Final: Rescue

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Alright everyone, hold onto your balls; we don't want anything to get stolen.


Somehow I was caught during my last mission. And somehow Chara found out about it. I am currently being dragged to her office to be interrogated.

"So... (Y/N)... Any explanation as to why you were found?" Chara asks in a sickly sweet voice.

"One of the more animalistic members must have caught my sent, ma'am." I answer quickly. If I follow along, the punishment might be reduced.

"Hmm... to bad. Well, remember what I said before your mission?" Chara looks at me maliciously.

"I was to be the first line of defence if they were to come here." I quote.

"Perfect. Now go get prepared. They are coming soon." Chara dismisses me with a wave of her hand.

I walk back to my cell to get changed. I prefer to fight in my spy gear more than anything else. It provides more protection than the rag I'm wearing right now. I slip on the skin tight latex outfit and pick my weapons.

I have magic, but they have some as well... and there is no telling what type of limits Chara will put on me to make the fight more 'entertaining'.... I'll go light, just enough weapons to protect me if I can't use magic, but light enough that they won't get in my way if I can.

I look myself over, checking as I go. I have throwing knives for a range and slicing weapon. I have various gadgets to do tricks and spells. I plan on using scare tactics and trickery to mess with their heads... I would like a mid-range weapon so it isn't just two types of combat... I don't have my katana though... I hope this will work. I can probably steal something off of them that will work as a mid-range weapon. Yes, this will work.

I exit my cell and wait by the entrance they plan on taking. Using my neko ability while I can, I warp the light around me to appear in a white dress. My skin looks cleaner and glows slightly. I almost look like a ghost or angel. I'll use this to lure them to Chara's boss room and have the fight there.

Right on que, the door busts down.  All of the main members of the Royal Sword stand in the doorway. They look around at the interior of Chara's hideout. I giggle to get their attention. Just like that, all of their eyes lock on me. The major response is shock. They look at me, jaws open, and frozen on the spot.

I flash them a smile before turning on my heels and strutting down the corridor. I turn a corner and use light manipulation to go invisible. For once, I might actually have to thank that horrible doctor for these new abilities.

There are heavy footsteps behind me. They are following, good. Good. I continue to lead them through the catacombs of Chara's bunker. Using the same taktic to draw them to Chara's boss room.

I stand in the middle of the room, my back facing the entrance. A sky light provides a spot light for me to stand under. The room is designed like the throne room from the underground. They enter the room noiseally, panting and on heavy footsteps. I turn on my heels to face them. Instead of a smile, a look of sorrow covers my features.

A small kid, one that looks a lot like Chara, walks toward me. I signal to the guards behind me. The skylight closes abruptly. The sound of panic emits from the Royal Sword members. Electric lights turn on, highlighting the room in a pasty white. I stop bending the light around me.

The monsters gasp at my new appearance.  Black skin suit, short hair, rather dirty, and clad in weaponry. The Chara look-alike takes a step back.

A chuckle emits behind me. "Well done. I like the reveal. You did good (Y/N)." Chara complements from behind me.

The Royals look behind me, at Chara. One monster speaks up. A Short skeleton in dark blue. "what have you done to her? why is she here?"

"Hmhmm~ Wouldn't you like to know. Bring the rest out." Chara demands of a guard. I peek behind me, hoping she isn't talking about the others.

Unfortunetly, they are exactly what she is talking about. My 17 siblings are brought out in chains. Their hands are cuffed, and one band goes around their necks. From first glance, you can tell that the nack bands are far too tight. The rest of their bodies are restrained by more chains. They are dragged in front of Chara, facing the entrance of the room, and forced to kneel.

"Now, (Y/N). Everytime you use your light bending magic, one of these cats are wiped. Be careful~" Chara coos at me.

I visibly tense at the sight of my brothers and sisters in chains. Alice (Nyo!Italy Al-ee-ch-eh) was in tears, begging not be hurt. With a newfound determination, I face the members. I take on a fighting stance with one of the throwing knives.

The world flashes black and white before settling into the battle screen. A little heart displayed itself in front of me. The little kid from before stands up to me, a red heart proudly floating in front of their chest.

Instead of taking the first action, I wait until the turn shift. I had skipped my turn. The child selected 'ACT' and checked my spects. They all take one glance at my LV and cringed. I smirked under my breath. Back to my turn.

There is no options that pop up in front of me. With no warning, I fling the blade in my hand at the fish lady. Recognising that none of the monsters were expecting to be attacked. A bone thrusts up from the ground to catch the blade. The monsters do some type of rotation and now it is me against a phish, a short skele, and a tall skele.

"(Y/N), WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING US?" The tall skeleton asks.

I give no response and keep my eyes locked on the fish lady, having deemed her my target. A wave of attacks are sent my way. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I can't light travel so I have to dodge them the old fashioned way. It's a good thing cats always land on their feet. They all attack in a cycle. Going fish, skele, skele. The rhythm is easy to pick up,  they don't really try to hide it.

A few cycles into the fight a force acts upon me. It lifts me up to the ceiling. A strange sense of deja vu washes over me. I almost expect not to hit the ceiling, or to get thrown into the wall aggressively. There are a few shouts from the monsters. The fight atmosphere dissipates, but I'm not let down from the ceiling.

