out safe and unharmed-"

 Cuts to me and my face is all up in the screen," BY STAYING THE F AWAY FROM OUR BASE!!!"

And the video ends there.

"It's perfect. Now, how to get it to Chara's base...OH!" I grab the disc and put it into a case. Then bolt out of my room and into the commons


~~Sans POV~~

I'm in the Dinning Hall having breakfast with everyone when a white cat walks in. Everyone stairs at it and then it talks, TALKS. In a very familiar voice to,"Again, why are you looking at me like I just blew up the world?" It asks and walks over to were (Y/N) normally sits. OK, it's a white cat that can talk, and it acts chill... It kinda reminds me of (Y/N).

"(Y/N), is that you darling~?"MTT asks first.

"Yep, I'm a cat now... deal with it." (Y/N) cat says

"Wait... how are you a cat?" Asriel asks a little concerned.

"Umm... Isn't it obvious? I thought it was obvious." (Y/N) cat looks around the table," I'm a Neko, what makes you think I can't turn into a cat?" She asks back to him. The entire table goes "Oooh" And I just grin a bigger grin.

After everyone was done with their food (Y/N) cat went back to her room. I go on with my day until I hear the sound of a blender going off around lunch time. And (Y/N) has been in her room most of the day and I'm pretty sure I heard shouting earlier today. What is she doing in there? I try my best to ignore it. Around 4 o' clock (Y/N) come bursting into the room.

"I'MGONNABEGONEFORAGOODCHUNKOFTHEDAY!SHOULDBEBACKBYDINNER!BYE!" She shouted in one jumbled up sentence and ran out of the room. Everyone stud in silence trying to understand what she said.


There you go! Your chapter for the week! I hope you liked the treat video. That took me like... *checks time* I-don't-know-how-long to type. And has I-don't-know-how-many-words but I takes up a big chunk of the chapter. Welp, see ya in the next one!          

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