Products of Jealousy

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The next day at school, Riley was eagar to see how Cindy turned out. He knew she wouldn't be the exact thug he was lookin for since she only had one day of training, but she was doing good so far.

Cindy walked the halls looking like a straight G. She wore a black crop top that said "Boss" in gold letters black skinny jeans, black timbs and a snap back.

"Aye Reezy! What it do?" She gave the Freeman dap.

"Lookin fresh C-Murph," Riley says with a chuckle.

"Thanks Reez. Jada really knows her style."

A lot of eyes looked at Cindy but not in the way she'd expected. Most looks were dirty and harsh which made her stomach turn. Riley could tell by the look on her face that she was feeling a certain way.

"Ignore them C-Murph," He said. "They just hatin."

Cindy didn't believe him. She only felt worse.

"They hate me, don't they?" Her voice was back to it's normal soft tone.

"Nah. Don't think of it like dat. They just jealous. They wanna be swaggy like you but they know they can't."

Cindy only looked at Riley.

~W/ Huey~

Huey was at his locker changing his books when he heard laughter. Jazmine was walking down with another student laughing at a joke he had made. Huey tried ignoring it but for some reason, he got irritated.

As Jazmine passed him, she said nothing. No normal greeting like she always did. It made the Freeman boy think he was being ignored.

"Hey Huey," Caesar greeted as he walked up to Huey. Huey slammed his locker shut and began to walk away. "Wait! Huey, what's up?"


"Doesn't seem like it."

"I said nothing, Caesar," Huey walked a little faster and Caesar stopped with a confused look on his face.

As Huey walked into his class he noticed Jazmine talking to the same boy she was earlier. Jada walked into the room behind him and noticed his irritation.

"You better not ask me what's wrong," Huey said before a word came out of his sister's mouth.

"I wasn't. I was gonna say you should stop being jealous," Jada states simply.

"Jealous? Of what?"

"Jazmine and her new friend."

Huey scoffed,

"She can have him."

Jada started laughing. A lot of chatter stopped as they heard her. She sounded exatly like Riley which made them think he was in the room. After a minute, the room buzzed once again with small conversations.

"Was that necessary?" He questioned.

"Yes. It was. You got it bad, don't you?"

Huey remained quiet. Jada only looked at her brother and gave him a small smile.

"It's okay if you do, Huey. Loving someone isn't all that bad."

Later on that day, Jada was in the chorus room with Hiro during lunch figuring the song she was doing for his next party.

"How about a Beyonce song?" Hiro suggested.

"Her songs are too much. Huey says she's with the illuminati," Jada adds.

"Well what about a Lauryn Hill song? I heard you humming some of her music the other day."

"I like her but she has no songs that can hype up a party."

"Well why don't you write one?"

Jada thought about it. She had never really thought about writing her own music.

"Yea. I'll do that."

As she starts scribbling things on her notepad, Hiro nervously calls her name.

"Uh, Jada?"


"Um, there was somthing I had to tell you."

"What's up?" She looks up from her paper. Before he could speak, Riley comes into the room.

"What ya'll niggas in here for? By ya'll selves and shit. You betta not try to fuck my sister!"

"Whoa! Settle down, Riley," Jada says calming her brother down. "Why are you so mad?"

"Me? Why am I mad? Niggas hatin on C-Murph and shit. Now I gotta deal with a cry baby ass bitch who think the world endin or some shit."

"Well why don't you talk to her?" Jada asks.

"Because she a girl. What if Jada you-"

"No. Riley you wanted to thugify her. Now you're gonna do it by yourself. I already helped you with the clothes part, now you need to break her from the rest of her habits."

Riley sighed. She was right. Well of course she was, Jada was always right.

"Fine. But if it don't work then I'm done."

Riley walked out the room and the concluding lunch bell rang.

"What were you trying to tell me?" Jada asked Hiro as she packed her things.

"Nevermind," Hiro said, "I'll tell you later."

Jada shrugged and walked out of the chorus room.

~After School~

Huey was up on a hill reading a book when he heard someone coming up.

"Hey Huey!" Jazmine greets with a big smile. Huey ignores her and continues reading his book. Jazmine thinks he didn't hear her and repeats herself. "Hey Huey."

"I heard you the first time," Huey says not looking up from his book.

"Well you didn't say hi back."

"Because I'm doing what you did to me."

"What did I do?" Jazmine grew confused.

"You ignored me. Now if you don't mind, I have a book to read."

"I didn't ignore you," Jazmine says.

"Um, yes you did. But it doesn't matter," Huey replies.

"It does matter."

"No, Jazmine, it doesn't."

"Yes it does, Huey Freeman!" Jazmine was beginning to pout. "When was I ignoring you?"

Huey put down his book knowing he wasn't gonna finish the sentence he was on the for the last 5 minutes.

"All day while you were talking to your new friend."

"New friend? Ohhh you mean Evan. Is this what this is about?" A smile then crept on Jazmine's face and Huey knew what was coming next. "You were jealous, weren't you?"

"Jazmine, you're being extra right now," Huey says as he gets up.

"I can't believe you were jealous cause I was talking to someone else."

"I wasn't, Jazmine."

"Huey Freeman was jealous!" Jazmine sangs as she follows Huey down the hill. Huey ignores her and speeds his pace.

~W/ Riley~

Riley and Cindy were at the park going over some things while Riley was shooting hoops.

"You can't let niggas get to you, C," Riley says as he shoots a basket. "They just hatin on yo style. They don't actually hate you though."

"I guess you right," Cindy agrees. "So anything I gotta learn today?"

"I think you good. But I heard about you cussin out Samantha. She called you a barbie or some shit and you told her how it is."

"That's cause that bitch was steppin on the wrong line. I hate niggas callin' me that," Cindy was getting mad thinking about it.

"Really?" Riley shot another basket but missed. The ball landed near Cindy who picked it up. "Can you shoot?"

"Hell yea I can," Cindy shot a 3-pointer and made it swiftly in the basket.

"Uh oh! White girl got skill!"

"Shut up, Reezy," Cindy giggled.

"But back to you cussin out Samantha. You gotta talk to people like you did her. Let em know who runnin it."

Cindy nodded.

"So I'm like a real thug now huh?"

"Yea, you almost there. You just need to stop bitchin about stupid shit."

"I ain't bitchin! I just don't like when niggas talkin' shit, aight?!" Cindy yelled catching a small attitude. She sighed, "Sorry Reezy."

"Nah you good, C. You need to be more like that."

Cindy smiled. She liked being able to speak her mind the way she did. This new her could be something she can get used to.

Edited 1/4/20

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