Pained shouts snaps me back to reality. The first thing my eyes do is dart over to the remnants of my family. They are being wiped for no reason. I haven't used light magic; I haven't used any magic! Why are they being hurt? I start to struggle against whatever is holding me. I can't stand up. I can't use magic. I can't save them!

Tears slip from my eye. I feel so... useless. I failed to protect them. It's like that lab all over again. The only difference is... I can't do anything. I'm an observer, I don't have the power to do something. I can only watch as they writhe in agony. I hate this feeling... I-I want to be down there, protecting them... but why can't I?

There comes a point in time where you can only take so much. Where all your will power to hold everything in breaks, and emotions flood all your thought process. You become irrational and set on solving what is bothering you. But there also comes a point in time when everything escapes you. When you feel like nothing you do will ever amount to any bit of success. That hopelessness is the exact feeling I am experiencing right now.

I flout there numbly watching the fighting from above. My eyes fixed on my family. Alfred and Monika (Nyo!Germany) fight back the most. I wish I could be them. 

I continue to watch until something came flying at me. Pain engulfed my entire being. I writhe like my family on the ceiling. Looking down at myself to the best of my ability. A bullet, or something like it, embedded itself into my soul. Having been traped on the ceiling by soul magic, my soul didn't dissipate once the fight was over.

Another 'bullet' comes flying at me. I don't think these are stray hits, these are deliberate. Someone is aiming for me with the intent to kill. Pain overwhelms me and I inevitably pass out.

~~~Time Skip brought to you by me being sorry~~~

I'm in a different place... on a different bed... in different clothes... at least I'm not chained to the bed...? Once the reality hits me, I shoot out of bed without a second thought. Pain slashes through me, but I pay it no mind. I scan the room I am in. It's light by a open window, the walls are a warm ivory color, and the temperature is rather warm. A major contrast to the cold, gray cell I was assigned.

I stand up from the bed. My legs shake as I stand in place at the edge of the bed. I ignore the unsteady balance and walk to the door. My hands shake as I reach out for the doorknob. I finally open the door to a hallway. I look left and right in a confused manner. The deja vu sense is back. Like I know this place. I decide to follow this gut feeling and turn right.

Before I know it, I'm standing in front of a pair of doors. I push the doors open, any and all instinct to defend myself disappeared a few hallways ago. The sound of chatter stops and I feel eyes on me. I look at the room. It's big, and has a friendly atmosphere. There are couches and tables. A grand carpet lays at the center of the room with a buffet table of snacks on it. 

The burning feeling of eyes burrows itself into my skin. I finally take notice of the monsters in the room. They all look at me shocked. There's the feeling of deja vu again. Something about this place feels so familiar. Like... I don't know, like I spent a part of my life here.

"DUDETTE!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Alfred yells, standing up from a table. 

"Ve~ Sorella is okay! Chiara (Nyo!Romano Key-ARE-ah) isn't that-a great!" Alice exclames, shaking her sister.

Before much time has passed, I'm sitting at a table with everyone surrounding me and asking questions. Why. Why WHy WHY. WHY does this feel so familiar. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't touch it.

"A-....A-Ar-th-th-ther..." I manage to struggle out. My voice is horse and it feels like I was out for a long time.

"Yes, love? Do you need something (Y/N)?" Arthur was right next to me and everyone quieted down.

"H-How long w-was I o-out-t?" I finally manage.

"About three weeks." He answers, barely batting an eye.

"A-and what ab-ou-out the deja v-vu? Why do-es it feel li-ike I have a me-memor-ry block?" I ask looking up at him.

"That might have something to do with whatever that vilan did to you, sis." Alfred suggests.

"Wh-what di-did she do-o? Why-y don't I re-remember it?" I ask.

"Onee-chan, when you were serected for spy work, they fed you a rie. For the rie to work, they had to erase some rear memories." Ponko (Nyo!Japan) explains.

"Can the me-more-ries be restored?" I ask, my stutter getting better.

"Zhey will come back on zhere own, soeur. No need to force zhem to come back if it will 'appen naturally." Francis explains.

~~~3rd POV~~~

What Francis said turned out to be true. Over the course of a few weeks (Y/N) regained her memories of her time in the Royal Sword. And that included the emotional attachments. One night while laying in bed, (Y/N) was diving through her new found memories and noticed her sporadic heartbeat when she stopped on a short skeleton.

She reluctantly told her family about her new crush and they had very willingly helped her propose to said skeleton.

What happens next will only be told by time.


Extra long chapter this time. I have finally finished the story, more or less because it being unfinished annoyed the crud out of me. Your family was the Allies (America, England, France, China, Russia, and Canada) and the Nyo!Axis including a few others (Italy, Romano, Germany, Prussia, Japan, Spain, Ukraine, and Belarus) Ukraine and Belarus were not gender-bent because they were already girls and needed to be your sisters. I said that you had 15 family members, but the Hetalia characters I just listed only add up to 14. That is because one of your family didn't make it. They were your actual genetic brother, Kaile.

I hope you enjoyed the story.

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