Ch. 4: Surprising Meeting

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(Short Instrumental)

This is a dream world, we're living in.

Junior is seen sitting on a couch in the IMP break room, polishing his guns.

Every move feels like a beginning.

Junior is then seen sitting in the meeting room with the others, sharpening his scythe with with a sharpening stone.

I can't believe my eyes.

Blitzo is standing before them with his hands behind his back.

I'm feeling so alive.

Blitzo slams an order form and a photo of the target on the table.

All the colors in overdrive.

Everyone looks at the photo and Junior smirks a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Junior stand up and twirls his scythe in his hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aim high, aim high.

Millie and Moxie stand up, ready for action while Loona lazily gets up and rolls her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Loona sends a look to Junior, sending a small smirk at him while Blitzo comes to Junior with a smile on his face.

Power up, here we go.

Junior lifts his scythe before swinging it, opening a portal to the mortal realm.

Are you ready to play?!

The group stands before a castle in London, England.

Are you ready to play?!

The group charges into the castle though a back door, leaving a two dead guards on the floor.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips. There's nothing like this.

They make it to the master bedroom and see group of guards before them.

Are you ready to play?!

The guards point their weapons to Junior and the others, ready to kill them to defend their king/queen.

The future's today!

IMP gets ready to fight, Moxie pulling out a shot gun, Millie pulling out a mace, Blitzo pulling out a flintlock gun and dagger, and Loona growls and bares her fangs.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips.

Junior smirks at the guards before pulling out one of his guns.

Are you ready to play?

Junior shoots the bullet at the screen in a flash of light.

(Stop music at 1:04)

(End of Intro)

2 weeks later.

After Loona's heat cycle ended, she and Junior had officially began to go on dates and get to know each other more. At first it was just like hanging out and being like friends but as time went on, it was turning into something more, something like...... love. They were falling in love with each other and they didn't fight it and soon, the others had began to notice the change in their relationship with each other.

They hadn't officially announced their relationship to the group but they all noticed how they were around each other. Moxxie saw how Loona smiled more whenever Junior was around and whenever they talked to each other; Millie saw how they snuggled with each other whenever they were in the break room together and ate lunch together; and Blitzo had seen how Loona wasn't growling as much as she used to whenever he showed her fatherly love. And while the couple did manage to get more work done, it was still kinda distracting for the imps.

Not only were they in love emotionally, they were very physically active. Even when Loona's heat cycle past, they were still very public about their affections even when they tried to hide it. The proof of that being that Junior had showed his human appearance more and more then he did when he first started working at IMP before, whether on or after missions. Bone or flesh, Loona couldn't seem to keep her hands off him.

 And since they found out, it was starting to get on Blitzo's nerves. Even if he was alright with it, the amount of affection they showed to each other was getting out of hand and something needed to be done about it. So Blitzo called a meeting about it and decided to clear the air.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, we can get to the subject of the meeting." he said before turning to the left side of the table, seeing Junior (in his normal reaper appearance) and Loona sitting close to each other. "Junior, Loonie, it's been made apparently clear that you two are a couple. A very active couple."

Junior and Loona looked to each other and nodded before turning back to Blitzo.

"Well, yeah. I guess we could've been a bit more calm about it." Loona said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"That's an understatement." Moxxie mumbled under his breath before Millie nudge him with an eye roll.

"We weren't that different when we started dating, Moxxie." she whispered to him with a teasing smile, causing the male imp to blush at the memories.

"Well none the less, I can only assume you've already been intimate. Possibly numerous times, if I'm correct." Blitzo said before gazing right at Junior, who gave a swift nod to confirm. "Which brings me to the next issue of this meeting."

"Which is what, Mr. Blitz?" Junior asked with a raised brow. 

Blitzo took a deep breath before pointing at Junior with a serious expression.

"If what I can assume is correct and you knock up up my daughter, I demand you do the decent thing and marry her!" he shouted with a conviction in his voice.

This caused everyone to pause and flinch at Blitzo, not knowing that the meeting was to lead to something like this. Sure, they could guess it was about their relationship but they didn't think it would lead to the topic of marriage!

"BLITZ!" Loona screamed in embarrassment, blushing while Moxxie looked as if he was holding back his laughs.

"Look Loonie, though I don't like, you two have been admitted to being sexually active. How much, I don't know but that doesn't matter right now! NO daughter of mine is gonna have a child before she is married!" Blitzo said as he pointed to her, mostly her stomach. "And if a baby is growing inside you, it is going to have a proper dad. Even if we have to do this the old fashion way and have a shotgun wedding!"

