Chapter 9 page 1

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I dashed out of the train as it stopped at the next station before exiting the platform. My heart was fuming with rage, I tried to swallow down my frustration but I just couldn't. He wasn't in London after all. In fact, he didn't even leave Manchester and he had the heart to send me to London so he could chill with other girl using the ticket, MY TICKET to bloody Old Trafford!

'How dare he? How could he do this to me?!' I screamed inside my head. 'I thought he changed. Why am I such a dickhead? He can never change, he never will.'

I dialed up his number and pressed the speaker to my ear as I strode towards Oxford Road. The few rings at the end of the line ended with a voicemail as expected. Then I furiously tapped James' number on the screen, I should have called him first to verify but I was too angry to make sense of anything. I waited for James to answer but the call also went to voicemail.

What is wrong with you people avoiding my calls?!

I took Uber to Abs' flat, not sure where his actual location was, while attempting a few more calls to his number. The call didn't go through after that, presumably he already blocked my calls. I could wait for him no matter how long, I was determined to wait until he arrived home.

As I arrived in front of the flat, I pushed its small front gate and walked towards the main door to enter the property. I dropped my backpack by the pigeon-hole and climbed two flights of stairs before reaching Abs' unit. I paced back and forth in front of his unit for straight 10 minutes before I decided to sit by the upper landing of the staircase next to his door, tapping my feet vigorously.

My heart couldn't contain the wrath inside mounted to almost an eruption. How foolish I was thinking that he would still want me? If he meant to be around Brazzers girls, so be it. But making me believe that his uncle died and manipulated me to waste my bloody money to travel to London was far beyond unforgivable.

After two hours of waiting, I grew tired that I decided to head back home. This wasn't worth the wait as he might be in her bed at this hour having special coitus together. The thought of it makes me sick.

I exited the property, towards the main street when I saw Abs from the distance coming in closer. He was partially surprised to see me, wasn't ready for my presence. I removed the straps of my backpack and released it to the pavement and charged towards him. I was about to throw a few slaps on his face but he warded off with his hands.

"Fuckin' liar!" I shrilled and attempted an attack which Abs fended for me to stop.

"Look, I think I can explain," Abs held his both hands facing towards me.

"You think?!" I snapped, ignoring the quiet neighbourhood around us. "You think you can explain why I have to travel 200 miles across England for a fake funeral?!"

"Yeah, I don't think I can explain that," he defeated.

"Have you thought this through? Have you ever had a sense of empathy in your heart that some feelings will get hurt?" I cried. "That was supposed to be our time together but you took advantage of my sincerity for your own selfishness!"

"I know I did," he rolled his eyes downwards, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. "That shouldn't have happened. I don't know why I did that."

"Tell me what made you do it?" my voice croaked, tears glistening my eyes as I shuddered. "Was she a part of it?"


"Who is she? Where did you find her?" I interrogated. "Why did you steal my tickets and took her out instead?"

"I didn't steal it, I bought that ticket," he defended.

"Yeah, through James." I said. "James and Sid weren't there at the stadium. It was you who went there with her. With my tickets. You should teach that new bitch of yours a few tricks, maybe not to put it on social media for a start."

Abs' tired face glowered but didn't say a word. He was upset but he knew I was right.

"Well, at least she's a dime. Unlike you," Abs muttered under his breath.


"I said she's better than the whole fuckin' lot of you!" he yelled back. "She wouldn't betray me over another bitch."

I looked at him incredulously. I knew his every word and what he meant by it.

"Don't bring this up, Abs. We've talked this," I shook my head in defiant.

"Why shouldn't I? You deliberately let Milla into my life so she could fuck it up. You caused this!" he bellowed in exasperation. "Call yourself a good friend. Instead of helping me in distress that evening, you went straight for her and start snoggin'!"

I went speechless, my limbs were numb, my head was disoriented and my heart began to ache. I was lost for the right words to say to him, thinking the pain inflicted in him has hurt me.

"You don't know how it feels being thrown out of the party, how devastated I was seeing you betrayed something you were trying to protect," he went on. "And yes, I have another bitch, nicked your tickets and went out with her. Just because you hurt me, the way Nick did!"

"Abs, I told you I was sorry." I sighed, the fire in my heart abated.

"Damage is done, ZJ. Damage is done!" he gritted his teeth. "Now I see who you really are. A total fuckin' fag. At least I showed my true self from the beginning. You are worthless to me."

My stomach churn in disbelief, couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth as he spewed them with no emotions.

"You're drunk, don't say something you don't mean when you are drunk," I begged.

"I'm drunk but I meant every word of it," he said, the anger subsided into remorse. "There's no connection between us, why bother to pursue it?"

"Abs don't, I love you," I confessed.

He snickered. "You made the wrong choice of loving me."

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