Ch. 1: The New Employee

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Location: IMP City

Time: 8:45 am

Loona was at her desk as usual, watching whatever was on computer screen and not caring much about anything. Loona didn't both to look up as she heard the door open and someone walk up to her.

"Welcome to I.M.P., where we murder anyone who fucked you over in life." she lazily said as she continued to watch her computer screen.

"I'm here about a job interview your boss. Mr. Blitzo." the stranger said as he included the 'O'.(Voice is Jak from Jak and Daxter series)

"It's actually 'Blitz,' he says the 'O' is silent." Loona said as she picked up a book and lazily look inside for a name. "Name?"

"Junior, Grim Junior." the stranger said to her.

Loona scanned the pages before finding his name and interview scheduled for 9 am.

"Little early, don't you think?" Loona asked as she looked up to the stranger, a rather average looking demon of 6 feet tall wearing a black hooded trench coat and pants covered in metal trimmings. 

He also had a tuft of brunette hair sticking out of the hood to the right side of his face.

"Well I figured it was best to be polite. " Junior said as Loona closed the book.

"Then at least show me your face." Loona said as she pushed the book aside.

Junior let out a sigh before reaching for his hood.

"Very well." he said as he yanked his hood off to show his his face, which made Loona jump straight up in her chair.

She expected him to like any other demon in hell, red skin, horns, harpoon like tail but instead, she was met with something different all together, this stranger was a walking, talking skeleton. Chalk full of bones, something that got her mouth watering a bit as the dog in her wanted to chew and savior their taste.

"And I know that look in your eyes, it's understandable that you want to chew on me." he said as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"Hey! That's a fucking stereotype!" Loona shouted as she hopped up from her chair, growling.

"Loona! What the hell are you shouting at?!" the boss, Blitzo, screamed as he opened his office door before noticing who she was yelling at. "Mr. Reaper, you're early!"

 "I figured it was best to be polite, mister blitz. So, can get started?" Junior asked as he turned to Blitzo.

"Indeed, please step into my office." Blitzo said as he gestured to the inside of his office, moving aside as Junior walked inside. "Loona, call Moxxie and Millie and tell them we're meeting in conference room in 20 minutes."

"Fine but who is that bony fucker anyways?" She asked as she slumped back in her seat.

"All will be revealed at the meeting, Loony. Just be patient." He said as he closed the door.

Loona just gave a groan as she dialed the company phone and called Moxxie and Millie, who were currently getting down with a job at the moment. Feeling the phone vibrate in his pocket, Moxxie pulled it out as he was tying up a man at the moment to a chair with Millie holding him in place by his shoulders and gagging his mouth. There were also cinder tied to the chair legs to esrue 

"Now is REALLY not a good time." He said as Millie came around to him.

"You just focus on the target, honey. I'll handle Loona." she said as she took the phone from his hand.

While he went back to planning to kill the current target for their client, planning to push the tied up man into the water of a boat harbor to drown him to death, Millie held the phone to her ear as she answered it.

"What is it, Loona? A new client?" Millie asked as she twirled her tail like it was a rope.

"Blitz wants you both here for a fucking meeting in 20. Might have something to do with the bony ass he's interviewing." she said as she growled a bit, still sore about that 'dogs and bones' stereotype.

"Oh! A new employee! I can't wait to meet him!" she said as Moxxie had just thrown the target into the harbor, letting him sink to the bottom and drown.

"Meet who, honey?" Moxxie asked as he turned to his wife, who had hung up his phone and handed to back to him.

"We're getting a new employee, sweetie! So let's finish up here and get back." Millie said as they turned to the bubbles from the drowning man.

"Fine with me." Moxxie said as he used his phone to record the target drowning, to show proof of the kill.

After a few minutes of waiting and after finishing the death recording, a portal opened and the married imps walked inside where they were already in the meeting room of IMP headquarters.

"Now that we're all here, everyone, we are now going to group interview a possible new employee of IMP." Blitzo said as everyone took their seats and got ready for Junior's interview.

Loona took out her phone and began looking at whatever while Moxxie and Mille sat next to each other. Blitzo took the seat at the head of the table while their possible employee, Junior, stood at the other end of the table after entering the room.

"Alright now Junior, to start things off, I want you to tell us why you want to be apart of IMP." Blitzo said as he cupped his hands together.

"Well, I recently turned 18 and I still have a while before I must succeed my father as the next Grim Reaper and King of my family's part of the Underworld. So to prove my worth when I'm ready, I decided to test out my killing abilities and figured, where better to start than at an assassination company? After I saw your commercial a while back." Junior answered.

"Wait a minute, your father is the Grim Reaper?!" Millie asked in shock as THE lord of death's heir was choosing to work here with them.

"Yes, but don't let that stop you from treating me with the same respect you treat your co-workers." Junior said as he held up his gloved hands. "I want to earn my place here, not piggyback on my royal status. Plus, this job can give me idea on what happens if I come across a runner."

