Epilogue page 2

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She swivels her bum to move her legs to the floor allowing Khabib to sit next to her and resume the conversation, catching up on her children's life update; Fatima's intention to retire early from the narcotics department to settle down as a stay home mother, Siddique's wife and children, Sarah (Zahida's third child) who just ventured into her honeymoon phase and Khabib's job promotion. Then, they move the conversation back to Zahida.

"So, you're 72 which makes Papa 69, right?" Khabib squints his left eye, seeking confirmation. "Because I remember both of you have the similar age gap as me and Kak (older sister) Sarah. Papa's considered young to die of old age, though."

"I think if he doesn't smoke that much, he wouldn't be contacted with lung cancer either," Zahida said. "Anyways, we wouldn't know what's best for him. If Allah wants to take him at 69, so be it."

"Aren't you in grief over his loss?" Siddique raises his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Well, of course I do, but..." Zahida's voice trails off. She pauses, taking a deep breath and continues, "I felt even more miserable seeing him in that hospital bed getting tortured by all those weird medical equipment and gadgets that doesn't help much. So, when he passed, I felt somewhat relieved that he doesn't have to suffer anymore."

"But he told me that he was worried leaving you alone after he's gone," Siddique speaks softly.

"Alah, Nick was always like that, worried about me for unnecessary things," Zahida rolls her eyes. "If he thought I wouldn't get used to being alone without him, I still have my kids and grandkids to talk to. You look nothing less like Papa when he was your age. I feel like talking to him when I see your face. I won't be lonely that much."

"What about me? Don't I look like Pa?" Khabib barges in.

"You already have Mama's massaging hands, what else do you want?" Siddique retorts, making Khabib to chuckle. Siddique bent over towards the side table, reaching for his tablet. "There's something else Pa entrusted me to do for you before he passed away."

"Wow! Of all my four children, he entrusted you onto something?" Zahida said, impressed. "This must be very important."

"I'm not that irresponsible, Ma. I can be of a good use," Siddique defends. "He asked me because of my extensive social network."

"I don't think Mama meant you are being irresponsible. You just like to create unexpected happy blunders. That's all," Khabib shrugs.

"Attaboy!" Zahida raises her palm towards Khabib for a high five and he responds to it.

"Funny," Siddique gives a playful sneer and turns to Khabib. "If you're referring to that holographic cake accident at your graduation party, people had a good laugh at it."

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying," Khabib replies. "Carry on, what's the mission about?"

"Papa gave me a list of things Mama needs to do once her iddah (widow period) finishes. And that day is today," Siddique began. "So, I'm in charge of its coordination and planning."

"Oh, dear. Your Papa is doing that 'PS, I Love You' shit I always talk about," Zahida groans. "That thing would be exciting if I'm a young widow who can't move on. But I think I'll die and meet him soon before I could complete that list."

"No, I promise you, you'll complete this before you die," Siddique smirks.

"Okay-lah," Zahida sighs. "As long as it's fun and not tedious enough for me to follow, I'm fine."

"What are the things in the list?" Khabib asks.

"Papa wants to make it as a surprise so I can't reveal it. Sorry," Siddique scans through the list in his tablet. "Well, I think I can let this one go, ermm... there's one that involves Mama meeting Auntie Milla."

"Oh, Milla my madu," Zahida chirps happily which makes Siddique and Khabib to groan simultaneously in disgust.

"Ma, she is not your madu," Siddique objects. "Madu is when Auntie Milla hypothetically becomes Papa's second wife. In this case, she's not and she doesn't want to. And the idea of polygamy terrifies Papa greatly. Please don't plant this in your head."

"What? She would make a great stepmom, wouldn't she?" Zahida argues.

"No," Siddique counters. "I think it'll be awkward for Sarah to marry Aleks if Auntie Milla becomes our stepmom."

"But Aleks is adopted. It's not like Sarah's marrying her stepbrother," Zahida defends.

"Not cool, Ma. Not cool," Khabib shakes his head profusely. "What's wrong with you? Why would you want another woman to share Papa with?"

"Not any woman, I want Auntie Milla specifically," Zahida protests. "It's Papa's golden ticket to Jannah (heaven) if he can convert and marry her. Besides, I love her."

"And she loves you too," Khabib responds abruptly.

"Okay, look at the time. It's 10.30 pm. Adik (little brother), let's go home," Siddique calls out to Khabib, avoiding the conversation to escalate into something weirder. He gets up from the sofa and tidies up the lounge room while Khabib helps out.

"Leave it. The cleaner from the office's gonna do that tomorrow morning," Zahida tells her sons. "Khabib, I need a male voice to correct my tajweed (grammar) while I'm reading my Quran. Can you help me with that?"

"For your Tajweed Corrector app? Piece of cake. Will do," Khabib nods at his mother.

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