Chapter 10 page 3

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At that point of time, my anger towards Nick receded until there was none. I looked down at his exposed arms; the tattoos were more visible than before. The images I thought were entirely gruesome, turned out to be beautiful close-up. The middle of his forearms to the wrists were bare, revealing his tanned skin.

There were a few other images I hadn't seen before. From the middle section of his left forearm down to elbow joint, a beautiful galaxy filling in as a canvas with shades of purple and gray. Above the canvas on the upper right was an image of a topless woman exposing her back, covering her bum with drapes. Below her, the dragon with sakura in pink and white petals scattered around them in a spiral motion. The fine lines and careful detailing of the dragon's scales, claws, fangs and its ferocious facial features imprinted on his skin looked real, as though the majestic creature was alive.

A couple of David Austin Roses emerged from the thorny twigs, encircled around his right arm with a fish hook attached at the end. The roses petals were a combination of orange and red in gradient effect with red in the center. There were images and designs consisting of a triad symbol, skulls, calligraphy and geometric patterns that were very intricately drawn and arranged around the fish hook. I also saw a neck of a woman on the upper part of the arm but her face was covered by his sleeve. Underneath all that, was its background made of a beautiful meadow sky in blue and orange hues. Nick caught me looking at his arms so I recoiled to my position and looked elsewhere.

The receptionist called out my name an hour later, so I got up to see the doctor while he waited outside. The doctor's initial reaction was perturbed when he saw the amount of bruises, gashes and injuries I had. He checked my vital signs, flashing a light into my eyes which was too glaring that my eyes flickered. He assessed me further for any bone fractures, cleaned up the blood before treating my wounds with surgical glue.

The doctor said I was lucky enough not to have any fractured bones despite the fall. My internal organs were undamaged and my injuries were mostly wounds, bruises, shock and exhaustion which weren't severe enough for me to be hospitalised. After he patched me up, he advised that I get proper rest at home and to obtain my medication from the pharmacy based on prescriptions.

We left MRI with bandages on my right shoulder, my left arm and both calves. I could see the initial light of the sun emerging from the horizon, gleaming into the dark skies. I managed to get into the car on my own while he watched me from the side. As we exited MRI, early strollers walking along the footpath outside the hospital turned their heads at us or specifically at the vehicle in awe.

Nick's intention to drive me halted when I requested to drop me off at the intersection of Upper Lloyd Street-Maine Road so that I could walk home.

"You can't walk," he insisted. "I'll send you straight home."

"You don't get to decide whether I can walk or not," I grunted.

"That wasn't a decision. I'm getting you home safely," he replied stubbornly.

"But you already did," I said. "This is my home."

He exhaled bitterly and pulled over by the kerb of Upper Lloyd Street. I unbuckled my seat belt while he got out of the car to my side and opened the door. I thanked him politely and limped my way to my flat. As I was halfway to my flat, I glanced behind to find that Nick's McLaren still parked by the kerb. I walked further until the car was at its absolute threshold and slowly disappeared from my sight.

I somehow perplexed by Nick's kind gesture, like he was totally a different person from the one I had known. My conscience began to question my decision of holding grudges against him in all aspects. Why did I create an enemy whom I have little knowledge of? And at what cost? Why was he doing this for me? So he could let me decide which war was worth waging?

My thoughts shifted to Abs and my sorrowful heart fumed in resentment. I recalled painful memories of him taking me in for his own gain. God was giving me vivid signs enough for me to choose the right path but I had pressed on venturing into a vain tunnel leading me to be physically hurt and emotionally mutilated. However, Abs should get what he deserved and karma has to bite back! I should turn the tables and retaliate.

Nick's advice at the A&E continued to weigh on my thoughts; they were short and meaningful. I also need some support and protection. I picked up my mobile phone from the side table and search in Google for ShipGoUK' location which I plan to visit once I'm fully (or partially) recovered.

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