Chapter 21 page 3

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I diverted the conversation to avoid the sudden awkward silence, "How was your non-legal business going? Any killing stories worth sharing?"

"Well, I admire your intention to switch stories and talk about something random. I'll just give in this time since it's your birthday," he responded which made me blushed with embarrassment. "I technically don't kill people anymore. I delegate them to my guys."

"Since when?" I asked.

"Can't remember, probably this year," he said, taking another sip of his wine.

"Am I the reason you stop?" I queried.

"No, you're not," he shook his head, finishing his salad. "I just don't have the heart to do it anymore. It wasn't really my thing."

"Then what is your thing? What's your dream job growing up?"

Nick gave himself a long thoughtful pause, staring at his empty salad bowl before he answered, "I don't know. Anything involving nurturing life, not ending it. Perhaps teaching, I am always fond of that."

"Aren't you going to tell your dad about this?"

"No, I was thinking you would," he smirked.

"Are you mental?" my eyes widened. "Tell me you're kidding."

Nick snickered and finished his wine. "Are we ready for your birthday sex?"

"I think so," I shrugged, still chewing my food. "Aren't you going to finish your food?"

"I'm not gonna eat that," he lit another fag.

"Don't you feel hungry?" I asked.

"No, watching you eat and this has made me feel full," he waved the cigarette at me. "So, you'll finish them up except those cookies, save it for tomorrow. You're already sweet enough to give me cavities."

Once I finished my food, I disposed of the rubbish into the general waste bin nearby and stored the dirty cutleries, containers and plastic wine glasses into the picnic backpack while Nick finished his cigarette at the smoking area. I removed the scarf on my head and wrapped it around my neck. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, scanning through the unread texts after hearing several pings coming from it. Mostly came from Abs' text via Messenger, wishing me happy birthday.

'Thank you,' I replied, aware of the fact that Facebook had prompted him for my birthday which he previously never bothered to take note of.

'ZJ cn we talk?' he enquired.

'What's wrong? Your girlfriend dumped you?' I texted back.

'We split mnths ago. Shes nt me type. Nt like u' he replied.

'I moved on. You should do the same.'

'Wit Nick innit?'

'What's in it for you?' I demanded.

'B careful of him ZJ' he corresponded. 'I stll care 4 u'

'No, I should be more careful of YOU' I replied. 'You're an asshole who faked his mom's death to get what he wants.'

'Nick told u tht? he asked.

Damn it! I just exposed Nick at my peril.

'He doesn't have to tell. I spoke to your Mom personally.'

"That's some intense texting you got there," Nick emerged from the smoking area, appraising the stress on my face. "What's up?"

"My professor was telling me that my findings weren't that strong enough to support my stand," I concocted. "I'm justifying to him about the limited sources I had."

"I told you to opt for the warehouse as your case studies," he curled his lips to a snicker. "You could do better with it."

"That'll be too easy, wouldn't it?" I creased my eyebrows.

"No, it's more of leveraging the sources and contacts that you have," he hoisted the picnic backpack behind his back and stared at me with a frown on his face. "Did I give you the permission to remove that scarf from your head?"

I woke up the next morning to Abs constant texts. Groggily, I held the phone above me with the lowest brightness setting to avoid it from stinging my half-awaken eyes. I turned to Nick, ensuring that he was still sleeping and it was completely safe for me to tap the unread texts open.

'Abs, whatever it is, I can't provide it to you anymore,' I typed.

'No I want nuting frm u. I jst want 2 c u,' he responded.

'I can't. I don't want to.'

'Tell Nick u need 2 go out & gt sumtin' he suggested.

'Yeah, I did that and got harassed by Jason,' I said to myself.

I took a selfie of me covering half of my face with Nick's arm and the tattoo image of his mom was facing the camera. Then, I sent it to Abs with a caption, 'He won't leave me by my side.'

'Damn ur hot. U glowup. Nick do dis 2 u?'

Abs' jealous response had evoked triumph inside me. I just want to show him what he had missed, what he had overlooked in me.

'I did this to myself,' I told him.

'Dd u do it? Wit him?' he asked further but I didn't reply. Although it was my intention to show him how happy I was without him, I rather not leave any intimate details like I used to when we were best friends.

'I mis u ZJ. I shldnt hv left u if I knw tht I left 4 anthr grl whos not s gud s u' he wrote on his text. 'Plz let me c u 1 more time jst 2 m8 sure u ok & c if Nick t8s gud care of u.'

'Can't you see that I am doing a hell of a lot of fine here?' I typed in agitation.

'I need 2 c it more thn jst a slfie. Bet ur more beutful thn tht.'

I paused myself from texting him but he persistently plead, 'ZJ I cnt keep thinkn bout u.' 'Im crzy 4 u.' 'Dun do dis 2 me.' 'Plz Im sorry.'

'I'm not seeing you anymore, Abs. You are too painful to remember,' I responded.

'So u stll hv feelin 4 me?' he asked. 'So cn we meet?'

'No, not now,' I replied.

'So it means yes?'

Feeling tired of his constant pleas, I decided to put an end to this conversation before blocking him for good, 'I know what exactly you want, you prick! You know I'm with Nick and he's more powerful than you. You're not going to get whatever you want from him through me. That shit ain't happen and I ain't falling for it. Let me make this clear to you. If you ever text me again, I'm going to make sure that you'll die.'

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