Hearing the Truth

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"Why yo ass sleep that damn long?" Riley questions his sister.

"Because I would've died if my body didn't heal," Jada says.

"And another question! Why the hell yo ass run in the middle of the street that damn late? Like I know yo ass ain't stupid!"

Cindy and Jazmine woke up with all the yelling.

"Reezy, who da fuck you yellin at?" Cindy questions. She noticed Jada and goes to her. "Jay! You up!"

"Hi Cindy."

"Jada!" Jazmine hugged Jada, hurting her a little bit.

"Jazzy, my ribs," Jada wheezed. Jazmine let go.

"Riley you do need to stop yelling at her," Huey said.

"Nah! Her ass almost died. I got questions and she finna answer!"

"Can you calm the fuck down?" Jada questions growing a bit irritated. "Can I get food before yo ass go and start interrogating me? Damn, niggas can't do shit without yo ass havin sum type of problem!"

Jazmine noticed Jada was acting like Riley. She was upset.

"Huey, can you and Riley get Jada something to eat please?"

"Get me something too!" Cindy hollars.

The boys leave and Jazmine turns to Jada.

"How are you feeling? You've been out for a week."

"I'm fine. My body kind've hurts. What happened anyway? Why am I here?"

"You don't remember?" Cindy asked.

"No. I remember seeing Caesar-" Jada trailed off. She looked at Jazmine, "Jazzy you didn't mean nun when you kissed Caesar, right?"

"You kissed Caesar?!" Cindy's eyes widened.

"Yes but he kissed me. However, he thought I was you! You see, Samantha drugged him with some drink and-"

"Drugged him?" Jada asked. Jazmine nodded. "Mom was right."

"Mom? Wait I thought your mom is-"

"She is! You see, when I went into a coma, I met her. Her and Granddaddy were there."

"Oh my gosh, Jada! How did it go? What was she like?"


"We're back," Huey announces with a tray of food. "I got you a strawberry Smoothie, salad, and apple sauce."

"Thanks Hue."

"So what y'all talking about?"

Jada gave Jazmine and Cindy a "don't say anything" face and Cindy spoke up,

"We were telling her what happened before she got here."

"You can't remember?" Huey asked. Jada shook her head,

"Everything is black. I just remember seeing-"

"You don't have to say what you saw!" Jazmine says quickly.

"You didn't tell him, did you?" Jada questions.

"Tell who what?" Riley questions.

"No, I never got a chance to because everything that's happened and I didn't want anyone to worry about that-"

"Tell who what, Jazmine?" Huey questions.

"Well, something may have happened at the party before Jada got hit."


"It's really something we should wait to talk about-"

"What the hell is it Jazmine?!" Huey yelled.

"Caesar kissed me!!" Jazmine blurted.

Huey was silent, Riley gasped, and Jada only studied the two.

Huey headed for the door,

"Huey," Jada said. He stopped. "Let's let Jazmine explain what happened first. You do have to remember, Caesar was drunk."

"There's more to that though," Jazmine said. "He was drugged. He said he took a drink from Samantha, and when he kissed me, he saw Jada."

"Whatchu mean he saw Jada?" Riley questions.

"His mind was loopy," Huey said. "Whatever drugs he was given caused his brain to function differently."

"That makes sense," Jada said.

"Where is that nigga anyway?" Riley questions. "His ass ain't been seen since."

"He thinks it's all his fault," Jazmine tells them.

"Well it technically-" Huey began before Jada cut him off.

"It's not his fault, Huey. It's mine."

"Damn right it is!" Riley scowls. "Yo ass shouldn't have been-"

"I don't need another lecture, Riley. I've gone through enough."

Riley only looked at her.

Later that day, Jazmine and Cindy left to go tell Caesar Jada was awake and to get her some clothes.

Jada was watching the Golden Girls while her brothers got her more food.

"Did you see anything?" Riley asked. "While you was sleep?"

"I did. I met mom."

Huey looked towards her, eye brow raised.

"You met her?"

"Yea. She and Granddaddy. I think when I was in a coma, I was so close to death that I could meet the dead."

There was a thick silence, Huey and Riley looking opposite ways.

"What did she look like?" Riley asked.

"Tall. Milky brown skin, maroon eyes, she had a curly afro that was dark brown and held back with a scarf. Her voice was bold yet soft and she had such a beautiful singing voice."

Huey was stunned. Jada really had seen her.

"Did she say anything?"

"She says she's proud of you two. She was shocked you had a girlfriend."

Huey, for once, smiled. There was another moment of silence.

"Hiro kissed me," Jada blurts. "After I performed he took me to his parents studio and thanked me for performing. Then, he kissed me."

"What did you do?" Huey asked.

"I smacked him. I felt really used. Then I left to tell Caesar and you know what happened after that."

The three were silent for a while.

"I'm not mad at him," Huey said. "I mean, I would've been if he did it intentionally but he didn't."

"You mad?" Riley asked Jada.

"No," she shakes her head.

Someone knocked on the door.

"It's open," Riley hollered.

The door opened and the doctor comes in.

"Ms. Freeman, hello," he greets. "I just came in to check up on you. How do you feel?"

"My body hurts a bit. I tried walking to the bathroom but I can't with this big ass cast," She admits. Jada broke a bone in her leg during the accident. She didn't know she was wearing a cast until she tried to walk.

"Well that's normal. You won't be ready for surgery until another 3 months."

Jada nods.

"When will I be able to go home?"

"Actually, if you feel fine enough, you can go home tomorrow."

Jada smiled, looking at her brothers.

Jazmine, Cindy, and Caesar walked in behind the doctor and Jada's smile faded.

The doctor stepped out and Jazmine handed Jada her clothes.

"Will you need help getting them on?" Jazmine asked.

Jada nodded. She looked at Caesar. Everyone took that as the hint to leave and Caesar scratched the back of his head.

"Hey babe."


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"That's good."

This is had to be the most dry conversation they've ever had. Jada sighed, getting straight to the point.

"I'm not mad at you. I know you didn't mean to kiss Jazmine and I'm willing to forgive you."

"Really?" Caesar sounded as if he was surprised.

"Why're you surprised. It didn't mean anything, right?"

"No! It didn't! Its just, I feel so bad. If I wouldn't have gotten drunk then you wouldn't have gotten hit. You would be at home and not in this hospital," Caesar's voice began to crack. "This is just all my fault."

Jada studied Caesar's face. He really felt bad about what happened. She could tell this had been eating at him for a while now. Jada motioned for Caesar to lay down next to get. He did, light placing his head on her chest.

"It's not your fault, Michael. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and ran out in the middle of the street. As I think about it, that has to be the dumbest thing I've done in ages."

Caesar chuckled.

"Listen," Jada continues. "I love you a lot and I don't wanna lose you. I know you didn't mean to do it."

Caesar smiled, turning over to face Jada. Even with all the stitches on her face, Jada looked beautiful in his eyes.

Caesar scooped Jada's face in his hands and kissed her passionately.

"Aw," Jazmine cooed, startling them.

"You were there the whole time?"

"Sorry I had to watch," Jazmine giggles.

As Jazmine got Jada ready to leave, Huey pulled Caesar to the side to chat.

"Huey, if this is about what happened, then I'm-"

"Its not. I know you didn't mean to Kiss Jazmine."


"I just wanted to say that I trust you. Even though you're my beat friend dating my sister, she loves you a lot and you make her happy. As long as you do that, I'm happy."

Caesar smiled, finally feeling accepted as Jada's boyfriend.

"Thanks Huey."

"That doesn't mean go fuck my sister though."

"I know," Caesar said with a chuckle.

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