Episode 8 ~ Begonia-ish

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Sup dudes! I just thought since I haven't been on in awhile, I'll just go ahead and post the chapters I've had slightly done, to show how far I am with it

I'll be doing the same with a few other books of mine if I see it fit

So here we go!


~The Begonia may look beautiful, but it's true meaning is how it gives warnings about future misfortunes or challenges~

"This... Is bad." Was the first thing Daisuke muttered with a deadpan to the scene before Haru and himself.

UA was under attack.

By news reports.

"This sucks." Haru agreed, an annoyed irk mark on her forehead as the two slowly entered the crowd.

"Hey you. How does it feel to work so closely to All Might?" Right as they broke through the gathering of reporters, they see a woman in a blue suit and brown hair held in a ponytail holding a microphone into a sweating Izuku's face.

"Oh-um!" He began to look around in a panic, before a hand clamped down onto his shoulder firmly.

"It is a pleasure and an honor to work beside such an impressionable hero." A grinning Daisuke said outloud to the crowd, as he and Haru stood before the trembling green haired boy. Even if Daisuke was giving a grin while Haru's face showed she didn't care, they both had an aura around them that screamed 'back off!'

"We gotta go, we're gonna be late for school." Haru stated, her words ice cold making the mass media shiver as the siblings turned around and grabbed Izuku, who yelped as he was dragged backwards onto school grounds.

"Wait! We still have questions!" The reporter shouted, waving her microphone in anger.

Haru looked back to them as the boys went forward. "Then ask the other couple thousand students and staff at this school." She stated, turning back around, her eyes met with someone.

'White hair, red eyes...!' Her eyes widened. 'It can't be!' She turned back and made eye contact with the white haired man that caught her interest, the man glaring daggers into her soul that made Haru shake.

"Haru-chan! Come on! We're really gonna be late!" She heard Izuku shout over to her, making her turn back again to her friends with a hint of fear on her face. "Haru-chan?"

"Haru-imouto?" Daisuke rose a brow, before glancing in the crowd to see the white haired man that Haru was staring at turn and disappear into the crowd, gasping as he reached forward and grabbed Haru's gloved wrist and yanked her forward.

Haru blinked at the sudden movement and snapped from her daze to see the concerned looks of her boys. Her face returned to its normal blank look as she shook her head, before speed walking passed the two and into the school.

"Haru, wait!" Daisuke shouted, running after his sister as Izuku stared wide eyed.

'I've... never seen Haru like this before... Not since...' Izuku clenched his fist as he turned to look at the crowd of media reporters with sweat on his brow.

"The media swarmed the school, eager to get a story from All Might. Everyone wanted him... Yeah, everyone."


"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys." Class has started, with Aizawa leading. "I watched the videos and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo." The said ash blonde stiffened at the attention. "You're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

The boy grimaced slightly before looking away. "Yeah, whatever."

"Riku and Ryouichi."

The pair looked up as their names were called next.

"You both displayed good control over your quirks, while also keeping in mind not to harm one another." They nodded. "But because you are siblings, I noticed you also held back considerably. As heroes it will be your job to not show weakness to your opponents, no matter the circumstances."

Haru looked down while Daisuke placed his face into his palm with a pout.

The class, had a different reaction.

"YOU'RE SIBLINGS?!" Everyone but Izuku and Bakugo screamed, as Haru blinked and Daisuke smirked.

"What, is it not obvious?" Daisuke placed his arms behind his head with his carefree aura around him.

"It should have been." Haru spat, as her aura was the opposite of Daisuke's, dark and gloomy.

'Um, not really.' The class all sweatdropped, as Daisuke placed his arms down.

"Don't worry, I was adopted into Haru's family." He explained, and was about to continue when Aizawa cleared his throat.

"Ahem. And Midoriya." Izuku immediately looked down in panic when his name was called. "I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and don't use the excuse that you don't have full control over your quirk. That lines already getting old."

Izuku went into a sweat as he clenched his teeth.

"You can't keep breaking your body while training here." Aizawa then sighed. "However, your quirk will be useful if you can control it."

Izuku gasped, before looking up with a awed smile.

"So show a little urgency." Aizawa finished.

Izuku's smile turned determined as he nodded. "Right!"

"Now, let's get down to business." Aizawa addressed 1-A, getting their full attention once more. "Your first task, will decide your future."

'Is it another quirk test?' All of 1-A thought, slightly panicked.

"You all need to pick a class representative." Aizawa finished.

'Oh good, just normal school stuff.' The class sighed in relief.

Kirishima stood up in excitement. "Pick me guys! I wanna be class rep!"

"I'll take it!" Kaminari rose his hand next.

"Yeah, you'd better pick me." Jiro announced.

"I'm totally the right pick!" Ashido cheered.

"I wanna be it!" Mineta exclaimed.

'In a regular school, a Class Rep is the position where you just get a bunch of work.' Izuku thought, watching most of his class freak out.

(AN: Bakugo screamed something then, but I can't make it out xD HE SCREAMS TOO MUCH!)

But here in the Hero course, it’s much more! It’s a way to get noticed by agencies and prove you can lead a team like a real pro!’ Izuku slightly raised his hand with a smile.

