Chapter 3 : The Undying Undyne

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I found out how to put in pictures


~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I woke up. I was in a bed. I didn't know where I was. This is never a good thing. But I wasn't tied to the bed so... yay?

Let's look at our surroundings, shall we? There was... a bed. Next to the bed was a drawer. On the drawer was a lamp... and my stuff apparently. And this my friends is why I'm glad I have night vision. And that was it. The rest of the room was a gray color, which was udderly boring.

I stand up and walk out of the room. But there was a problem... the door... was... labeled... (Y/n) room. I NEVER label my room NAME and them ROOM. It just never happens. This goes against all of my rules/ morals. No, I simply cannot accept this.

I rush back into my room and grab my (f/c) (favorite color) Copic marker. ( I swear this is not sponsored. I just love Copic markers) I rush back out of the room and face the door. I angrily scribble out (Y/N)'s Room and write (F/A) (Favorite Animal) Closet. I take a step back to admire my work. 

Then I take the blankets and billows from all the rooms. Except for Sans' room. I'll take it later. I draped the blankets and pillows in my room to get a more 'home' feel once I was satisfied I took a nap in the bed. Only to be interrupted by Undyne "Yo PUNK- wow" She looks around the room then walks back into the hall to speech to some one in privet but I could still hear them.

"Sans I found the blankets and pillows."Undyne said to Sans. I don't know if they know that I can still hear them

"really? cool. sooo can we get them back? people were complaining all day."

"'re gonna have to ask her about that."Undyne said in an unsure voice. I quickly teleported behind Sans and said at the same time as him "ask who what?" Sans must have realized I was behind him because he got SUPER startled and jumped back a little. "how did you get here!?"

"...Magic"Is all I said then I asked Undyne" How did you even find my room, it was so cleverly disguised"

Undyne said "It's not disguised you just wrote (F/A) Closet on it"

"Yeah, so it's the (F/A) Closet not my room. So HA!" I said then walked into my room to put my stuff in the bed side drawer. "Why would you give me a room if I'm a prisoner?" I looked over at them with a confused look. It was silent for a bit then I just say "Well... you're no monsters so I guess it makes sense" I finished putting away all my stuff. Then I say "I'm headin' out. see ya later." I then walk out of my room and out of the building. I looked around at my new surroundings. OK step 1: Find the old hotel. step 2: Get forging tools step 3: set up a new blacksmith near the base. This was going to take a bit.

~~~Sans POV~~~

(when you stole the blankets+ pillows)

I woke up to Papyrus screaming, " SANS!?! DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY BLANKET AND PILLOWS ARE?!?"

"uhhh no?" I say this so unsurely that it sounds like a question.

Why would he be looking for his blankets and pillows? I have mine so shouldn't he have his? Whatever, I was just confused. I walk out of our room for breakfast, which is in the dinning hall. And instead I am greeted with everyone asking where the blankets and pillows are.

Why would everyone be missing  there blankets and pillows? I just don't know. Eventually I team up with Undyne to find the stolen stuff. ('Cause I'm so tired of writing blankets and pillows) We walk from room to room looking for the stuff. When we came up to (Y/N)'s room, something was different. The word "(Y/N)'s Room" was scribbled out and the words "(F/A) Closet" was written there in some fancy print.

Undyne just bursts into the room starts yelling. When she cuts herself off and says wow. She then walks out of the room and says, "Sans I found all of the blankets and pillows."

"really? cool, sooo can we get them back? people have been complaining all day." is all I respond with. And that's when I realized I was monologuing. For anyone who could be ease dropping.

"Umm... you're gonna have to ask her about that." Undyne says in a nervous voice.

"ask who what?" I noticed an echo in my voice. And that's when I realized that someone was behind me. I jumped back a little and saw that (Y/N) was behind me.

"how did you get here!?" I asked even though I should have already knew the answer.

"...Magic" Is all she said to me then asking  Undyne,"How did you even find my room, it's so cleverly disguised"  Undyne gave her a 'are you serious' look and said "It's not disguised, you just wrote '(F/A) Closet' on it"

"Yeah, so it's the (F/A) Closet, not my room. So HA" Y/N said back to her. Her logic make no sense . She then walks into 'the F/A Closet' and OMG all of the blankets and pillows are here and draped all over the room. (Y/N) just walks in like it's normal and puts all her stuff into the little dresser, and says"Why give me a room if I'm a prisoner" She looked at us with a confused look on her face.

For some random reason that made me feel so bad and I didn't know what to say. And judging by the look on Undyne's face, she didn't know what to say ether. So it was just awkward silence before (Y/N) says "Well... you're no monsters so I guess it makes sense" She finished packing her things and said "I'm headin' out, see ya later" and walks out of the room and out of the building. Meanwhile Undyne and I had to return all the blankets and pillows back to the rooms.

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