Ch. 14: Stars Above

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(Intro starts, Ready to Play by Club Player)

This is a dream world, we're living in.

Junior is seen sitting on a couch in the IMP break room, polishing his guns.

Every move feels like a beginning.

Junior is then seen sitting in the meeting room with the others, sharpening his scythe with with a sharpening stone.

I can't believe my eyes.

Blitzo is standing before them with his hands behind his back.

I'm feeling so alive.

Blitzo slams an order form and a photo of the target on the table.

All the colors in overdrive.

Everyone looks at the photo and Junior smirks a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Junior stand up and twirls his scythe in his hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aim high, aim high.

Millie and Moxie stand up, ready for action while Loona lazily gets up and rolls her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Loona sends a look to Junior, sending a small smirk at him while Blitzo comes to Junior with a smile on his face.

Power up, here we go.

Junior lifts his scythe before swinging it, opening a portal to the mortal realm.

Are you ready to play?!

The group stands before a castle in London, England.

Are you ready to play?!

The group charges into the castle though a back door, leaving a two dead guards on the floor.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips. There's nothing like this.

They make it to the master bedroom and see group of guards before them.

Are you ready to play?!

The guards point their weapons to Junior and the others, ready to kill them to defend their king/queen.

The future's today!

IMP gets ready to fight, Moxie pulling out a shot gun, Millie pulling out a mace, Blitzo pulling out a flintlock gun and dagger, and Loona growls and bares her fangs.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips.

Junior smirks at the guards before pulling out one of his guns.

Are you ready to play?

Junior shoots the bullet at the screen in a flash of light.

(End of Intro)

(Announcement: I'm Skipping Ozzies. Sorry not sorry.)

We start in the office on new day. Once again, Junior just got off from a LONG phone call with his parents about his future plans as a father, the plans for a wedding, and any plans about Loona's pregnancy. It was all so much in so suddenly that it was almost mind numbing.

"Dad is just REALLY overjoyed about being a grandfather." Junior said with a sigh before he walked into the office.

The first thing he saw that Loona, his bride to be and mother of his child, was EXTREMELY angry as she was chasing Blitzo around the office. Once again, he let out a sigh as he put his hand on his head.

"Mood swings kicking this early?" Junior asked himself.

Loona didn't seem to answer as she was too busy throwing stuff at Blitzo, who was dodging and running away as Moxxie and Millie were sitting on the couch in the main lobby, which was now in the middle of the room, with cups of coffee.

"Someone mind explaining to me what's going on?" Junior asked as he walked up to the duo, standing beside the couch.

"Blitzo finally grew a back bone and told Loona about her attitude on the phone and with clients." Moxxie said with a satisfied smile on his face.

Junior let out the third sigh in the next few minutes, shaking his head at the scene.

"Stupid numb nuts." he mumbled to himself.

before Junior could sit down with them, Blitzo sprawled over to the couch and pushed it in front of him,

"I'm just saying, Loonie, a few small tweaks wouldn't hurt to make you more of a people person. You get me?" Blitzo asked as Loona huffed and growled in anger, marching towards him.

"I already AM a people person!" Loona shouted at him before noticing Junior, who waved at her while being unaffected by her anger. "Just ask my future husband!"

"He doesn't count, he'll just take your side." Blitzo said before Junior could reply.

'Good fuck, Blitzo, you fucking idiot.' Junior thought, shaking his head.

This got Loona even more angry as she reached for her adopted father and grabbed him bu the shirt to pull him into her face!

"Well, if I'm not suck a people person, why don't you just replace me already!?" Loona asked him with a growl.

"Whoa! Now let's calm down!" Junior said as he moved to put a hand on Loona's shoulder.

Feeling extremely nervous and scared, Blitzo began to mumble gibberish before he decides to speak up.

"M-M-Maybe I should." He said loud enough, making everyone turn to him.

"What?/Pardon?" Loona and Junior said.

