Ch. 6: Tending to Wounds

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(Short Instrumental)

This is a dream world, we're living in.

Junior is seen sitting on a couch in the IMP break room, polishing his guns.

Every move feels like a beginning.

Junior is then seen sitting in the meeting room with the others, sharpening his scythe with with a sharpening stone.

I can't believe my eyes.

Blitzo is standing before them with his hands behind his back.

I'm feeling so alive.

Blitzo slams an order form and a photo of the target on the table.

All the colors in overdrive.

Everyone looks at the photo and Junior smirks a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Junior stand up and twirls his scythe in his hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aim high, aim high.

Millie and Moxie stand up, ready for action while Loona lazily gets up and rolls her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Loona sends a look to Junior, sending a small smirk at him while Blitzo comes to Junior with a smile on his face.

Power up, here we go.

Junior lifts his scythe before swinging it, opening a portal to the mortal realm.

Are you ready to play?!

The group stands before a castle in London, England.

Are you ready to play?!

The group charges into the castle though a back door, leaving a two dead guards on the floor.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips. There's nothing like this.

They make it to the master bedroom and see group of guards before them.

Are you ready to play?!

The guards point their weapons to Junior and the others, ready to kill them to defend their king/queen.

The future's today!

IMP gets ready to fight, Moxie pulling out a shot gun, Millie pulling out a mace, Blitzo pulling out a flintlock gun and dagger, and Loona growls and bares her fangs.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips.

Junior smirks at the guards before pulling out one of his guns.

Are you ready to play?

Junior shoots the bullet at the screen in a flash of light.

(Stop music at 1:04)

(End of Intro)

The battle with HIM was without a doubt, one of the most difficult battle Junior had ever faced in his life and he was VERY lucky to be the the one left standing after it was over. It somewhat destroyed HIM home but it was worth it, even though a friend of his might be angry at it. Though Junior wasn't without wounds from the long and crazed battle. He was in his reaper form and his bones were in a half fragile state. His ribs were cracked, his left shoulder was missing some pieces, and his right leg was "dead" so to speak with it not moving in the slightest so Junior had to lean on his scythe to stand straight. His clothes covered the wounds but the most noticeable was the spiderweb crack on top of his left eye socket, barely being covered by his hair. HIM was slightly worse with deep cuts all over his body, his right arm cut completely off, and his legs broken in several places while his head was cut off and the right eye was gouged out.

"It's finally done but I can't help but think of what Loona's gonna say when she sees me like this." Junior said with a small chuckled as he walked out of HIM's home, limping with his right leg dragging on the ground.

When he reached a good distance from the destroyed house, Junior pushed onto one leg and sliced open a portal back to IMP. He hopped a bit into the portal before he began to fell with his balance ending, he almost hit the floor before Loona rushed and caught him in her arms.

"Junior!" Loona said in shock as she put a hand on his chest while helping him to a couch but felt his cracked and shifting rib bones. "Yo-Your body..."

"It's not that bad, Loona." Junior said as he sat on the couch, trying to stay strong before Millie and Moxxie walked to him.

"You've been gone for an hour and a half." Millie said as she and Moxxie looked over his tattered clothes, seeing his bones underneath and seeing the cracks.

"Take off your coat, let us see the damage so we can try to help." Moxxie said as Millie reached for Junior's coat.

"You guys don't miss a trick, do you? Hehehe, that's why I'm glad to work with you guys." Junior said with a smile.

Junior really appreciated his friends for this as he slowly took off his top coat to reveal his skeletal injuries, causing everyone to gasp as Loona held a hand over her mouth before rolling up his right pants sleeve severely cracked right leg.

"Junior..." Loona let out as she saw the damage to his upper body and thinking that if she had gone with him, maybe he would've have become this injured.

"Don't worry, Loona. I'm fine." Junior tried to play off but Loona ignored it as she slowly pulled up his hair to reveal his cracked eye socket.

"Get the first aid kit, get milk, get something!" Loona screamed to to the married imps as tears began to well in her eyes. "NOW!"

They had never seen Loona like this, so eratic and emotional, so they did what she said and rushed off to get the first aid kit and the milk from the fridge. They didn't know why milk but they didn't want to piss of the emotional hellhound.

"Loona, I'm tellling you, I'll be fine." he said as he adjusted to lay on the couch, resting his head on the right. "Just need to rest for a while."

"You better and I'm gonna make sure of it." Loona said as she laid down next to him, gently putting her head on his right shoulder. "I am not letting you out of my sight from now on."

"Loona..." Junior tried to say before she looked in his eye sockets, showing him her tears.

"I am not." she said firmly before gently grazing her hand over his ribs. "You're the first guy who meant this much to me, and when I see you like this, it just hurts so much."

"Okay, Loona. Okay." Junior said as he stared at the ceiling for a moment. "Hey, after I heal from all this, I'll see if I can take you meet them."

"Who?" Loona asked him as she moved her tail to his lap.

"My family, you wanted to meet them, right?" Junior said to her.

Loona smiled to Junior, remembering wanting to met his family before the mission against HIM. She gave Junior a gentle kiss before Moxxie and Millie came back with a first aid kit and a half-carton of milk, just like Loona screamed at them to get. They didn't know if it would work but they just did it out of slight fear from the emotional hellhound.

"We got the kit." Moxxie said as he held up the first aid kit.

"And the milk but I don't know if it'll help." Millie said as Junior held his hand out and took the milk from her.

"Oh it will." Junior said as he opened the milk and drank from it, downing half the milk before he stopped and sat up with Loona doing the same. "A little fun fact, give a reaper skeleton some milk and their body's supernatural nature will transforming into first rate healing remedy, though it won't heal it completely."

Junior gestured to his cracked ribs, which were slowly healing and putting themselves back into place, just enough for him to move around without trouble.

"I never brought it up because I always thought our missions would just be assassinations instead of battles." he said as Millie took the milk from him.

Well, hopefully we won't get anymore requests like that one." Moxxie said as he opened the first aid kit and handed Loona some wrappings, letting her wrap up his shoulder and his leg bones.

"Yeah, you had use worried to death." Millie said as with a hand on her chest.

"Sorry about that, I did say HIM was tough." Junior said as he looked over his left shoulder and right leg, moving them to see if they still worked before turning to Loona. "How's my left eye socket by the way?"

Loona gently moved his hair out of the way and looked over his eye socket, seeing the cracks had closed up but left a faded mark in place.

"It's good, it makes you look tougher." Loona said before she kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm glad you like it." he said with snark as he smirked at Loona, who chuckled at him before she finished wrapping him up.

"There. Now, all you need is to rest for a while." she said as she grabbed his coat and put it over his shoulders.

"Sure." Junior said as they cuddled on the couch, relaxing with each other's company as the married imp left to give them some privacy.

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