I. Queen & Crown

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That crown was my destiny. Growing up in a spider's web of silky lies and whispered betrayal, that one fact was the most solid strand of truth I could hold onto. The throne would be mine to sit on. The scepter would be mine to hold. The country would be mine to watch over.

"All hail Her Excellency A'snowlyne Irimeine, Commander of the White Warriors, Protector of the People, and Queen of all Kylosia!" In my mind, I could hear the call as clearly as if our herald had really ever said it. That title belonged to me. It had always belonged to me—it'd simply been waiting on me to take it.

And even though it had been stolen, it was still mine. They just didn't know it yet.

I thrust the sword into his chest. Straw spilled out of the practice dummy as I yanked my weapon back out, panting. Sweat dripped down my fair brow, and the few dark strands escaping my braid lay plastered to my face. I sheathed my sword as my guard filled the empty practice room with his slow clap.

"If you keep on like that," the White Warrior said, joining me in the center of the room, "our poor country's going to go bankrupt buying you practice dummies."

I smirked, languidly closing the distance between us. "Perhaps, then, you should be sparring with me."

"Spar with the princess and risk cutting a single hair on her fragile head? Never." This boy-playing-man flashed me his signature roguish grin.

"Princess?" I stepped closer, and he stared down into my dark, teasing eyes. "I believe you meant 'future queen,' soldier."

"Ah, yes," he answered, voice dropping. "Of course, my queen."

He leaned down to kiss me, and as my lips met his, a thrill of panic ran through me. Did we lock the doors? But yes, of course we had; it was routine now. My personal guard or not, if someone saw us together like this, all my plans would vanish like frost at high noon.

As we pulled apart, my hand came to rest on the crest of his white uniform. I murmured, "You do know you're going to have to do far more than cut a hair on my head if we want to succeed, right?"

His lips twisted. "A'snowlyne, I thought we talked about this. We can use pig's blood—"

"I said you could use a pig's heart as the 'proof' you leave in her room. Not for my part of this. We need this to look legitimate, Reth!" I looked up at him, willing him to understand.

He hesitated.

Angry, I stepped back, but Reth caught my wrist. "Princess." His worried eyes begged forgiveness and understanding. "It's my job to protect you."

Frustration swirled through me like a blizzard. He's gotten too close. "That may be your current assignment, Reth, but it is not your job. Your job is to obey the orders of the queen. So I suppose the question you must ask yourself is who's your queen? Me or my minx of a step-mother?" My hard gaze captured his, and I watched as it chipped away at his resistance.

He looked away.

I sighed. Stepping back in, I raised my hand to cup his cheek. Voice soft, I said, "The burden of all rulers, Reth, is that they must sacrifice for their people. As much as I am queen, you will be king. Let this be the first sacrifice of your royal appointment. There will be some pain now, but then a lifetime of reward." My fingers tipped his chin down so I could look him in the eyes. "I know I ask much, but I also give much. Please, my love. For Kylosia. And for me."

Reluctance wavered on his face. He wrapped me in his arms, pulling my head against his chest, and I leaned into his warm embrace, heart fluttering as I waited for his response. Please, please don't let this be all in vain.

His whispered words ruffled the hair at the top of my head. "Of course, my queen."

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