Looking past Loona, Blitzo saw Moxxie gestruing to keep going. Like it was about time Blitzo put his food down and be a stern father to the hellhound.

"Yeah! Tough love time!" Blitzo shouted as he gained a firm expression.

Junior scoffed at Blitzo as he shook his head.

"Unless you're throwing her out the window hoping she'll fly, you don't know REAL tough love, Blitzo. So quit while you're ahead." Junior said making everyone looked at him in surprise. "Yeah. My mom threw me one WEIRD 16th birthday party. but my point still stands."

'And now I'm scared of my future in laws again.' Loona thought as her ears flopped a bit.

"A-Anyway, I'm putting my foot down, young lady! So either shape up or you'll be out of a job! Now go to your desk!" Blitzo shouted at Loona as he pointed at her desk.

Growling one more time, Loona threw him onto the couch before turning around in a huff. Junior didn't like seeing his fiance up and turned to Blitzo with a slight pleading expression.

"Look, I get what you're trying to do and I partially agree, but that is not the right way to do it." he said as he shook his head.

"And how would YOU do it?" Millie asked him, sipping some of her coffee.

"Personally? I'd take her up to Earth and get her to a fucking therapist." Junior said to them.

"A therapist on Earth? Why not-" Moxxie asked.

"This is hell, remember?" Junior replied to him, raising a non-existent brow

"Oh yeah." Moxxie said with a nod. "But still, therapist here could still work for her.

"And I say she can't." Junior said as Moxxie growled at him.

The two of them continued to argued over this for a few minutes until a glow began emitting from Blitzø's office.

Hmm?" Junior asked, catching the glow.

He moved away from the group and walked to the office, seeing Loona looking at her phone while staying at her desk. He looked inside and saw a teenage owl in front of a glowing purple and white portal.

'Who the hell is this?!' Junior thought, summoning his scythe before the owl turned to him and made him gasp in shock.

It's been YEARS since he last saw her but he could never forget her light violet eyes and dark violet feather hair.

"Octavia?" Junior said in shock.

The owl demon turned to Junior, shocked to see him after so many years before she gave a small but sad smile.

"Hello, my friend. It's nice to see you again but I don't have time to talk." she said to him.

Octavia turned and left through the portal, closing it to make sure Junior couldn't follow as he was left standing in shock as everyone else but Loona rushed into the room!

"What the hell was that?!" Blitzø asked in shock and outrage.

"...LOOOOOOOOOOONAAAAAAA!" Junior shouted at his fiancé, making her flinch in fear a bit.

"Y-Yeah?!" Loona stuttered out, having never been yelled at by Junior before.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER?! I know you're pissed at Blitzo but you still should've stopped Octavia!" Junior shouted as he marched back to her, seeing her flinching from his judgemental gaze.

"H-Hey now. If a girl's pissed...I get it. She just needed some time to cool off." Loona said with a small bit of sweat from her brow.

Junior let out a sigh as he pinched his nose hole, shaking his head as his temper slowly lowered.

"We need to find her, especially BEFORE her dad finds out." Junior said as he looked to Blitzo. "Call him. Call Stolas."

"What?! No way!" he shouted to Junior in sudden fear.

There were only two things that Stolas put above everything else in the world and those were the grimoire then his daughter. One of them gone would've been catastrophe but both of them gone is even worse!

"Look, if he gets upset, then give the phone to me. I'll talk to him to try and calm him down." Junior said.

"Really?" Blitzo asked with some hope.

"Yes." Junior said with a nod.

"Thank you! You have just earned yourself a raise!" Blitzo shouted with a grin.

They used the company phone to make the call and Blitzo was the one to walk into it with a nervous expression on his face. He looked to Junior and saw him give a firm nod about having his back. When Stolas came on, Blitzo decided to just rip the band-aid off and tell the truth quickly.

