Escaping Hell

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9 year old (Y/n) POV

A month, that's how long I have been here in this stupid lab for, I lost track of time after the second week. At least he gave me food and water that's a sign that he wants me alive, I then heard footsteps coming from the darkness, I got off the bed I was on and walked to the window of my cell and saw a man in a suit with a black helmet and some covered in hands. All For One and Shigaraki.

AFO : "Hello (Y/n), how are feeling?"

Your cell :

(Y/n) : "If I'm honest pretty crap." *Angrily* "How long are you going to keep me here! Why am I important!"

AFO : "It is not important to you at the moment. I am also quite annoyed at the lack of progress with trying to replicate your quirk after I couldn't take it away from you from when we first met a month ago."

(Y/n) : *Shocked* "It's been a month!"


AFO : "Greetings (Y/n) it's a pleasure to meet you."

(Y/n) : *Scared* "W-who are you what do you want"

AFO : *Starts walking towards (Y/n)* "Well its simple really I want your quirk."

Just then my mom and dad stood Infront of me trying to protect me.

(D/n) : "You will not lay a hand on our son!!"

(M/n) :  "Thats right!"

AFO : "Out of my way insects!" *uses telekinesis to push them away to the wall*

(Y/n) :  *Tears up* "Mom, Dad!!" *Trys to run towards them feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see AFO*

AFO : *Try's to take quirk but fails* "WHAT!?!? Why isn't it working well if I can't take your  quirk, I'll take you!" *opens a portal and starts walking through it*

(Y/n) : *Crying "Mom, Dad !!!"

Both: "SON!!!"

*End of Flashback*

AFO : "Yes it has. Now if you will excuse us we have somewhere else to be see you tomorrow for the next test."

He then created a portal and both of them walked through it and it closed behind them.

(Y/n) : "Well, I guess I'm all alone here in this stupid lab."

As if on cue the lights turned off and I heard a loud explosion and the lights suddenly turned red, I then hear other loud explosions go off, I then hear footsteps come this way to the lab. I was about to get out of here but I need to do it, so I activated my strength quirk and started punching the glass and when I did it made a loud echo which everyone heard.

Elsewhere :

??? : "Did you hear that ?"

??? : "The sound came from this way

??? : "Are you certain ?"

??? : "I am certain, lets go" *starts running towards that sound*

Back with you :

I kept punching the glass it started to crank which is a good sign, I then heard the lab door being punched by something, then the door starts to melt and when its is fully melted, I see a few heroes coming through door. I recognize all of them with being Mirko the rabbit hero, Endeavor the fire hero, Eraserhead, Ryukyu the dragon hero, Gang Orca, Hawks and even Blizzard the frost hero.

(Yes Rei is a hero in this story, and Endeavor will be nicer is this story and to not mess up the timeline at this point hawks is 20 years old)

Hawks : "Is that a kid in there, why would they be experimenting on a kid ?!"

Blizzard : "I don't know but he doesn't deserves this, no one does." *puts her hand on the glass*

(Y/n) : *puts his hand where Rei's hand is on the glass and smiles at her*

Blizzard : *Smiles back* "Stand back I'm going to freeze the glass." *Puts both hands on the glass and freezes it solid* "Endeavor break the glass."

Endeavor : "On it" *punches the glass and it shatters*

Blizzards : "Ryukyu, help me get this kid out of here."

Ryukyu : "I'm with you, the rest of you search everywhere and do not stop searching!"

Heroes : "On it"

Blizzard : "Come on sweetie were getting you out of here." *grabs your hand*

I then run out of the lab with the two heroes and when we get outside I can see that the place is surrounded by cops in high attack armor, I even see the Symbol of Peace himself All-Might arriving.

All-Might : "I AM HERE, did I miss anythi-" *Looks at you* "Is that a child, they were experimenting on a child!!"

Blizzard : "It seems so All-Might, we found in a lab inside the building were waiting for the others to come outside again."

*Time Skip*

3rd POV

After the raid was over the heroes were discussing about the child they had found in the lab and were wondering what they were going to do until Nezu spoke up.

Nezu : "Maybe the boy can shed some light on who is behind all of this."

Blizzard : "Are you sure its a good idea to question him after what he's been through ?"

Endeavor : "I agree with Blizzard, I think he's been through enough."

All-Might : "But it wouldn't hurt to ask right ?"

Endeavor : "I guess you right old friend." 

(Yes endeavor and all-might are friends are in this)

All the the heroes that were present all walked over to the ambulance that had (Y/n) inside having a check up un him, (Y/n) noticed the heroes were coming over he figured that they were going to ask questions about what they were doing to him so he decided to tell them the truth.

Nezu : "Hello young man, it is nice to meet you what is you name ?"

(Y/n) : "My name is (Y/n) (L/n), and my parents names are (D/n) (L/n) and (M/n) (L/n)." 

Gang Orca : "Well its good thing you know your parents names it will make it easier for us to find them I get someone to start looking form them right away."

All-Might : "Excuse me young (L/n), may I ask you something. Who did this to you ?"

(Y/n) : "The person that did this to me is called All For One."

Heroes : *Eyes Widen*

Blizzard : "What how is he still alive I thought All-Might killed him in their last battle."

Endeavor : "I guess he survived, but there is still one question unanswered, why did he kidnap you ?"

(Y/n) : "He wanted to steal my quirk due to how powerful it is, but he couldn't steal it from me, so he kidnapped me took some of my blood and tried to replicate my quirk but every time when they thought they were close to doing to it the experiment failed every time."

Ryukyu : "Wait how long were you held captive for ?"

(Y/n) : "A month."

Ryukyo : "Oh you poor thing" *Tears starting forming in her eyes*

Mirko : "Well I have a question, what exactly is your quirk? 

(Y/n) : "It's called dark copy it allows me to copy others quirks and lets me upgrade them to make six time mores powerful and it also allows me to combine quirks to make news quirks as well, that why he wants it so badly. If you want I can show you want I can do I just need some ones quirk to copy."

Hawks : "You can copy my quirk, lets see if you copy my wings."

(Y/n) looked at hawks and after a few seconds a black mist could be seen emitting from (Y/n)'s skin, everyone noticed this and what shocked everyone even more are the wings that looked exactly like Hawks wings except the color of (Y/n)'s wings were the color black with red veins.

Hawks : "That an insane type of copy quirk the most powerful there is, we cannot let AFO get his hands on this kid, but until we find his parents who's gonna take care of him ?"

All the heroes start discussing until Nezu speaks up.

Nezu : "I have an idea" *Everyone looks at him* "Why don't we all take care of him, each of us will him live with one hero each week and he will learn from that hero, does that seems like a good idea."

Eraserhead : "That's a good idea he'll stay with me and my family first first and he'll copy my quirk then I can teach him the basics on my fight style."

Everyone : "Agreed well all share the responsibility"

Nezu : "Well then get ready heroes we have a kid to raise."

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