Chapter 11: The Mayor's Friend

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A few minutes passed by and Yugi and I were making small talk. I asked him about his hometown in Domino City and he happily told me about his past tournaments and his friends who were also duelists.

He was just speaking about his grandfather's card shop when two adults came up to us. I knew one of them, the tan elderly man in a navy blue suit. It was Mayor Ayub, and with him was a younger looking man wearing a pristine white lab coat over his more casual clothes; a polo shirt and khaki pants.

"Good afternoon." Mayor Ayub smiled at us. "How's the tournament going for you two?"

"Good afternoon Mayor Ayub," I said respectfully, Yugi echoing the greeting.

"It's really exciting here," I answered, the rest of my downhearted feelings about losing the duel against Yusei momentarily forgotten.

"That is great news," Mayor Ayub said. He then gestured to the stocky man next to him. "This is Dr. Harri Davis; my friend."

"Greetings," Dr. Davis said in a thick accent, rolling his R's and stretching out his vowels.

"Harri isn't big on dueling like most people," Mayor Ayub explained. "But he made the stadium just for this tournament. And I'm sure it'll be used more often now."

"You designed this stadium?" I asked, looking to Dr. Davis.

He chuckled and nodded. "I used to be an architect before I turned to engineering and science," he said.

"Why did you switch careers?" Yugi asked. I was curious about that too. Architecture and engineering seemed pretty different from each other.

Dr. Davis shrugged, shuffling his foot. "I just had a change of heart, that's all." He then looked at me. "Your name is (Y/n), yes? What career would you like to pursue in college?"

"I'm not really sure," I admitted. "I've been thinking about doing (profession), but uhm. . ."

I paused for a moment. Do I really want to tell this to them?

Why not? The little voice inside my head asked. Almost all of your classmates want the same thing.

"I-I also kind of want to be a professional duelist and go out of town to the bigger cities," I said.

Yugi smiled at that. "Both of those are great careers. I'd like to keep watching you duel (Y/n)."

"It is an ambitious goal," Dr. Davis said slowly. "But Adelfell isn't home to any famous duelists."

"(Y/n) can be the first," Mayor Ayub said. "We have many promising young duelists here. These kids are the future."

Dr. Davis opened his mouth to say something else but just then, the speakers blared to life and the announcer's voice carried over the stadium. "The tournament will continue in about two minutes. Everyone please get back to your seats. Duelists, get ready."

Mayor Ayub smiled at the announcement. "Sounds like our cue to go," he said. "Good luck."

"Thank you," I said.

"Enjoy the rest of the tournament!" Yugi added.

Mayor Ayub and Dr. Davis both left for the stands just as the others were coming back from the mall. Jaden was holding a drink in his hand, talking animatedly to Yuma and Yusei. Yuya was chatting with Takeru while Yusaku walked with them, adding a few words to their conversation.

Everyone gave a hello or some other acknowledgement to Yugi and I. Those who were still dueling got their duel disks and put their decks in. I got up and went to get my own duel disk, feeling a strong sense of satisfaction as I slipped it on my arm again. I flexed my hand as the announcer returned.

"It's time for the bronze match. Yuma Tsukumo and (Y/n) (L/n), please enter the arena."

I took in a deep breath and looked over at Yuma. He was smiling but he looked determined to win. I found myself smiling too. This was my last duel today. I just hoped I could make it a good one.

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