"Hey Stolas...funny story. You're gonna laugh when you hear this. Your daughter sort of came by and took the grimoire before portaling off to who the fuck knows where. We have no way of getting her or the book back, so MAYBE you could help and not kill us? Okay, BYE!" Blitzo said before hanging up the phone.

"Oh boy." Junior said, shaking his head as he held. "That just bought you about 3 seconds."

Blitzø flinched from this and put his arms up while waiting for something to happen, three seconds passed before he opened his eyes again and found everything was completely fine.

"PHEW! That's a loud off my mind!" Blitzø said before-


The door of the office was blown off and a giant, demonic bird made of red and black feathers was standing before them with four red glaring eyes.

"BLIIIIIITTTTTZZZZ!" Stolas screamed in outrage, stomping towards him.

The imps and Loona backed up in fear whole Junior moved to stand in front of them. He held his hand out and caught Stolas by the beak, making him surprised as he gained a clear view of his face

"Hello, Mr. Goetia, it's been a while, hasn't it?" he said in a calm voice, even giving a smile to the demon prince.

Somehow his calming voice and his familiarity made Stolas return to his normal form but Junior kept his hand on his beak.

'How the fuck did he do that? Does his family have ties with the Goetia?' Everyone at IMP thought.

"Now, we're going to discuss this properly and calmly like rational people, okay, Mr. Goetia?" Junior said to him.

"Mmm." Stolas said but couldn't say anything because Junior was holding his beak shut.

So he just nodded his head "yes" before being released.

"Good. And sorry but you needed to calm down." Junior said to him.

Stolas nodded to him before taking deep, calming breathes and glaring towards Blitzo!

"HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!" Stolas screamed at Blitzo as he flinched, retracting to Moxxie and Millie in fear! "Do you just let any random demon waltz in and take ridiculously powerful grimoires when you're not looking?! Did you even keep it in a safe?!"

"Of course I did!" Blitzo replied.

"Then how did Octavia get into so easy?! What, is your password 1-2-3-4?!" Stolas shouted at him.

"No!" Blitzo shouted at him.

"Yes." everyone else said, making him groan.

"That's not important right now, what is important is that we head upstairs and find Octavia before she gets hurt." Junior said, making everyone turn to him.

"But how?! We have no idea where she went!" Stolas said as he held his hat in worry.

Deciding to be useful this time instead of sitting around, Loona got up and sniffed the air a bit before grimacing.

"Ugh, if my nose is right, I'm picking up hints of desperation and urine. And I know only one place on Earth where those two mix the most, Los Angeles, California." Loona said as she wiped her nose, feeling everyone's eyes on her. "What?"

"How do you know what this "Los Angeles" smells like?" Moxxie asked her as he pointed to her.

"I may or may not sneak out at times to explore the human world when you guys are not gone." Loona said as she crossed her arms.

"We are going to have a talk about that later." Blitzo said, disappointed like a parent to her, before Stolas walked up to Loona.

"If you know where this place is, I should be able to make a portal to it with your help." Stolas said as he placed a hand on Loona's head, his eyes flashing for a moment as Loona's did the same. "There, we are ready to go."

Stolas pointed towards a wall and quickly created a portal to Los Angeles as Blitzo moved to toss Loona inside before Junior took her into his arms.

"No throwing the pregnant hellhound." Junior said as he walked through with Loona in his arms.

Once everyone walked through the portal and it shut behind them, the group was now in a filthy alley way near a dumpster with graffiti on the walls along with trash and boxes on the ground.

"Alright, people., let's make this quick before someone spots us." Blitzo said before hearing gunfire, looking around the alley in surprise with his arms limp. "Huh, this actually looks a lot like hell."

A scream was heard as Junior could sense lives being killed and their souls rip for the taking.

"L.A. isn't as fabulous as most human people think. There's a large amount of gang crime and drugs on the streets. Not to mention that the water supply has been recently said to have trace amounts of literal acid in it." Junior said as he put Loona on her feet.

"What? How do you know that?" Moxxie asked him in surprise.

