Chapter 5: The History of Me

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~~~Last Time~~~

The kitchen exploded with pasta sauce.

~~~This Time~~~

~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I was peacefully napping when I am interrupted by the yell of Papyrus. Witch kind of disappoints me since I need my rest. Especially after having to run for 4 hours lifting heavy materials.

"HUMAN (Y/N), IT IS DINNER TIME!" Papy yells. Gosh, I wish he would stop yelling. Just once that would be great.

" Dude you know that your loud boomy voice is killing my ears right?" You yell back at Papy.


"Okay Paps, I'll be down in a bit. Actually, where is the Dinning Hall, or what ever you call it?"


Doing what I am told, I follow Papyrus to the dinning hall for dinner. Upon entering, the first thing that I notice is the size of the room. This room is as big as Alphys's lab in hot lands. The second thing that I notice is that everyone is looking at me. We all just kind of stand/ sit there staring at each other for a few minutes. Needless to say, it was awkward.

"Uhhh... why are you looking at me like I just blew up the world?" I ask in a questionable tone.

Everyone gets the jist of it and stops staring. Eventually I spot the table where my friends sit. Ya' know, Sans, Paps, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Frisk, and Toriel. But for some reason Asgore wasn't there, probably because of Toriel.

I walk over and as soon as I sit down Undyne starts to pelt me with questions.

"What "other stuff" can you do?"

"Can you make bombs?"

"Can you defuse bombs?"

And "Can you make weapons?"

I give her a tired look and say, "Your questions are worse then Flowy's 'friendliness pellets'. "

That seemed to catch everyone off guard. As everyone at the table went silent and looked at me with what seemed like pity. I don't know why they would give me pity. I don't know why they would pity that statement. All I know is that they didn't take it kindly.

"*sigh* And the answer is A) All of the above." I say replying to all of Undynes questions from earlier. 

"uhhh what are you talking about kiddo?" Sans asks in skepticism.

" I mean that I can do all of the things you just asked me." I say looking proud of myself.

"R-really?" Alphys asked all shy-like.

"Yea, I can show you if you want. But it will have to wait till next morning." I say, offering a demonstration on how it is done.

"Hell yea punk! I would like to see how you do all that!" Undyne says excitedly.

"You don't get hurt while doing it, right?" I hear Toriel ask with worry.

"Uhhh does it really matter? I mean, it's a free weapon. I don't think it would matter." Stating my completely reasonable raisins.

"Yes it does matter my child." Toriel said in a stern voice.

"Since when did you adopt me!" I yell and stand up from my seat. But in the prosses I hit my gut on the edge of the table. The sudden pain coused me to fall backward and hit the back of my head on the floor, with my legs now on the seat. I flail my legs around and say, "My gu-u-uts my guts."

(Play video at 0:48 and stop at 0:51. In that time frame, that is what your position is)

After flailing around for 5 seconds I notice that I'm flouting in a blue aura again and everyone is watching. I am being flouted to Toriel to get healed. Which id good because I got a headache from hitting the floor. After getting healed we had dinner. I had some (f/f) (Favorite Food)and everyone else just had what ever they felt like.

We had some peaceful conversations all through out dinner, trying to catch up on everyone's lives. And the entire time, Mettaton kept on trying to advertise his/her products to who ever was willing to listen. When they asked me about my life things ended up getting personal.

"So how has your life been? We haven't seen you for quite a while. Anything new?" Toriel asked.

I begin to freeze up. Do I tell them the truth? Or do I come up with something and hope that they buy it.

"O-oh uhhh. Same old same old." I say and look in the opposite direction.

"i heard a stutter in there." Sans pointed out.

"*mumbles* Dammit Sans. *sigh* Well you guys will figure out sooner or later so why not just tell you now. But be prepared for a story."

After the barrier was opened I was excited to get back to my family. I happily run to my home town, expected to be greeted with kisses and hugs from my parents. And pies and other backed goods from my grandma. And playful tackles and tears of joy from my 15 other siblings. But what I was greeted with instep was terrifying.

My home had been torn to shreds and looted for anything of use. And my family had been killed mercilessly. They had taken my 7 brothers and 8 sisters. And I watched them kill my grand parents. All I did was hide in the nearby bushes and watched. When they were about to kill one of my little brothers is when I jump into action. I launched myself at the man holding the gun and pin him down to the ground. Only to get caught by 3 other people.

I fought as hard as I could to try and save what I had left of my family. I ended up being captured as well. We were all taken to a lab and experimented on. I tryed to make myself the target of all of there experiments so my brothers and sisters didn't have to. I had to deal with the pain every day for months on end.

Every time I got back to my cell I was greeted with worry. Worry from my brothers. Worry from my sisters. And sometimes, if I'm lucky, worry from the lab assistant. That assistant did everything she could to make us feel better. She would violate the rules set up by the lead scientist just to bring us a toy or some extra food. That women was our hero back then. 

I tryed to do everything in my power to keep my brothers and sisters happy. That is where I got my happy joking attitude that I have now. With what little time that we had together, we would play, we would joke, we would mess around. There smile is what I lived for at the time.

Until the day that they were taken to another lab or something to be tested on or something worse. Ether way, I couldn't protect them any more. I couldn't help them. I couldn't do anything.

That was the most hopeless I have ever been in my life. Everything turned into a routine at that point. The physical pain didn't hurt anymore because of the emotional pain. I missed them so much. And the lead scientist thought that my suffering was amusing.

After 2 more months of putting up with his shinnanigins, I found out that I had macig, and blew the place sky high. I let everyone out of the building before I blew it up though. As hard as I try, I can't bring myself to hate them for what they have done. Even the lead scientist, I had difficulties hating.

I just wanted to get as far away from this place as possibe. After 2 weeks of traveling I stumbled upon this abandoned city. And the bilding closest to where I was, was the hotel. I stayed there for 5 months, and over those 5 months I had been recovering from all the trauma that I had experienced. Until you guys showed up. And you know what happens next.

" And that is how I got to now." I say weekly. Tears were streeming down my face and I knew that my nose would be red as well as my eyes.

I take a quick glance at everyone sitting at the table. Papyrus and Toriel were crying to, Undyne had this look that said 'Wow' on her face, Alphys left a little wile ago, and Sans just looked at me with blank eyes and just said "sorry for asking" I got up and went back to my room and just cryed myself to sleep.


The video up top is just for fun, watch it if you would like to. Also, I want to know if I should put Asriel in this story. Comment if you think i should.

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