Chapter 9: Bye, I'll see You at Dinner!

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~~~Last Time~~~

Once I was 7 years old, my mamma told me "go make yourself some friends, or you'll be lonely."

~~~This Time~~~

~~~(Y/N) POV~~~

I showed Undyne the drawing, and watched her reaction. She looked like a little kid that just got the best toy ever. But why wouldn't she look like that? I specifically made that gun to suet her.

"It's cool, but how does it work?" Undyne asks.

"Well, you use your magic spears to fill the barrel. This means that it will never run out of ammo. For those times when a ranged weapon isn't what you need, you can pull off the handel of the gun and flip it around, and it becomes a brass knuckle. The barrel turns into a knife. All you have to do is magic a knife blade instead of a spear." I say, explaining everything.

Everyone looks in astonishment at the drawing. I swear, Undyne has stars in her eyes. I've never seen her look so happy, at a drawing no less.

"Uhhh, do you have it?" She asked.

"Yes, but it's a prototype." I say.

She looked so hopeful. "Which is why we need to go to the shooting range, and shoot stuff with it first." She burst out.

We walked out of the Dinning Hall, after we finished our breakfast of cores. We made a quick pit stop at the forge to get the weapon before going to the shooting range. Undyne loaded a spear and fired and it didn't fall apart so it was good... for now. Undyne took it apart so it was a knife and brass knuckle. And though some punches and slashes. Put it back together at shot a few more rounds. The prototype worked. I just had to modify a few things and it was good. 

~~~Time-skip to when friends have their own personal weapon~~~

So everyone had their own weapon. Paps had a regular shotgun but it was made out of stronger steel, so it could take a beating and give out just as much. Alphys had a pen with a blade in the barrel just to use when completely necessary. Mettaton had Mini Metta Bombs just stylish grenades. Toriel had a mini magic flamethrower. Asriel got a Chaos Blaster pistol. And Sans had a revolver that looks like a Gaster Blaster so it was cooler.  So things were going great.

  But I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh yeah! I still have all those trackers in my room. I should probably destroy those before something bad happens. I head back to my room and I take all the trackers and put them in a bag and I run far away from the base. Keyword run. Because if I destroy them at the base then Chara, or whoever put these trackers on, will know that the base is there, that's just common sense, so if I destroy them away from the base then they will think that the base was a pit stop or something and not harm it. And the reason I'm running is so Chara will think that Somebody didn't find the trackers... yet.

I get to a clearing a decent distance away from the base, and it's in the woods, even better. I drop the bag, open it up, and start breaking the trackers. Once they were all destroyed I teleport back to the base in time for Dinner. Yes, I worked past Lunch. But is doesn't matter,  as long as everyone is safe.

~~~Asriel POV~~~ 

So I wake up and it's like 10:00 a.m. Man I sleep in. It's normal for mafias to wake up super early, whether it is to do a surprise attack or just to get something done before a big mission. I however, have a habit of sleeping in. I should really fix that.

I head to the Dinning Hall for breakfast, or brunch depending on who you ask. I enter and notice that (Y/N) isn't there. Huh, strange. Even if they are done with a meal they usually stick around and chat with there friends, showing them ideas or something like that.

I shrug it off and go sit down and enjoy my breakfast. Afterwords I go to my room to buff my shoos out or sharpen blades. Ya know, prep stuff. In case I have to go on a mission, I want to be ready.

~~~Time Skip brought to you by chargers constantly unplugging themselves~~~

~~~Asriel POV~~~

It's lunch time and I still haven't seen (Y/N). I have checked everywhere. I checked the shooting range, to see if she was testing a weapon. I checked the commons, since that is the place where everyone goes to hang out. I tried to check (Y/N) room, but I couldn't find it. But for some reason there is a (F/A) Closet... I wonder why that's there.

I walk back to the Commons and I see (Y/N)'s group talking. I approch them, maybe they know of (Y/N)'s whereabouts. Undyne is the first to see me, since she is facing the general direction that I was. 

"Howdy, I was wondering if you knew where (Y/N) was?" I ask the group. Sans looked at me with a look that said "you better not be up to something." The group looked at each other for a bit, as if debating on something... or just thinking.

"N-now th-that you m-mention it. W-we ha-ven't seen (Y-Y/N) ever s-since br-breakfast." Alphys stuttered out.

"Well... do you at least have any idea on where she could be?" I asked, wanting to find (Y/N) and make sure that she's safe.

They all shake there heads. *Sigh* *Thinking face*

"look kiddo, you'll just have to wait till she gets back. that shouldn't be such a problem now, should it?" The skelepun says.

"I just hope she's okay." I say looking out a window.

~~~Time Skip brought to you by Chara getting death by my giant boot~~~

~~~Still Asriel POV ~~~

It's dinner, and (Y/N) still isn't here. I was sitting in the Dinning Hall when the doors open. I look up and I see (Y/N)!!! She is a bit sweaty and bruised, but I don't care! I run up to her and give her a hug.

She seemed a little surprised at first but hugged back. We stayed like that for 30 seconds before she diapered. I started to freak out,and looked around. I found her behind me... hugging Sans. I can't believe that she would bale on me to hang out with Sans! And Sans of all people! What's so good about him that's better than me?

I walk over, wanting to hear there conversation. Maybe I can get some info on where (Y/N) was all day.

"so kiddo, where were you? we haven't seen you since breakfast." Sans asked.

"Oh! I was getting rid of the trackers that Chara put on the shipment." (Y/N) responded.

"why didn't you destroy them here?" he asked.

"'Cause Chara would go to the last location that the trackers were last/ before they were destroyed." She answered.

"so you took them somewhere else and destroyed them there?" he asked

"Yep. I tried to make it seem like the base was a pit stop to switch trains." She explained to the group.

They all nod there head in agreement at what she said. Honestly, she was right. We destroy the tracers here, Chara would know that the base was here. But it begs the question, where did she put the tracers?

What ever, I'll ask here tomorrow. For right now, I'm going to bed.

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