"A runner? You mean people actually think they can outrun death?" Loona asked as she looked up from her phone.

"You'd be surprised how many runners my father has come across. Helps to be prepared." Junior replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Blitzo hummed in thought as he was liking how this interview was going.

"Okay, Junior. Aside from the scythe your might use, what all else you do? I want to make sure my employees have as many tools as possible on them in the killing business." he said as he pulled out his flintlock gun for an example.

"Well, being raised by the queen bitch herself, she took it upon herself to teach me a few things. Taught me about guns, how to clean, maintain, and shoot them. Some hand to hand combat, where I learned to study my opponent while fighting so I can improve in combat. How to use my scythe as a broomstick and fly with it, though I prefer to use it like a skateboard since I grew up riding one. I've also been taught some spells by my father for various uses." Junior said before going into details about his necromancy. "Attack spells, summoning, elemental spells, stealth. I have a decent arsenal at my disposal."

Feeling the amazement radiate off them, Junior was surprised by just how face they shout up at the mention of all his skills and the desire for a display of his skills.

"Damn! Mind giving a demo?" Loona asked as her irritation was replaced with excitement.

"I don't see why not. You guys have a shooting range or something? I don't wanna damage the office." Junior said to them.

"Say no more, Junior. Just follow me and I'll show you the company shooting range." Blitzo said as he stood up and lead Junior towards the shooting range in the basement, with everyone else following behind them.

After followning the boss imp for a bout 2 minutes, Junior was met with the most raggedly maintained firing range that he had ever seen.

'Yesh, when was the last time they repaired this place?' Junior thought as the IMP employees all lined up on the side.

"Alright, we're here. Now show us what you got, bone head!" Loona said as she was tapping her foot, impatient and eager to see at least a glimpse of his skin so much that she actually put her phone away.

Junior reached into his coat and took out his two guns, long and silver WWI era guns with engraved frames, and took aim at the targets in the firing range.

"Watched and be amazed." Junior said before opening firing on the course, destroying each and every target by getting bull-eyes in the head or chest, Just like how his mother showed and drilled into his skull. "There you go."

IMP stood impressed and a little frightened at Junior's impressive shots, each and everyone guaranteeing an instant death. The most impressed and frightened at all, was Loona as she was shaking at bit at how professional his guns skills were. It was kind of exciting and a bit of a turn on for her.

"If he had a dick, I'd fuck him right now." she said as everyone turned to her.

"Loona! There will be no talk of sexual activity during work interviews!!!" Blitzo said as to her before they all saw Junior's skull somehow gain a pink hue, indicating blushing.

"Besides, it's not like he has a spell to give himself a dick." Moxxie said with a side of sarcasm until he saw Junior cough a bit and look away. "Wait, you can?!?!?" he asked in shock.

"It's......more along the lines growing flesh to give myself a human appearance along with everything a healthy male should have." Junior said as he put his guns away. "So, the dick is more of a bonus than a necessity."

"Really?" Loona asked with a smirk as she walked to him and gazed up to his eye sockets, being about a head shorter than Junior. "Think you could show us?"

"Well....." Junior said before Blitzo suddenly got a phone call.

"Hello, this is IMP. What can we do to make your afterlife a happy one and who do we have to fucking kill?" Blitzo said as he answered and placed his phone to his ear.

"A job already?" Junior asked as he looked to the boss.

"Usually, some of our clients call our boss directly so we can get the job done as fast as they wish." Millie said as she and Moxxie walked up to Junior.

"Uh huh, okay, understood. Consider this person dead by tomorrow!" Blitzo said into the phone before hanging up. "Alright people, we've got a hot one."

"Whom is it?" Junior asked as Blitzo walked up to him the the rest of IMP.

"Political candidate that's facing impeachment, client says they've out lived their usefulness without their political status. So we've been given the honor of killing his fuck!" Blitzo said as he rushed out of the gun range before rushing back with a spell book in his arms. "I'll open the portal to the target, who is in Austin Texas, while you three prepare yourselves with any guns or stabbing weapon."

Right as Blitzo was about to open the book, Junior placed a hand on his shoulder.

"How about you let me handle the portal? As a future reaper, it's part of my job to be able to go back and forth between dimensions." He said as took a few steps back, holding his arm out and summoning his scythe, which was a long black handle with cross a the top and a black blade attach to one of the smaller ends. 

Twirling the scythe between his fingers, Junior grabbed it with both hands before slicing it down and opening a blue, spiraling portal in the air.

"One portal to Austin, Texas. Ready and waiting." He said as he placed his scythe on his left shoulder.

"Alright kid. Guess its time for you to prove yourself. " Blitzo said as he stepped through the portal first, with everyone following behind him.

End of Chapter 1. Hope you all like it. See you next time.

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