"My father is Death, remember? He keeps me up to date on causes of death, rarities included." Junior said to the imp man.

"...Okay, putting that fact in mind to NOT drink the water up here, sniff Octavia out, Loonie." Blitzo said as he marched forward.

"How am I supposed to smell anything in this city?! There's thousands of scents in this alley alone." Loona said, covering her nose a bit.

"Well if you can't sniffer her out, I think I can help you with tracking her down." Junior said.

"You can?" Loona asked him.

"Soul sense. If I have a specific soul in mind, I can track them with ease. Comes in handy if people ever try to run from death like they do with dad." Junior said.

"That could really come in handy, especially since Loona isn't as useful right now." Moxxie commented to her.

"Well, you'd be more useful if you lost that last 20 pounds." Loona said as she pointed to Moxxie, calling him fat.

"What? But I'm not fat." Moxxie replied, offended.

'Here we go again.' Junior thought with a groan, pinching his nose hole.

"Wel, it wouldn't kill him to put a salad in his lunch every once in awhile." Blitzo said to Millie, making Moxxie angry again.

"I'm not fat!" Moxxie shouted!

"Okay, just drop it for now, Mox, and focus on the task at hand. If we're going to search this city, we need to blend in with the humans. Otherwise we draw attention to ourselves and we may never find Octavia." Junior said, making everyone refocus.

"I've been meaning to ask but didn't your dad walk among humans in is true form and nobody seemed to give a shit?" Loona asked him.

"Yes but two things. A. That's because Endsville was a crappy town full of crazy people, some of them had just plain giving up hope with all the crazy stuff that happened in the place. And B. That was way back when my mother was a child, humanity may or may not have changed since then." Junior said to her.

"You mean they've become smarter?" Millie asked.

No...not everyone. Some are smarter than before but most as stupider than before." Junior said, remembering the tour group from Lyle Lypton's mansion tour.

"Alright then! Disguise yourselves, people!" Blitzo shouted at everyone.

Stolas and Loona nodded before transforming in an anime like style, washing magic over their body as they spun before posing at the end. Millie was clapping for them while Moxxie just crossed his arms before looking to Junior.

"Aren't you going to transform?" Moxxie asked.

"Not like them. I also might change my clothes a bit." Junior said with a smirk.

He spun in a circle as blue flames formed around him, washing over his body as Junior rubbed his hands together. He pushed them over his face and let his body "burn" as skin began forming around his face and bones.

Loona always enjoyed seeing Junior transform, she will always love him for who he is but seeing him in his hunky, human form was always a feast for her eyes. As the flames traveled around his body, Junior clothes changed from a black and silver cloak to a pair of black jeans, a gray shirt with a pentagram on the chest, a black jean vest, and converse shoes. His brown hair with a large side tuft didn't change as his blue eyes shined in the light.

"What do you think?" Junior asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

Loona walked over to Junior and began looking him over, examining his body from front to back.

"I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or not, but I want you right now." Loona said with a lustful smile.

"It's probably the hormones but I think it'll have to pass from that offer." Junior said as he turned to Loona, rubbing the small baby bump that was developing. "Wouldn't want to hurt our developing little one, would we?"

'She's pregnant? Oh my!' Stolas thought in surprise.

"Um, hey guys, you think you could conjure us up some human disguises?" Blitzø asked Junior and Stolas, ruining the moment.

"Sadly no. Without the grimoire, my powers are limited I the human world." Stolas said with a sheepish grin.

"Ugh, whatever. Can't even memorize your spells." Blitzø mumbled.

"Excuse me? I don't see your memory being so great. Like what's his phone number for example?" Stolas asked as he gestured to Moxxie.

"....Fuck you, bird boy." Blitzø said as Stolas smirked. "What about you, Junior?"

"Sorry, it's harder for me to disguise others because they have to be within a certain range. It's like the invisibility spell from my first mission." Junior said to him.

"So we're just wandering around out here in plain sight, huh?" Millie asked.

