More than One can Handle

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Jada walked with Jazmine, Cindy, and Jessica around the city Monday morning. She wore a pale pink t-shirt with baby blue overalls, pink Converse, and her signature J necklace. Her hair was let loose, only a small portion in a ponytail.

She had her hands in her pockets and she was looking down. 

"Jada, you've been quiet ever since last night," Jazmine says.

"Yea, what's up?" Cindy asks.

Jada just continues to walk,


Jada had asked Caesar to talk outside. He agreed, walking out. Once they got outside, Caesar didn't look Jada in the eye.

"Ceez, I-"

"So it was true."


"You did have a thing for him, didn't you?" Caesar questions, still looking the other way.

"What?! No, I just-"

"Jada, you kissed him on stage in front of everyone! What do you mean you didn't have a thing for him?"

"It's really complicated-"

"It's not! You've made your choice, Jada. I just hope you know that I love you and that I hope you're happy."

Caesar walked away before Jada could say anything. Before he could get far, Jada grabbed his hand,

"Can you at least let me explain?" 

Caesar faces her, arms crossed,


"I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what overcame me and I don't know why it happened but I truly am sorry, Michael."

"Sorry isn't gonna make me feel better, Jada. Sorry isn't gonna change the fact that you kissed another dude. Sorry isn't gonna change the fact that you cheated."

Jada's heart dropped. She did cheat. Before she could say anything else, Caesar was gone.

~End of Flashback~

Jada didn't tell them what happened, only keeping it to herself. They all met up with John and the boys. John noticed Jada's mellow mood and sighed,

"Alright everyone, I promised you a free day so go out and have fun. Make sure you're packed by tomorrow morning. The jet leaves at 10."

Everyone nods, John calls Jada to the side.

"Everything okay, kid?" Jada nods. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

Jada nods, putting her hands in her pocket,

"Thank you, Mr. Evans."

"Call me John."

Jada smiles weakly before walking away. Jazmine and Cindy exchanged looks. Something must've really happened.

"Jada, I'm going to lunch. Wanna come?" Jessica asks. Jada nods, walking over to her. Donte jogged up to the two,

"Mind if I join you?" He asks. Jessica looks over to Jada who shrugs.

"Yea, sure."


Caesar was quiet the whole car trip. He only stared out the window as Huey and Riley sat up front.

"Ya'll broke up?" Riley asks. 

"Something like that," Caesar says.

"Plan on talkin to her?"

"Not really."

"You do know it's all just a phase right?" Huey questions. Caesar looks up, "Jada's still young. 14, remember. She's gonna have these weird feelings for guys until she's a bit older."

"How do you know?"

"I was 14 once. Now I didn't really go through the same thing you did but I found many girls interesting at once. She's not fully mature to just keep her eyes on one person."

"I still don't get it," Caesar says, blankly.

"You'll see soon."

They boys made it home. Caesar packed the rest of his stuff out of Jada's room and sighed. He looked and saw a picture of the two on her nightstand. It was a picture Jazmine took of them. Jada was straddled around Caesar's waist as he held her by her butt. The two were kissing.

"You do know you can still stay here, right?" Huey asks. Caesar shakes his head, setting the picture face down.

"Nah, I'm gonna just head back home. My aunt needs me anyways. I might as well stay there and take care of her."

Huey nods,

"Don't forget though, Ceez. Jada might've hurt you but we didn't. Don't shut all of us out because of her."

Caesar nods,

"Don't plan to."

Huey watched Caesar leave and sat down. He winced in pain, his sides aching.

"Huey, you know where my-" Riley stops talking, looking at his brother. "Aye Huey, you aight?"

The pain slowly goes away and Huey nods.

"Yea, I'm good."


Jada sat, watching Jessica and Donte talk. They really had a connection. Donte was different when he was around Jessica and Jada smiled.

"You look lonely," Jada jumps when Angelo comes up to her. Donte gives him dap and goes back to talking to Jessica. "How about we go out and chat?"

Jada nods, walking out with Angelo. They walk around, Jada had her hands in her pockets.

"You okay? I noticed you weren't the same since last night."

Jada looked over at him,

"I messed up."


"How?" Jada scoffed, "You're the reason I fucked up! You kissed me!"

"You kissed back," Angelo points out. Jada sighs. "Why are you so upset about it? You never seemed upset when I was with you before."

"Because I just lost my boyfriend."

"Well, I guess I'm about to be selfish."


"Yup, because I actually wanted to ask you out," Angelo says, smirk on his face. Jada blushed, looking away,

"I don't know," She says. "I just got out of a relationship and I don't think I'm-"

"Please?" Angelo got on one knee and held Jada's hand. "I would really love for you to be mine."

People starting looking at them awe-ing. Cameras were now in view and flases became to go off. Jada sighed, nodding. Angelo smiled, picking her up. She was surprised and her stomach jumped. Angelo pulled her into a kiss.

"Now was that so hard?" He asked. Jada shook her head. Her phone rang,


"Jada, you need to get to the hotel and start packing right now!" Jazmine orders, her voice sounded panicked.

"Jazzy, what's going on?"

"You won't believe this," She says. "Huey's in the hospital."

And this, my friends, is how you make people mad lol.. I actually didn't expect everyone to say how much the last chapter broke everyone's hearts. Jaecar really was a huge ship everyone sailed. Oh well.. I have to stop it right here but of course there's more!! Tell me what you thought and until next time!

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