6. Ten thousand screaming kids

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The following morning was chilling, a cool fog blanketed the village swooping it in a calming misty atmosphere. Konoha was busy bustling with life despite this, children screaming and running in the market made my ears fliker as they skidded passed my hiding spot. My eyes studied the area around with a careful gleam, the stall roof wasn't the best place per-say to sleep now that these pesky humans were awake.

A jolt went through the steel tiles as an odd human bumped his head into the stall roof before grasping his head in pain. I glared at him from my spot.

Yawning I gathered all my willpower just to stand up, stretching out my flexible long spine and humming with satisfaction as I heard it pop. Shaking my head I turn tailed and leapt upwards on a nearby windowsill, using the same method to cramper up the walls and onto the rooftops. A brief whisk of wind ruffled my fur an I closed my eyes in bliss, enjoying it.

'Yesss that's more like it' I thought, mood lifting.

Closing my eyes I sniffed around for any scents I could possibly recognise, anything that was food. I was too scared to try anything from the market place, who knew what in earth those humans would put inside theirs. I shivered thinking of chocolate and garlic–although tasty for humans I couldn't eat them. My stomach growled in protest but I hushed it. "Quiet stummy." I scolded.

I didn't understand the human's need for so many different words that only meant the same, why have tummy and stomach when you could have stummy?

The sound of flapping wings snapped me out of my thoughts, my eyes zeroing in on a fat looking pidgeon. A nice fat looking pidgen who I decided would look much better inside my belly.

'Say bye bye' I thought as I crept closer to it and leapt.

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Okay so in hindsight it might have been a good idea to look before leaping at something that could fly. However good news! I found Naruto again.

Bad news.

I only found him because I completely missed the pigeon and only then remembered that one, I was on the bloody rooftops and two, pigeons could fly dammit.

Cue me flailing right into Naruto's face which sent us both harshly tumbulling backwards.

Landing roughly with a 'ooff' I heaved for breath as the wind was knocked out of me. Something heavier and much more deadly than falling off the roof practically flattened me into the cement. A very frightening and bloodthirsty Naruto.
And that was the last anyone has ever heard of me as I took my last breath.

Just kidding! I wish.

"Youch! What?" Naruto rolled off, confused beyond belief on why pray and tell there's a ball of black in front of him. A fluffy ball of black that was currently glaring at him with metallic golden eyes.

"Ermmmm sorry kitty cat, I didn't mean to squish you!" He apologised quickly, flinching as if I was about to hit him. Me...a tiny cat....

I suddenly felt all the irritation of becoming a pancake leave me like water vapour as sympathy replaced it. No child should ever have to react like that. I instantly recognised the effects of emotional and mental abuse as Naruto's emotions turned sour.

Letting go of what happened (It was kind of my fault anyways) I walked up to him and nudged his hand with my head, taking the hint Naruto slowly patted my head–cautious. His small fingers raked through my medium length fur and he relaxed, calmer now. Good.

He took a better look at me, his blue eyes meeting my gold ones in deep thought before he suddenly jolted, making me instinctively flinch back. "It's you!" He exclaimed. "That day with the bread!" He smiled at the memory, reaching out and pulling me into his chest in a god awful hug–I let him.

Okay fine the hug wasn't awful but I'd never admit it.

He smiled happily to himself in glee, swishing me left and right as he squeezed me in his tiny arms before pulling away, holding me up in the air. The horror.

"You're coming with me to the Academy today." Naruto insisted, a determined gleam in his eyes. Without letting me decide the brat pulled me to his chest again and started walking off in another direction, west towards the heart of the village.

I contemplated making a break for it but was held back by Naruto's happy humming. The brat's mood has greatly lifted and he seemed quite content to be party'n it up with a kitty cat of all things. Why he wanted me to come I had no idea, but it wouldn't be that bad right? After all where there's children theres food.

What kind of academy would it be? I wondered.

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Okay something was definitely weird about this village, the other normally friendly and easygoing civilians were sending glares our way, and not just any glares! They shot venomous looks right at us, not even bothering to be subtle. They were the looks you'd give your mother in law when she brought you to court for shitting in her mailbox. The terror!

Naruto pretended to not notice them but I could feel his bubbly mood slowly decline with each step, his hands shook as he tried to stay strong—for reasons unknown. The only thing genuine in the young boy's body language was that determined spark in his eyes. Taking pity on him I murred a soft meow of confort, purring gently to try and help him.

Naruto glanced down at me and smiled, hand moving to pat my head. "It's okay kitty, the academy is awesome! They're teaching me how to be a ninja. A ninja!!" He repeated to make sure I heard it the first time. Y'know, just in case. "Iruka-sensei is nice to me and he'll be nice to you too!" He chirped loudly, a bit on the obnoxious side if you asked me. But his heart was pure and his temperament grand, like the glistening sea under the fragment rays of the sun.

....Hey I can be poetic.

I inwardly sigh, great. My weakness, kids.

We arrived at a red boob shaped looking building. The structure really needed a new paint job, some patches missing—but from the few staggering trees and the blue bars of a playground peeking out from behind it; it looked good. Domestic even.

There were parents rushing about, mothers chattering in their usual gossip and awkwardly smiling fathers abandoned to the side as they desperately tried getting their wives attention. Maybe they couldn't hear them over the sounds of ten thousand screaming kids....maybe...


Heh good luck I wished them.

However the ruckus died down as soon as we neared it. I could feel Naruto's clutch on me tighten as he ducked his head down a bit, speed walking inside the boob building. I frowned at the action, what's going on? Orphans don't get scorned at as much as I know, and those looks sure weren't full of sympathy nor pity.


Naruto took some turns, and swerved to avoid other kids as he walked. I put my brain power into remembering the inner structure of this building.

We stopped at a large sliding door.

Taking in a few breaths Naruto gripped the handle and slid it open.

Inside was pure terror.

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"Sasuke-kun only likes girls with long hair!"
"What no I heard he likes girls with short hair!"
"No way you need ya brain checked dummy!"
"Oh god shut up!"

A girl suddenly gasped, eyes wide in horror at the audacity. "Y-you said a bad word!! I'm telling Sensei!" She accused, eyes looking frighteningly at the person who uttered such foul language. A dog barked in the background for some reason.

"What no!! Please please please I'll do anything!" Another girl spoke up, the scoundrel.

I hissed with annoyance, did they purposely make their voices pitchy? I pressed my ears down, curling more into myself as I sat in front of Naruto on the long desk. Cats have sharp hearing but by the time I'm out of here my sensitive ears would've been dulled down to their level.

"Eh? What's a cat doing here?" A young lad said off to the side, the puppy next to him barked again, tail wagging mightily in excitement. Or maybe it just really needed to pee, I sure did.

Maybe if I peed on this desk the kids would stop talking.


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AN: Apologies for the really short chapter, I'll make the next one longer!

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