Ch. 1: Mafia Town. Act 4: Down With The Mafia

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Sun's POV

I felt good that we have three time pieces. But, also annoyed at the Mafia from earlier that kept running instead of giving us the time piece. We would've left him alone if he gave us it. Anyway, we gotta meet Roxanne at their Mafia HQ, but how do we get there? I then saw a cannon.... it's probably that way because my brother is literally getting into it. I got into the cannon as well and closed the lid. The cannon shot us up to their Mafia HQ and then, we saw Roxanne on something with three Mafia surrounding her.

"You guys took your time, help me out here. Get these brutes off my case, so we can go inside" She said. I threw a concoction at the Mafia and only two exploded. Moon hit the other one with his umbrella. Roxanne jumped down. "Awesome job, guys" She said and went to the button. She stood on it. I also went to the button at stood on it and, as soon as I did that, the door opened. "Come on" Moon said and he, Roxanne and I walked in their HQ.

Once we were in, I saw a Mafia member with a time piece going into somewhere called a "theatre". "We have to go to the kitchen and then the freezer. The boss is pass that point' Roxanne said. "Alright then" I said. "I'll go see if it's locked or not" She said, walking off to the kitchen. "I'll go see if they'll let us in" I said, walking to the Mafia. "I don't think they'll let,......" Moon stopped himself and sighed. "Nevermind. I'll go explore" Moon said and walked away. I looked at the Mafia. "Hi, can you let us i-" "No" The Mafia said. "Look, we need something in there. It's really important" I said. "No" He said again. I sighed and walked away from the Mafia. 'I hope Moon's having a better time than me' I thought.

Moon's POV

I went in a door and walked around until I saw a button, which I stood on. And... the cage blocking a key was opened, but, when I stepped of the button, it closed again. I tried it again, but with the Sprint Hat, but again, the cage closed and I couldn't get through. I turned around and went back through the door. 'There's gotta be something that can hold the button down long enough for me to get the key' I thought, then I looked up. 'Hmm... I wonder if it's up on the rafters' I thought, then stood on the counter, then jumped up to the rafters. I walked around and then, I saw a bucket with.... something in it next to a.... cat. I walked up to the cat.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Cooking cat!" The cat said. "And what do you do?" I asked. "I cook the actual dinner up here, and swap it out before anyone eats the Mafia's cooking. I'm sure people will die if they ate the Mafia prepared food" The cat said. "Alright then. Uh...... I just came to get that bucket" I said, pointing to the bucket. "Oh, I have multiple, you can take it" "Thanks" I took the bucket and jumped down from the rafters.

I went back though the door, and throw the bucket on the button, which opened the cage. I went in and got the key. I went back through the door and went to the kitchen. I went through the kitchen door and walked to the freezer door where Sun and Roxanne were waiting for me. "You got a key??" Sun asked and I nodded my head. "How?" "There was a cage that held a key, and a button, so I had to get something to hold the button down long enough for me to get it. I met a cat by the way" I said. "Oh" "Anyway, this door was locked anyways, so we couldn't get in" Roxanne said. "But now.... we can, but you guys go on ahead, I'll keep watch here" She added. "Alright" Sun said while I unlocked the door. Me and Sun both walked in.

When we were in, we saw a vent that led somewhere. "Let's go" Sun said and jumped on the platforms. I followed him and after, we both reached the vent. I crawled in and he followed. We crawled until we reached.... a room filled with..... gold, maybe. "Moon, look" Sun said, pointing around the corner. I looked and saw a man on a throne. "Come on" I whispered to my brother, who nodded and we both walked up to the guy on the throne.

Once we walked up, he got up from his throne. "So it is you!" He said. "Ever since you guys landed from the sky, it has been raining with these timepieces" He added. "You must be very lost, kid with the hat and kid with the rays. I've haven't seen a timepiece in so long. If you want it back, we must settle in true Mafia style" He continued. "Lights! Action! It is.... showtime!" He said.

*After the boss battle*

The guy exploded and then he dropped the timepiece, which I caught before it hit the ground while Roxanne got freed by Sun. After, we all looked at the Mafia, who ran. We then saw something went passed us and the timepiece I had in my hands was gone. Me and Sun turned around to see Roxanne juggled the timepiece in her hand. "So what do these things do anyway? Are they some sort of rare collectors item?" She asked. "Um........ not really. We just need the back, it's really important" Sun said. "Fine. Here" Roxanne said and tossed it to Sun, who then fumbled and failed to catch it. "Really Su-" I started to say, but it made time pause and rewind.

It rewound back to when Roxanne juggled the timepiece, but it was the ground now. "Are they some of rare collec-" She started to say, then she stopped herself. "Wait,...... huh?" She asked, then we all looked at the timepiece. I looked back at her and I rubbed my head. Roxanne also looked back at me and reacted a completely different way. 

"Whoa! What!!" She shouted and she grabbed the timepiece. "Did.... you two know about this?" She asked. Sun looked up, walked over to her and grabbed the timepiece while I nodded my head. Roxanne was shocked, then speechless, then she spoke. "This is crazy!! Do you even realize what could be done with these?!" She asked. "We can make it so you never got punched in the face by the Mafia that one time" She continued. "Which is what happened to me" Sun mumbled. "We could beat up the Mafia, travel back in time, and then beat 'em up again" Roxanne said. "Wait, no. We can it so the Mafia never arrived on the island" She added. "Wait, wait. Even better, we could become crime fighing time-travellers" She said with her arm on my shoulder.

Me and Sun both stared at her, then stepped back from her. Sun shook his head, then put the timepiece in his pocket. "Wait, what? This doesn't make any sense" Roxanne said. "What doesn't make sense?" I asked. "You two have all this power and you're not even gonna use it to fight evil?" She asked. Sun shook his head again. "Uh..... while I love that idea of no more Mafia Town, this is where we met you and the others, so..... sorry, but no" I said. "Plus, it is really irresponsible to use our timepieces that way" Sun said, then I whispered "I think she doesn't care" in Sun's ear to make sure Roxanne doesn't hear. "Well fine. If you two are not gonna use them to fight evil,....... then I will" Roxanne said, then walked up to Sun. "I'm not gonna let this island remain as Mafia Town. I'll collect all the timepieces with the help of my friends. You have my word on it" She said, then she walked away. "Told you" I said, walking away with Sun following me.

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