"We don't seem to have a choice. The best we can do is hope these humans are dumber than most so they won't notice." Moxxie said about the people in the arena.

"Ugh, I guess we have to. Maybe there's a costume store nearby we can steal from." Blitzø said as the group left the alleyway.

They began walking through the sidewalk like normal people, half of the appearing normal anyway, with Stolas taking a pair of sunglasses to put on his head like they were his second pair of eyes. Junior was walking with his hands in his pockets as Loona held one arm lovingly before Moxxie and Millie were held up by a random guy selling his music CDS.

'Eh, they'll catch up.' She thought, not caring if they get left behind.

The remaining four continued forward before eventually coming across a costume shop, making them stop as Blitzo looked at it.

"Hold on, let me slip in and get a proper disguise." Blitzo said as he went inside of the shop.

"That's a good thing and all but make it quick! We still need to find Octavia!" Stolas said with worry.

"Don't worry. We'll find her. I promise." Junior said, putting a hand on Stolas's shoulder.

"Please promise me you won't be as paranoid with our kids." Loona said to Junior, making him chuckle a bit.

"I won't, I promise." Junior said as they all sat on a bench.

Junior sat on the right edge, Loona sat in the middle, and Stolas sat on the left edge; all three waiting for Blitzo to come out whenever he finds a suitable disguise. One that he ACTUALLY paid for with the help of some cash he secretly took from the wannabe music man that stopped Moxxie and Millie. Blitzo then came out of the shop in costume/disguise for them to see.

"Well, what did you think?" Blitzø asked, wearing a plain gray short-sleeve polo with black pants and a brown toupee in his head.

Yet the most disturbing feature of this was the GIANT sized ears covering his horns.

"You know you're supposed to be dressed as human and not Mickey mouse right?" Junior asked, being sarcastic.

Loona giggled at that joke as Blitzø and Stolas looked confused.

"I have no idea who that is." Blitzø said quickly.

"I know." Junior said as they got up from the bench.

They walked away to continue their search for Octavia before a woman screamed in their direction. The group looked to the screaming woman in jogging attire and saw she had a wide smile on her face!

"Look, everyone! It's Hollywood star, Brennon Ragers!" She said excitedly, pointing at Blitzo.

"Who?" Junior asked but felt a familiar chill of death with that name for some reason and HE didn't cause it.

'Did he die before his time?' Junior thought.

"The fuck is a Brendon Rager?" Blitzø asked, looking amounts before gazing up to a billboard and being shock. "Oh fuck."

Looking up with him, everyone saw the billboard away for a tv show called "Sweetie! I'm In the House!" And the guest was Brennon Ragers, a tan skinned human that looked EXACTLY like Blitzø if he was human and who he was unintentional disguised as.

"Oh dear." Stolas said with a nervous expression.

'Yep, that guy is dead.' Junior thought, the chill making sense once he had a face to go with the name. 'And everyone thinks Blitzø is him.'

Something had to be done but it was too late, a crowd of people began to swarm them and separate the group to get to " Brennon Ragers" past Stolas, Loona, and Junior.

"SHIT!" Junior cursed, being pushed around in all directions. "Guys! Split up and met on the other side of the street!"

Barely hearing his words, the group was forced to split up in the crowd as they began to crowd Blitzo like crazed fans because they thought he was that famous star. It was overwhelming and chaotic before a van suddenly pulled out and out came a short, producer looking man with two bodyguards. He made his way through the crowd as the bodyguards helped clear a way as the crowd split open for them.

"Mr. Ragers, we've been looking for you. You were due at the studio an hour ago." the short producer said to Blitzo, confusing him for Brennon Ragers as well.

"Due? Due where?" Blitzo asked.

"Why for your guest spot on "Sweetie! I'm in the House!" of course." the producer said while eating a fruit snake. "We're taping tonight. Now, hurry up and get in the car!"

