Walk down Memory Lane

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School felt slower than normal. Jada and Riley were walking into lunch to find Hiro and Ming in their spot.

"What them niggas doin?" He questions. 

"Sitting in our spot, I see," Jada replies. Her fall out with Ming popped up into her head and she instantly smiled.

"Uh oh! What's going through yo head?" 

"Just wait until later," Jada says. "Just wait until later."

"Hey! Jada!" Someone calls. Jada looks over and sees the girl she saw at the community center.

"Who dat?" Riley asks.

"That's that girl I was telling you about. The weird one from the community center."

"That bitch go here?"


Riley smacked his lips rolling his eyes.

Jada and Riley walk up the girl anyways and sit with her.

"Hi, uh," Jada didn't know what to call her. The girl walked away before she could ask.

"Jessica. Jessica Evans," The girl shakes Jada's hand. "Sorry for being weird the other day. It was just so cool meeting you and I kinda fangirled a little bit."

"A little?" Jada mumbles.

"But I saw you had no where to sit and wanted to ask if you'd like to sit with me?"

"Sure," Jada says with a smile. "This is my older brother, Riley."

Riley gives the girl a nod. Jessica waved.

Jada looked over at Ming and Hiro and saw her giggling. 

"Why the hell she askin all friendly wit Hiro?" Jada asks herself. "She gotta be up to somethin."

"You don't like Ming either?" Jessica asks, cutting through Jada's thoughts.

"I'm sorry?"

"You looked like you could snap that girl in half. I was asking if you didn't like her."

"No, I don't. We have a really bad past."


Jada nods.

It was 5 years back. The Freemans were living in Chicago with their Grandfather and they were getting ready for the annual kickball tournament that was being held. 

"So we're going against the people from Woodcrest, Maryland?" A 12 year old Huey asks their coach. 

"Should be easy," A 9 year old Jada says, with a shrug. "I mean, they do have really sucky players."

"I wouldn't underestimate them, Jada," Cairo, Huey's best friend says, "They've got a player that's always led them to victory."

"One nigga can't hold one team," Riley, who was 10, says.

"Who said it was a boy?"

Jada and Huey looked at Cairo.

"What're you talkin about, man?" Huey asked.

"They got this chick named Ming. She's a beast! They imported her from China because her granddaddy owed the Mayor of Woodcrest money. But if Ming loses, her Granddaddy loses more money, and punishes Ming for it. Well, at least that's what I've heard.

Jada and Huey exchanged looks.

"We can take her," she says.

Team Chicago got out onto the field and was greeted by team Woodcrest. 

"This is who we're facing?" A Chinese girl questions in Chinese. "Ha! They look so pathetic!"

"I dunno, Ming," A Chinese boy says back in Chinese. "I heard that the kid with the afro and the girl with the dreads were really good. They're their star players."

"Oh hush, Hiro! I think I got this."

"What them niggas sayin?" Riley asks Huey.

"Wanna stop talkin shit and start the game?" Jada questions, catching the two off guard.

"So you speak Chinese?" Ming asks in English. Jada only glares at her. "Hm, you're cute. Really small. Can't wait to watch you eat dirt!"

Jada growls,

"I'm not a mirror, so don't mix your fate with mine."

Ming rolls her eyes, and the game begins.

Jada and Huey were surprised. Ming was as good as Cairo said. But she wasn't better than them.

Ming pitched the ball, trying to strike Huey out. But he was quick and smashed his leg into the ball. It flew high and Huey started running. 

"GO HUE!" Jada cheered. The ball went out of the park and Huey got a home run. The score was 90-90 and the game was close to ending. Jada and Huey were the only ones on their team that wasn't beaten badly enough to have to sit out. Ming was the last one for her team. As Huey was running, he exhausted himself out and collapsed.

Jada's eyes grew and she ran to her brother.

"Huey! Are you okay?"

Huey was out cold. Jada had someone carry him to the bench and she went to the plate. It was just her and Ming now with only 30 seconds to go.

"Go Jay!" Riley managed to shout.

Ming and Jada locked eyes.

"Looks like you'll be losing after all," Ming chuckles.

