House of lies

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Jazmine sobbed on Huey's shoulder. Her parents just got into another fight and this one seemed to be the biggest one yet.

"I've never seen them fall out this bad," Jazmine sobs. "What if they divorce? My moms gonna wanna take me. What if I won't be able to see you again?"

Huey's heart tugged and he cleared his throat. The thought of not seeing Jazmine wasn't something Huey liked thinking about.

"Everything will be okay," Huey says. Jazmine laid her head on his shoulder.

"I just don't wanna lose you."

Huey got up, taking Jazmine with him.

"Where are we going?"

Huey said nothing. He just kept walking. He reached the car and placed Jazmine in the passenger seat while he got into the drivers seat.

He knew he had an hour until he had to pick up his younger siblings so he decided to take Jazmine out.

Jazmine sat quietly, for once, in the passenger seat looking out the window. The whole situation with her parents was really bugging her and she didn't know how to handle it.

Huey pulled up to a cupcake shop. This one in particular was Jazmine's favorite.

"Aw, Huey you didn't have to bring me here."

"I know," Huey says. "But I wanted to."

Jazmine cooed.

The two got out and Huey grabbed Jazmine's hand. A jolt went through Jazmine's arm and she smiled.

The couple walked in and was greeted by the lady behind the counter.

"Evening, you two. What can I get you guys?"

Huey looked over at Jazmine who was staring at the cupcakes in the case.

"Can I get two strawberry cheesecake cupcakes, please?"

The lady nodded, getting the cupcakes out. Huey paid and the two sat at a table in the far courner.

Jazmine munched into her cupcakes as Huey watched her.

"What?" She asked. "Is there something on my face?"

"No," Huey says. "Just admiring the beauty."

Jazmine blushed.

"People are wrong about you, Huey Freeman."

"Why is that, Jazmine Dubois?"

"You're a lot sweeter than you act. You make people think you're just a rock with no emotion. But really, you're the total opposite."

Huey smiled a little, looking out the window.

"I've always had a heart. I just never showed it because people take my kindness for weakness. Like Riley. I'm never nice to him because he'll eat that up and turn it into something else."

"What about Jada?" Jazmine asked.

"I'm nice to Jada. I'm affectionate towards her enough for her to know I love her. I mean, she's my little sister and she follows a lot in my footsteps."

"Yea. I can tell you and Jada have a really good bond."

Huey and Jazmine sat their talking for almost 2 hours until Huey got a call.


"Hue, were the hell are you?" Jada questions.

Huey checked the time. He was supposed to pick them up 2 hours ago.

"Shit! I forgot. I'm on my way now."

"Riley said "hurry yo bitch ass up." I'm not one to rush but yea, hurry up. Its cold."

Huey hung up, looking at Jazmine.

"Sorry," she says.

"Dont apologize. I should've tracked the time."

The couple got in the car and headed for the mall. Outside was Jada and a very pissed Riley waiting outside.

"About time yo ass showed up," Riley opened the passenger side to see Jazmine sitting there. "What the hell? Why's she here?"

"None of your business, get in," Huey snaps.

"Hi Jazzy," Jada greets getting in the back.

"Hey Jada. How was work?"

Jada and Riley exchanged looks.

"What happened?" Huey questions.

"So tell me why," Riley began. Huey regretted asking. After Riley explained the situation the entire ride home, Jazmine grew confused.

"The girl's name was bestfriend?"

"That ain't the point Jazmine! The point is-"


Everyone looked back to see Sarah walking out the house with a suitcase.

Jazmine quickly got into the car, not wanting her parents to see her.

Sarah put her belongings in the car and went up to Huey.

"Have you seen Jazmine? I'm taking her with me."

"Where?" Huey asked.

"I don't know, somewhere far. Have you seen her?"

Huey shook his head. Sarah thanked him, getting in her car.

"Why'd you lie?" Jazmine asked. Huey didn't say anything. He just went in the house.

"He doesn't want you to get taken away," Jada said. "He knows if you left, you weren't coming back."

Jazmine spent the night there, sleeping in Huey's room.

The next day, the four went to school.

"Hey baby!" Caesar waves. Jada hadn't seen him in two days and was beyond happy to see his face.

"Ceez!" She ran to him. He twirled her around and she showered him in kisses.

"They're together?" Hiro asked Jazmine.

"Yea. They're really cute for each other!"

"No the hell they not!" Riley snaps. "That nigga don't need my sister."

"Oh, stop bitchin Reezy!" Cindy kissed the corner of his lip.

Hiro watched the two sadly. He still had feelings for Jada and was sad he lost her.

During school, Jada was working on English homework when Hiro tapped her.

"I'm having a party next week. Can you sing again?"

"Sure!" Jada smiles brightly.

Hiro looks back at Riley,

"Is that okay?"

"Its whateva."

Hiii!!! So I hope you enioyed this chapter!! Well, I need song ideas for the next chapter? What should Jada sing? Should it be a song on how she feels? Just a regular party song? What do you guys think? Comment your ideas 😁😊

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