"What?! No fucking way I'm not going anywhere with you, jizz-biscuit!" Blitzo said as he pushed him away and flipped him off.

"Hehehehe. Very funny, Mr. Ragers. Now, get in the car." the producer said as he held a fruit snack out, trying to lure Blitzo like he was a pet. "Come on, boy, come on."

"What the fuck are you on, man? Forget it." Blitzo said before the guards grabbed him from behind and lifted him in the air. "Hey, get your hands off me! Loona! Stolas! Junior! A little help, here?"

As he struggled Blitzo's fake ears fell off and a fan with a baby, drops his baby to catch the fake ears. This leads the crowd to rush to him and fight over the ears.

"E-excuse me, sir. Wait!" Stolas shouted, pushing through and fixing his hair a bit to come up with a quick lie. "I am Mr. Ragers' agent, and I don't believe you can just take my client without my-"

An agent behind Stolas chops his neck to knock him out a bit and picks him up from behind

"Oh my! You are strong, aren't you?!" Stolas asked, actually liking the chop.

Blitzo and Stolas are thrown in the back of the car. Blitzo growls his way back out, but the doors close before he can escape.

"Shit!" Junior said as saw this and tried to get to them but the crowd was in the way!

'I can't use my magic with this many people around! Mom and dad would flip!' Junior thought as Loona began beating down anyone in her way, coming closer to him. 'And I can't tell if she's doing that because of me or Blitzo.'

Right as he thought that, Blitzo smashed his head through the back of the van and called out to them!

"Loona, Junior! Find Octavia and the book!" He shouted at them.

Loona gave Blitzø two middle fingers as the van they were thrown into drove off, leaving the engaged couple alone as the crowd rushed after the van.

"Great, now what?" Loona asked before her stomach growled, making her blush.

"Well, since it's still morning and we worked up an appetite fighting off that mob, how about some brunch? We can look for Octavia after eating something." Junior suggested with a smirk.

"Okay...sure." Loona said, embarrassed.

The two made their way down the street, walking past and by people while looking for a coffee shop for brunch. Eventually, they found a knock off Starbucks and walked inside to the register.

"I have to ask, I know it's good for most women to have coffee while pregnant but what about you?" Junior asked Loona, seeing as she was a hellhound.

"I'll be fine. I'll just get a small latte." Loona said.

After a small brunch breach, they resumed their search for Octavia with Loona looking on her phone while Junior searched for the girl's soul.

'Hmmm, I can feel she was around here. Everywhere, possibly stumbling around in a panic. Scared and lost.' Junior thought as he gazed around the area. 'Where did you go, Octavia?'

He stopped however when Loona stopped, knocking him out of his thoughts as he saw her taking a picture of a cool looking poster.

"Nice." Loona said before looking through her phone.

She scrolled through demonic social media before coming across a familiar picture. One of the exact same poster but with Octavia in front of it at the exact same location!

"Puuuuuh!" Loona let out in a spit take of her coffee! "Junior, look at this!"

She showed him her phone and went to Octavia's social media profile. He let out a small gasp when we saw the same photo and several other pictures she took throughout the city. One of which was from a castle like establishment on this street!

"She's here and she left us a trail to follow." Junior said with a smile.

They took off running and began searching for Octavia for hours, following all of the photos on Octavia's social media sight all over L.A. From the walk of stairs to the giant Hollywood sign. They thought they found her at the sign but it turns out, it was just a nerdy looking human girl with glasses and big braces.

"This is some FUCK!" Junior cursed as they sat back on the bus they were using to find Octavia.

"Ugh! How hard it is to find one owl demon in a city of humans?!" Loona asked as they reached their next destination, an observatory on the edge of the city.

They wondered where else to look for Octavia before the sound of sniffling caught Loona's ears, making her stop.

"Do you hear that?" Loona aksed, looking around.

"No." Junior said before using his soul sense again, finding several human souls in the observatory and one demon soul. "But I DO sense something NOT human."

