Why am I like this? (Zelda)

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Zelda POV (Age:12)

"Why am I like this?" I whisper to myself, looking at my mother's crown behind the glass pedestal. Mother had died two years ago... The hole in my heart only grew and grew with each passing day. Just by looking at her vacant throne, I'd get choked up.

She'd sing me this song... she used to call it the Ballad of the Goddess. Mother always said it would help me find my power. It went like this:

Oh, Child of sky

Fall through the clouds

Time awaits

by the sleeping sword

Awaken the

Courage Within

Don't falter

My voice guides the way

Seek the Wisdom

Gain the power

I will be

Watching over you

Face the trials

With this Ballad

Raise it up

Skyward bound in light

Raise the surface

From its shadows

Free the light

From their bound shackles

Fearless child

Face the king of evil

Light will prevail

When you raise your

Goddess sword

Skyward bound in light

Oh, Child of sky

Fall through the clouds

Time awaits

by the sleeping sword

Awaken the

Courage Within

Don't falter

My voice guides the way

I am sorry

For your destiny

Through time you

are bound to this fate


Although I still didn't understand what it meant.

Two years ago... it was the day that he came to me. I still got shivers thinking of that day. How could a mere boy of 11 have had such steely closed up eyes, such a hostile stare. It was partly my fault, father always says misfortune follows in my wake. I had upset him. And two years later, I still felt the guilt gnawing at me.

"Don't become like me," he'd told me. At the time, when I was 10, I thought he was speaking in tongues. But now, I think I understand what he meant.

I try to fight it all. I try to fight the tears that threaten to blur my vision, the people whispering about my unawakened power, my father's disapproval and... my own destiny. Why did Hylia choose me? Why me of all people? All I ever do is disappoint everyone.

Even now. I'm sitting here, crying over my mother, when in fact, I'm running late for my Hyrule Historia tuition. 

I miss mother. Her ready smile, her beauty, if I hadn't known better, I'd have thought she was Hylia herself. She was the polar opposite of Father, who'd force me to frown under my studies and pray for hours each day.

I remember the day mother helped me make Terrako... he was buried in a box of old toys at the back of my closet. I hadn't touched him since father's passing. Or since the day he came to me. 

My thoughts turned back to him.

All of the sudden I longed for someone that understood me like he probably would. Which,  now that I think of it, sounds very strange. I longed for long nights staying up and sharing secrets. I longed for someone I could talk to.

The problem with being a princess is, you're always alone.

We weren't so different, him and I. Both our mothers passed when we were young and we both had controlling fathers. I've watched Banzetta Arn talk to my father. I didn't like him, he always had a frown set on his face, and he was always at work. I wonder, did Link ever see him? 

I also heard the gossip about Banzetta Arn's relationship with him. The was his Father struck him when he was ten a few years back... I'm glad my Father hasn't gone to that extent.

Sometimes I wonder, what was he like before? We all change after death. After my mother's passing, I was forced to put my fears and the things I loved behind me. what about him? Was he always the steely, quiet boy who seemed to have no fears, did he ever play with his sister like siblings? Did he ever go berry picking with his mother like I did?

Was Link always this way?

Why am I like this?

Maybe it would be better if I... if I just quit.

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