Chapter 38: Just a Dream

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~~~Last Time~~~

Sorry I didn't update pretty much all summer! I got lazy, had writer's block, and saw that not a lot of you were interested anymore so I thought it was okay!!

~~~This Time~~~

~~(Y/N) POV~~

Cold. That was the only thing I felt. After that whole ordeal with Undyne, Char and I ran. We ran for who knows how long. We wanted to put as much distance between us and the gang as possible. But that might not have been the best idea.

"HAY! GET UP! WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR SLAKERS!" One of the guards yell at me. I groan in response and haul myself off of the "bed" in my cell.

"HER HIGHNESS WANTS TO SEE YOU! SO GET MOVING!" The same guard yells at me. I give him a silent nod and wait for one of them to open the door to my room. This "room" is like one of those prison cells, but much worse. The entire cell is gray, it smells bad, there are open toilets, the bed is pretty much a brick, and we're fed rotting scrap. I would run, but "her highness" has cameras all over the place. If I tried to escape, I would be found in a matter of minutes.

The guard opens the door and throws me out of the room. I stumble at the rough landing and start to head to her office. Standing in front of the oak doors, the name "HER MAGESTY" in all caps, engraved in gold, really annoys me. She didn't have to work to get to where she is. She just had to say 'boo' and everything is her's. Why the f*ck am I doing this?

I knock on the door and wait for a response. A faint 'come in' reaches my ears as I let myself in. Behold, the lead b*tch herself. The one that caught me, killed Char, experimented on my family, and uses us for her own profit; Chara. Bask in her effed up glory. My god, where are the phantom thieves when you need them?

"YAY! You came on time! Congratulations! Now we can get the briefing started." Her voice drips sarcasm, except for that last bit. She says that in her serious tone.

I remain silent and allow her to continue. "Today's target is a big one." She starts, "You remember this man?" She holds out a picture of Peril and his son,"I need you to go to his mansion and spy on his next meeting. He should be talking to your old friends. Make sure there are no witnesses. If someone finds you, be a good girl and silence them."

"Is there anything in particular you want me to retrieve?" I ask.

"Tsk, tsk, no questions~ But since you brought up a good point, I'll let it slide~ I need you to get info on 235 pounds of ballistics and some sort of metal they're working on. If you do that, I miiiiight let you see what's left of your family~" She coos in her oh-so innocent voice. I nod and wait to be dismissed.

"Oh! And one more thing~ If you bring any one of those bastards to us, you're our first line of defense. You got that?" She informs. I get stiff, but nod none the less, "Good~ You are dismissed." She says. With that, I leave the room and go get ready for my spy mission.

I'm in all black clothing, from the tip of my ears, to the end of my tail. There's a sh*t ton of spy gear on me, half of which I have no clue does and don't even need, and some snacks. 'Cause why not? Get ready to go and off to Peril's mansion.

~~~Time Skip~~~

We arrive at Peril's mansion and get ready with the recording device. It's technically a pen with a microphone in it, but I can't judge. I get out of the big, black van and cut through a forest to get to the building. Go cat form, and crawl into a vent. After a bit of searching for the conference room, I stumble across it by pure luck of the draw. I get out the microphone pen with my mouth and record the following conversation:

"so, why'd you call us here?" a deep voice asks.

"I called you all here because I have some important news." A higher, important voice sounds.

"Are you getting re-married?" a gentile, female voice asks.

"W-what? No! I called you here concerning the ballistics and the ancrotheum. Why would I be getting re-married?" the noble voice asks.

"W-what kind o-of update do you hav-have for us d-doc?" a shy stutter voice comes in.

"Yeah, punk. What's soooo important about this ant-crossing-eum anyway?" A harsh, almost gravelly female voice butts in.

"It's Ancrotheum, and it's important because it's stronger and lighter than carbon fiber. You asked to get it made, and I did." noble says to gravel.

"OH, RIGHT! WE DID ASK FOR THAT TO GET MADE! NOW I, THE GRRRRATE PAPYRUSE, REMEMBERS!" a really loud, obnoxious voice interjects.

"Yeah, we'll need all we can get if we're planning on taking on Chara." a feminine, the most feminine, voice says.

"cool, so where can we pick it up?" the calm voice asks.

"It's at the train tracks. You know them. They'll be ready in 5 days." noble states.

"5 days? I'm sorry, but cant it be sooner?" the gentile voice asks.

"I'm sorry, but that's as soon as I can get it to you." noble states.

"It's fine, we need time to prepare anyways." the most feminine voice says.

"If you don't mind me asking, I'd like to know where (Y/N) is. Noah has been asking to see her lately. He wants another playdate." noble asks.

"..." the room falls completely silent and a certain dread fills the room.

"Undyne scared her off." A different voice says. It's not as deep as a male, but it's definitely at that side of the spectrum.

"What do you mean?" Noble asks.

"It's not my fault that she found the fake papers!" Gravel argues with no one.

"We know it's not your fault, but I have to wonder why you would have such things." the gentile voice says.

"Hay! I needed something to turn in for my boss at that time! Remember? Undercover mission?" Gravel says with some exaggeration, but the point gets across.

There's some sighing and something else that shows disappointment. What ever. I got what I need, I have to get going before I get caught. Getting out of the vents is a lot harder than getting in the vents, but I get out none the less. I climb into the van, and we head back to Her Highness's palace. Armed with info and low expectations.

~~~With the Monster Gang~~~

"Hey, someone was spying on us." A wolf-human hybrid says to the group.

"THERE WAS?" A loud, tall skeleton asks.

"They must have been really sneaky. Whoever they were." A goat remarks.

"No kidding. I didn't even know they were there!" A fish person exclaims.

"D-does th-that mean someone knows w-hat-what we're doing?" A cautious lizard asks, glancing about the room nervously.

"It would seem so." A slightly smaller goat person says.

"ya think you can follow the cent, kiddo?" a short, chubby skeleton asks.

"I can, but I don't think you'll like where it's going." the wolf says.

"Well, we don't know if you don't tell us!" the fish person states.

"It has scents of Chara. I think they, whoever they are, are heading to Chara's base.


I'm sorry I haven't updated all summer. I put the book on temporary hold to go out of state for a vacation, and neglected the story ever since.

Some background on this chapter: This takes place like, 5 years after the last chapter. During that time, Chara made you forget your old gang. All you know is that you used to roll with other people that "abandoned you". So you don't know who they are, you can't match voices or names with faces. You have no recollection of the monster gang what so ever. All you have is your family (Which Chara will kill if you try to deify her) and Chara's terrible family.

I'm sorry if I portrayed Chara incorrectly in this chapter. But I will display her this way for any chapter she's in. This is how you, as a character, views Chara. You know nothing of her past and only see her as a threat. You don't know if it's just the way she grew up, or something she experienced. You don't know. You don't care enough to want to know.

I am SilverDragon23, And I finally updated this story.

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