They two walked closer to the observatory, heading around the steps to the balcony area as the sniffles became more prominent to Junior's hearing.

"Haven't heard that since my childhood." Junior said, remembering this sobbing well.

"Did she cry a lot when you were kids?" Loona asked.

"No, she didn't, but I just remembering crying in general. I was sort of an emo kid for a while." Junior admitted.

"Really? I've seen your dad's pictures. You were a cute kid, not at all emo." Loona said with a small smile.

"Ugh, not the pictures in a pink onesie." Junior said, groaning a bit.

"YEP." Loona said with a pop at the end, smiling a bit.

Refocusing on the task at hand, the hellhound and the reaper made it to the balcony to see Octavia crying while sitting in the edge. Holding her knees as she placed her head into them. Seeing her sadden like this and seeing nobody else around, they went to true forms as the approached her slowly. Junior moved to stand on her left side as Loona leaned against the railing on her right.

"Uh. . hi Octavia?" Junior asked.

"How did you find me?" Octavia asked, not looking at them.

"Your Sinstagram. Nice pics by the way." Loona said, pulling out her phone.

"Thanks, I guess." Octavia said, wiping away her tears.

They became silent for a moment before asking the most important question.

"You okay?" Loona asked.

"Honestly? No! I'm fucking not! I came all this way to some stars and. . all I get is this!" Octavia said, gesturing to the gray, smoke and cloud covered sky.

"Yeah, smog is a bitch." Loona commented.

"An incredible one." Junior said with a nod before looking at Octavia. "Why did you do all of this? Why exactly did you come up here?"

"Because my dad and mom are driving each other crazy. They can't stop hating each other for one day and can't love me more than they hate each other." Octavia said, still crying.

"It's not always like that." Loona said as pulls out a cigarette and attempts to light it with a lighter with the IMP logo on it before Junior takes it away.

"I don't care if you're a hellhound, smoking is bad for you right now." Junior said, putting it on his pocket.

"Fuck." Loona said with a groan before looking back to Octavia. "But back to you, your dad is really worried about you."

Octavia scoffed at this as her sorrow was replaced with anger for a moment.

"Right! Sure he does! That's why you guys are here instead of him. He couldn't be bothered to keep the promise he made to me, and now he can't be bothered to come and get me himself!" She said before crying again, holding her knees. "He'd rather spend his time screaming at my mum as they finalize their divorce! Why does he hate his ex-wife so much more than he loves his daughter?"

'Hmm, I never thought they'd last.' Junior thought, remembering how Stella is.

How much of an uptight and stuffy woman, scoffing at anyone that wasn't a fellow royal. It attitude that almost got her killed by Mandy when they first met. As Junior shook those memories off, Loona was looking over he distance and thought about her own "father."

"Dads are...complicated." Loona admitted as Junior nodded in agreement.

"True, fathers be pretty complicated." Junior said, scratching his head a bit. "Same with all parents."

"Sure but unlike yours, he can't even be here himself! Instead he sends you to come find me!" Octavia said to them, sniffling a bit.

Junior chuckled, making Octavia turn to him as he tussles her hair.

"You really think that? But actually, He's down there looking for you just like us." He said as he pointed at the city of L.A.

"He is?" Octavia asked, very surprised by this.

"Yeah, you should've seen what happened after we told your dad about you and the book. He came BUSTING into the office and looked ready to destroy the whole building just to know where you are." Junior said with another chuckle. "If that isn't fatherly love, I don't know what is."

"He's right. No dad is perfect but, he trying his best to do right by you." Loona said, smiling a bit as she looked over the IMP lighter and thought of Blitzo. ""That's worth a lot more than you think."

The reason she says this? Loona never actually knew her blood father, she was in an orphanage for a good bit of her life and was never adopted until Blitzo came. He could've chosen from dozens of other hellhounds, younger and more stable but he chose her out of all of them.

'He may be a piece of shit but he cares more than anyone I've ever known except Junior.' Loona thought, still smiling.