“Silence, everyone please!” Iida shouted, gaining everyone’s attention. “The Class Representative’s duty is to lead others. It’s not just something anyone can do. You must have the trust of everyone in the classroom. Therefore the most obvious answer to this situation is to vote for it democratically.” Iida looks up, the glare coming off of his glasses to show the serious look in his eyes. “We will hold an election to choose our leader.”

Then we see how Iida is shaking, proving how much he wants to be voted without saying it outloud.

“Is this really the best idea?” Kaminari questioned.

“We’ve only known each other a few days, who do we know we can trust?” Asui pointed out.

“Besides everyone would just vote for themselves.” Kirishima added.

“Most people will, but that means that whoever gets multiple votes must truly be suitable for the job.” Iida turned to Aizawa who was now in his yellow sleeping bag. “This is the best way, right sir?”

“Do whatever you want. Just decide before my nap is over.” Aizawa muttered, before flapping over onto the floor and falling asleep.

“Thank you for your trust!”

After that, everyone’s names were on the board and secretly voted. Like Iida said almost everyone voted for themselves, but the two top people with the highest scores were Izuku with four votes and Yaoyorozu with two.

“How did I get four votes?!” Izuku exclaimed.

“Alright you idiots, who voted for him?!” Bakugo growled in anger.

“What, did you honestly gonna think people were gonna vote for you?” Sero chuckled.

Uraraka whistled innocently. ‘Maaaybe I should keep my vote to myself…

Iida was shocked, seeing himself with one vote that he knew wasn’t his own. “Someone voted for me! I won’t ask who,” He tried to go serious again, but his smile was still on his face. “But this is an honor!”

“Alright the Class Rep is Midoriya, and our Deputy is Yaoyorozu.” Aizawa announced, showing a shaking Izuku and calm faced Yaoyorozu.

“R-Really? A-Are you s-sure it’s not a mistake?” Izuku stuttered, still shaking like a leaf.

“Ugh, how did this happen?” Yaoyorozu sighed in dismay.

“This is so annoying.” Haru sighed with her chin on top of her hand.

“I’m actually curious how this will go!” Daisuke chuckled.

(Lunch Time)

“Ugh, it’s always so crowded in here.” Uraraka groaned as the group of five sat at their table. It was Uraraka, Iida and Daisuke on one side, with Haru and Izuku on the other.

“That’s because students from the Support, Management and Hero courses all share the same cafeteria.” Iida explained.

“You see, this is why I voted for Iida-san. He’s knowledgeable on just about everything.” Haru stated as she bit into her rice.

“You were the one who voted for me?!” Iida beamed. “Oh thank you Riku-kun!”

Daisuke raised his eyebrow. “You didn’t vote for Izuku like I did?”

“Yeah, I voted for Deku-kun too.” Uraraka nodded in agreement.

Haru placed down her chopsticks before looking off to the side with a sigh. “Like I said, I’ve seen how Iida-san radiates this leadership vibe around him, plus he’s confident and not afraid to speak his mind.”

She then turned to Izuku with a deadpanned face. “While Izzy-kun here has terrible social skills while also blushing and stuttering on the drop of a dime. Plus there’s his muttering problem he has going on.”

“W-What?!” Izuku sadly proved her point, before he begins to repeatedly lightly punch Haru’s shoulder. “That’s mean!”

“It’s also true.” Haru stated, not effected by her best friends actions.

“It’s still mean!” Izuku shot back.

He’s not denying it either.’ Their three friends sweatdropped at the scene.

Izuku then calmed down and looked down at his food, “But I am still worried about the class rep thing… I don’t think I’m qualified.”

“Sure you are.” Uraraka said, taking another bite of her rice.

“You’ll do fine.” Iida confirmed as everyone looked to him. “You’re courage and quick thinking under stress will help you be a good leader. Not to mention the strength you demonstrated.” Iida then went back to his food. “That’s one of the reasons why I voted for you.”

“So you guys were three of the four votes?!” Izuku gasped in awe.

“But Haru does have a point. I mean didn’t you wanna be Rep really badly? You do look the part because of your glasses.” Uraraka put in.

That’s, not exactly how we should be choosing our Rep.' Izuku sweatdropped.

“I kinda agree with Uraraka-san on that one. You looked like you really wanted to be the Rep.” Daisuke agreed with a nod.

Iida took a drink of his soda before he responded. “Wanting a job and being suited for it are two completely different things. Observing the Iida family Hero Agency has taught me that much.” This sparked everyone’s interest.

“Agency?” They all questioned.

“Hold on, what does your family do?” Izuku asked.

“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing.” Iida deflected.

“Okay, now you really have to talk.” Daisuke smirked.

“You know I’ve been wondering something about you.” Uraraka leaned towards Iida as Daisuke leaned over her own shoulder, while Izuku and Haru leaned towards them from the opposite end of the table. “Admit it Iida! You’re super rich!”

Iida’s face went shocked, before he sighed.


And that's all I have for now, I had planned for it to go to when Aizawa announced going to the USJ before going on to Episode 9, but we'll see. . .

But until then, this was Sky-chan and I will see ya later dudes!

Bye bye!

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