Chapter 7: Who are You?

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So, only 2 people have voted on the Asriel thing. Out of those 2 votes, both voted yes. So, seeing as no one has voted against the idea, Asriel will be added to the story.

~~~Last Time~~~

My butt is itchy.

~~~This Time~~~

~~~(Y/N)'s POV~~~

It has been a week after I showed everyone my skills in the forge. As well as the fact that I can fix a gun. Let's just say... that a lot of stuff needed to be fixed. People would come to me with dull blades, cracked swords, jammed revolvers, and broken guns. And when I say broken guns, I mean broken guns. Like, the barrel would be brittle, from the amount the gun has been fired, or something wouldn't loud. Long story short, it was a rough week.

I was in my room fixing Papyrus's shot gun. Apparently when he pulled the trigger, nothing happened. I'm trying to figure out why it wouldn't fire. I'v checked everything, on the out side. I was about to take it apart when the phone buzzed at me.

I sigh and hit the red button on the device, "What is it?" I say into the speaker. It is currently on speaker phone so I can work and talk at the same time.

"hello, this is sans. anyway, can you come to the commons? there is someone we would like you to meet." He said through the speaker.

"We? Is there more than one person that is on this command?" I ask. ( When more than one person is commanding an action.)

"yes, now can you get down here?" he asked getting a little impatient with me.

"Well it depends. Do you want me to fix Paps gun first? Or is this person that important." I say trying to stall for time to fix my current project.

"you can fix the gun later. you need to meet this person now." he said all demandingly. ('Cause that is so totally a word.)

"Okay, okay. Sheesh. I'll be down there in a second." I say into the microphone.

I hung up and do my light travel so it literally took a second. I stop at the entrance of the commons. I open the doors and see Sans end the call we were on. He walks over to tell me something, and I have to bend down to let him wispier in my ear.

"okay, now try to control your enthusiasm this time." he whispered into my ear.

I turn to him and wispier in his "ear", "I'll try."

I stand up strait and look at the crowd. They seem to be covering something. The way they are all huddled up, barley giving each other space. I approach the group carefully, eyeing them and any move they make.

Suddenly, a mystery person shoved through the crowd, "Uhhhh. What are you waiting for?" this person asked.

I look at him with a face that says I'm-trying-to-understand-what's-going-on-gimme-a-minute. He stares at me, and I stare him back. During this time I hold a card above my head that says "rendering facial features". I receive a giggle from the person. He looks to be male, he's a goat like Tori and Asgore, and he is wearing what looks like a yellow newspaper boy outfit with a yellow captain's hat. (Want better description? See picture.)

Once I have gotten a good look at his facial features, I change the card to "data received" and yell at him in a batman voice, " WHO SENT YOU!?! WHOOOOOO!?!?" I yell in the raspy batman voice. (Yes I just mentioned batman twice, because Batman wins)

After that I burst out laughing and fall on the floor.

"I'm dieing pleas help me." I manege to say between laughs.

The goat dude helps me up, and says "I'm Asriel. Son of Toriel and Asgore."

"Oh, that explains a lot." I say, copletly ignoring the looks I was getting from Toriel and Asgore.

"Anyway, I'm (Y/N).... Hay look a butter-fly." I say as a stick of butter, with paper wings on it, 'flys' through the room on a piece of string. I use my magic to summon butterflies around the room. I look at the butterflies and say, "What are these things?"

Everyone in the room tries to stifle a laugh. And Sans failed so hard. He laughs hard enough that he falls on the ground laughing. I quickly rush to Sans's side and pretend to be a medic.

"Oh no! Man down, someone call the amberlaps!" I say sounding like this is a serious situation. Even though it's clearly not, since I just said "amberlamps."

I use my magic to levitate two lamps over. One with a red shade and the other with a blue shade. I turn them on and off in a pattern and make the ambulance noise. The lamps rush to Sans's side. I act like I'm opening the doors to the "ambulance" and I get into an invisible ambulance and take out the practice medical kit.

I rush to Sans that is still laughing from me joking around with the amberlamps. I take out a band-aid and put it on Sans's forehead and sit there acting proud of my work.

"Wait... something still isn't right." I say, putting a hand on my chin." *le gasp* I know!"

I take out a sticker sheet and run over to Asriel. I take off one of the more floral designs and put it on Asriel's right cheek. "Purrrfect." I say with everyone in the room cracking up. Well... except for Papyrus, he was just saying "NYOOO HOOO HOOO" in the middle of the group.

"Awww come on Papyrus, that pun was...," I pause to see if Papyrus will respond, "(Y/N) I WILL HARM YOU." I ignore his threat and continue, "CATtastic!" I say.

Papyrus groans in annoyance, Sans and Toriel laugh at the pun, and everyone else rolls there eyes. I just stand there proud of my work. "that joke was CLAWsome if you ask me." Sans says, recovering from my pun. 

"Pfffft *Giggle* Anyway I need to fix Paps Shotgun, See ya guys later" I leave the Commons and walk back to my room and continue working on Paps gun. It took some time I fixed it. I call Papyrus and tell him the good news " Hey Paps! Your gun is fixed. Do you want to come and get it? Or should I just put it in your room?" Paps was busy at the moment so I just put the gun in his room and walk out, only to bump into Sans on the way out," oh, i'm sorry" Sans said helping me off the ground" Oh, hi Sorry, I'm (Y/N)!" I say with a smile on my face. 

"okay, i walked into that one" Sans said letting out a chuckle.

"You're standing, not walking." I pointed out.

"wow, i'm getting burned so bad." His chuckle turning into a laugh.

"OH NO, YOU'RE BURNED!? Here let me get you some ice." I say with an even bigger smile on my face. We both laugh for a bit and I head back to my room and fall asleep on my bed, in a pile of blankets.


So there you go, Asriel is in the story. I don't know what he will do but I was thinking that he would act as competition to Sans, because Sans seems to have it rather easy right now, and I want to fix that.

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