"Trust us, we know. My dad, as busy as he is, still tries his best to make time for me." Junior said as he put a hand on Octavia's shoulder. "Your dad wouldn't have barged into IMP looking ready to kill us, if he didn't love you with all of his heart."

Octavia wiped her tears and looked at them, taking both of their words about parents to heart.

'I guess...they're right.' She thought, remembering all the times her father DID make her happy and all the times he tried to make her happy after a bad incident.

Before long, the moon began to peak out from the smog covered sky, making them all gaze up and admire its beauty. Junior sighed softly at the moon, it's bright whitish-blue color was always breath taking compared to the moon in hell. Especially since there was no pentagram on it.

"Beautiful." Junior said as Loona looked at him.

"As beautiful as me?" Loona asked with a smirk.

"Heh heh, no. You are named after it but it doesn't compare to you." Junior said with a smile.

Seeing their moment, Octavia smiled a bit as she gazed back up at the moon.

'It's nice that Junior found someone to love.' She thought with a smile.

"So, ready to head back?" Loona asked Octavia.

Octavia got up from her spot and took out the spell book from her bag, giving it to Loona before she hugged them both.

"Thank you, both of you." Octavia said with a smile.

"No problem." Junior said as they hugged her back.

Breaking apart from her, the trio made their ways back down the steps to the ground below.

'Now to find, Blitzo and Stolas.' Junior thought, using his soul sense to find an exact location before he summoned his scythe. 'There'

He sliced the air and made them a portal from the observatory and into a random alley way back in the city, stepping through right as Blitzo and Stolas were wandering past it before noticing them.

"Loonie!/Octavia!" They both said, rushing towards their daughters.

"Oh Loonie, I'm so sorry! I would never replace you!" Blitzo shouted, blubbering with tears in his eyes.

"Ugh." Loona said, about to do something before Junior nudged her.

"Be nice." he said to her as Blitzo hug her tightly.

"I don't care what you do, I'll never be disappointed in you!" Blitzo said before Loona slowly hugged him back, patting his head.

"Yeah, yeah...I know...and it's okay, dad." Loona said with a small smile.

Stolas had a more tearful reunion with his daughter.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I-" Octavia was cut off as Stolas hug her and reverts back to his demon form.

"I'm just relieved you're okay! But, what would possess you to do something like this?" He asked as he pulled away from her. "You know I haven't taught you spells of this caliber yet."

"I just wanted to see the stars you promised. Azathoth's Tears, remember?" Octavia said to him.

Stolas gasped, remembering his promise from over 10 years ago.

"I did! Oh, I am so sorry!" Stolas said to her.

"It's okay." Octavia said, hugging her father. "I guess we can wait another lifetime for them."

"Maybe not, if what I'm thinking about could work." Junior said to them.

They looked at him in surprise, wondering what he meant.

"You can?" Stolas asked him.

"I know about Azathoth's Tears too. And I think I have the perfect solution for everyone to see the stars." Junior said, summoning his scythe.

Spinning his scythe in his hand, Junior charged up his flames before grabbing the handle and stomping on the ground to firm his hold!

"GRUH!" he shouted as he slashed up to the sky, hitting the cloud as a straight line slowly appeared. ""

A small explosion occurred before the clouds were blown away, showing the clear night sky. They all saw the stars in the sky and felt great awe, finding it so beautiful and mezmuring as fireworks began going off as well.

"What the hell is that?" Octavia asked in amazement.

"Fireworks./My acting career." Junior and Blitzo said at same time before looking at each other.

Before either of them could say anything, the Tears of Azathoth began flying through the sky above the fireworks and mixing the colors together in a brand new show of lights! Junior only had one thing to say at the sight of the fireworks and the stars.

"Incredible." Junior muttered as Loona stood next to him.

"Yeah. It's even BETTER than I thought it would be." Octavia said with a smile, hugging her father close as they watched the meteors and the fireworks.

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