Jada said nothing, only stared at Ming. Ming chucked the ball and it curved. Jada was quick and kicked the ball. It went up high and was coming down. Jada's eyes grew, Ming could catch the ball. Jada ran, but not to the base. She ran to the ball and jumped in the air. She kicked it and it went out field. Ming's wounded players scrambled to get it.

"Looks like Team Chicago might win this!" The announcer shouts. 

Jada dashes around the plates. Ming had finally gotten a hold of the ball and throws it. Jada made it to home before the ball hits her in the back, knocking her down. Ming thought she had Jada before the empire calls it safe. Team Chicago had won.

Ming's eyes widened. She couldn't have lost. Not to a little girl.

After the game Ming's grandfather was yelling at her.

"You're worthless," He shouts in Chinese. "I can't believe you lost to a bunch of niggers."

He raised his hand to hit her but Jada caught it before he could do it.

"She's not worthless," She tells him. "She just faced a greater foe. But you can't blame her for your gambling, Mr. Long-Dou."

Ming's grandfather glared at Jada before walking away.

"You didn't have to do that," Ming said.

"I know."

"Why did you?"

"Because no one deserves to be punished for someone else's mistakes."

"What do you know about that?" Ming asked, offended.

"Because I go through the same thing."

Ming rolls her eyes,

"I didn't need your help. You should've just left me."

"You're welcome," Jada says, walking away.

After school, Jada was walking to Huey's car with Riley and Caesar when she was Ming. She smirked and started heading towards them.

"Babe, what're you doing?" Caesar asks, a bit nervous.

"Oh shit, this what she was talking about earlier!" Riley says.

Ming saw Jada headed towards her and crossed her arms,

"What do you want, Freeman?"

"Remember that shit you was talkin the last time we crossed paths?" Jada questions.

Ming's eyes widen and she instantly regretted what she said. She knew what Jada was capable of.

"So how bout it?" Jada challenges, "You said you can kick my ass! Do it!"

Huey was walking out of school with Jazmine when they saw Jada.

"What the hell is she doing?" Huey questions his brother.

"Handlin business," Riley replies.

"Come on, Long-Dou! You can kick my ass, do it!" Jada continued to taunt the girl. "Or are you scared because you know I could rip you limb from limb without breaking a sweat."

"Whatever," was all Ming said.

"Jada, knock it off!" Hiro shouts.

"This ain't yo fight," Caesar says, stepping up to Hiro. "Oh, yea. While we here, what was that shit you was doin wit my girl?" 

Hiro gulped. Caesar hadn't confronted him about the whole kissing thing.

"You kissed Jazmine, so you're not all that innocent either!" Hiro blurts.

"Wait, you kissed her?" Ming questions Hiro. That, she didn't know about.

"Well, I did but-" Before he could finish Caesar punched him dead in the face. Jada snapped her head towards her boyfriend and was completely caught off guard by his actions.

"Touch my girl again and that's your ass," Caesar spat. Ming swung at Jada, thinking it was her chance to get her while she was caught off guard but Jada caught it.

"Don't think I forgot about your ass," Jada says. She kicks Ming in the leg, making Ming go to her knees and starts bending her hand back. Ming cried out in pain. "Now I'm being a real bitch. Feels good doesn't it?"

"Stop!" Ming cries. "Please!"

Jada kept bending her hand back. Ming's words flowing through her head as she applied more force.

"Jada that's enough!" Huey orders. Jada doesn't look at him, she only bends Ming's hand more. "JADA!"

"No!" Riley yells at his brother. "Let her handle her business. She ain't a kid no more, Huey. She needa squash this now. We can't keep holding her back!"

Huey only looked at Riley before looking back at Jada. Jada let Ming's hand go and threw her down.

"Don't challenge me again, Long-Dou. I saved you from punishment before, don't think I won't be the one to bestow it."

Ming held her hand close and Jada looked at everyone else.

"Ready to go home?" She smiles.

HI GUYS!!!! So i was reading the story and was thinking why have I made it all about Jada? So I was like, you know what? Huey and Riley deserve to shine too! So, you'll see more of Riley and Huey in a couple more chapters. I haven't even written anything down yet but I have some ideas that will really spice up the story, so stay tuned because things are just getting started :) So hope you enjoyed this chapter and if there is any confusion about anything or any questions don't hesitate so ask.. Thanks!

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