To make his point, Blitzo suddenly pulled out a shotgun and cocked it before aiming towards Junior, who was silent and blushing from the sudden request for marriage. Sure, they had worked together for almost 4 months and dated for about 2 weeks, but marriage was a big step. A step he....was surprisingly okay with but was Loona? Meanwhile with the hellhound herself, she was seething in rage at her adoptive father. Not just from the damage to get married but for pointing a gun at Junior! Her instincts told her to defend her mate and that's just what she did, Loona jumped towards Blitzo and bit down towards the trigger. Breaking the gun and biting down into his hand!

"AH!" Blitzo screamed in pain as as he pulled his bleeding hand from Loona's maw.

"Boss!" Millie shouted as she quickly went to get a first aid kit while Moxxie went to separate him from Loona.

"Don't EVER point a gun at him!" she growled at her adoptive father, wanting to protective of her boyfriend/ mate.

"Loona!" Junior said as he got up and held her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

"NO ONE points a gun at my man!" She growled before gazing at at Junior, "Even if he can't really be killed."

"I know but Loona, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." Junior reassured her before he looked at the others. "And while I'm not a fan of shotgun weddings.....I do think getting married would be nice."

"Really?" Loona said in surprise while turning to him. "You seriously wanna marry me?"

Yes, I do. I love you, Loona. We may have only known each other for a few months but I feel like we really connect. I wanna be with you til, hehehe, death do us part. "Junior said with a little joke for the death part before turning to look into Loona's eyes and holding her hands. "That is, if that's what you want?"

Loona didn't break eye contact with him as she thought about it for a second before realizing that....she felt the same way. Even if they hadn't known each other for half a year, she did love Junior, with all her heart. Plus, given how much sex they were having since her heat cycle, a child is probably inevitable. So they might as well do the only decent thing left in hell and get married.

"I do, Junior but first, I wanna lay down  two conditions." Loona said to him while hold up two fingers.

"Okay, what are they?" Junior asked, happy yet curious that Loona said "yes."

"Condition one is something I've always wanted to try. " She said before leaning closer and whispering to him. "During the honeymoon, I want you to surpise me in the shower for a very special wake up call."

Junior blushed at the husk in her voice but the thought was inticing.

"Okay, easy enough. And condition two?" he asked as Loona pulled back away from him.

"Well that one's easy. Since you've met my family, I think it's only far that I should meet yours." Loona said with a smile.

"Meet my family?" Junior said in a bit of shock, not having told them about his relationship with Loona just yet but was preparing to after about another week. "You do know that mine is a little......crazier than your's right?"

"Crazier than Blitz?" Loona asked as she jerked her thumb to Blitzo, who was having his hand treated after Millie came back with a first aid kit. "I doubt it and even if they are, I've handled Blitz's embarrassment my entire life. I'll be fine if they to embarrass me or you a bit."

"It's not the embarrassment I'm worried about." Junior said to her, thinking about just one or two people that might give Loona a hard time.

His mother, the bitch queen and most ruthless woman in the underworld, Mandy, and his sister, one of the most powerful woman in the underworld, Minimandy.

 "What are you worried then? You got a possessive little sister?" Loona joked as she crossed her arms. "What's she gonna do, kill me?"

"Maybe but the real one you gotta look out for is my mother." Junior said as he got some shivers down his spine. "She is without a doubt, the scariest person I have known my entire life. Literally."

"Oh really? Well, then I may want to meet her even more now. Just so I can find out what to expect from a mother in law." Loona said with a smirk.

"Well, I can give you some insight but it'll only help so much." Junior said as he turned to Blitzo, whose hand was fulled bandaged. "If our relationship the only thing this meeting was about, are we adjured  boss?"

"Eh, no not just yet." Blitzo said as he rubbed his hand in pain before reached into his coat for something. "We received a special request to kill a special target from an anonymous source. They didn't give us any identity but they paid up front and gave us the name and image of the target." 

Blitzo then pulled out the request form in a folder with the name and image inside to show it to everyone in the meeting room.

 "Alright, let's see who we're killing today." Junior said as they all went to the folder and opened it.

Who it was shocked everyone, especially Junior.

"HIM?!" they shouted in shock as they saw the suave, red colored master of the Land of Tainted Souls as the target for the kill.

End of Chapter 4. Hope you all liked it. See you later.

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