Penultimate page 4

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Erna's Bengal cat, AXF-52 enters into the house through the open front door like this is his second home. It meows, informing us of its arrival and hops straight to the sofa where Nick and Siddique sit. We greet the cat while Nick gently pets it.

"Asif," Nick calls out to AXF-52 and gestures at Siddique, "Abang (older brother) Siddique stays home with Mama and baby. You help Abang look after the house, boleh (can)?

AXF-52 responds to each of his enquiries with variations of meows and purrs. Siddique reaches out to pet its head gently. "Can I go if AXF jaga (takes care of) Mama and baby sister?" he asks.

"No, Asif is a cat," Nick answers. "Mama needs you."

"Okay, but how about you? Don't you need me?"

"I can take care of myself," Nick said. "Maybe I can buy something for you there, nak tak (do you want)?"

"Can," Siddique concurs. "Can you tapau (take out) some satay (skewered and grilled meat)? Then, we eat together when you come home."

"I don't think they have satay in Manchester," Nick tries to contain his laugh. "Or at least not as good as the ones in Gombak."

"Then what do they have?" Sid creases his forehead.

"Hmm... good question. I don't know," Nick chuckles. "When I reach there, I'll call Mama, okay?"

"Okay," Siddique surrenders but shoots a random question, "Do you think Kakak (older sister) is still alive?"

"Choi (bad luck)!" Me and Nick exclaim simultaneously.

"Be careful with your words, Sid. It can be a dua (prayer) for Kakak," I caution him.

"Then, who's that old man? Is he Atok (grandad)?" he asks again.

"You ask too many questions-lah," Nick grunts.

"If I don't ask, I won't learn-lah," he argues.

"I'll cut your hair off if you ask again," Nick threatens, combing Siddique's thick hair and gathers them up into a small ponytail.

"I'll call the police if you do," Siddique bites back.

Nick immediately covers Siddique's ears and looks up at me. "He needs to get his haircut tomorrow. Change the wifi password, he already knows this one. Cut down his sugar intake. This Friday is his Iqra (reading) report card day," he whispers at me.

"Okay," I whisper back.

Siddique releases his ears and turns to us, "What are you two talking about?"

"About me kissing Mama while you and Asif go play outside," Nick answers bluntly.

"Eww," Siddique sneers and jumps off from Nick's lap before landing his both feet on the carpeted floor. He calls for AXF-52 to play with him outside.


The Gojek driver arrives in his Perodua Kembara D5XT-i as per schedule. Siddique rushed towards the driver while Nick loads the luggage in the boot.

"Uncle, make sure Papa comes home tonight, okay?" Siddique politely told the driver. Then he walks towards Nick to embrace him for straight two minutes.

"Sid, you can let go of me now," Nick requests but Siddique's stubborn grip tightens.

"Siddique, the faster Papa leaves the earlier he comes back," I said to him.

"Okay-lah," Siddique loosen his arms around Nick's no-longer-slender waist and kissed his dad's hand. "Say hi to Kakak for me. Tell her I miss her."

Nick pecks on Siddique's forehead, then turned towards me for a hug before I kiss his hand. We watch Nick opens the door of the passenger seat to enter as we wave him goodbye. The vehicle with Nick inside drives away further from us towards the main road before taking a left turn and disappear.

Siddique looks into the direction where the car had left while suppressing his tears from rolling like a man. He exhales loudly, unleashing all of his stresses away before turning towards me. "Mama, all this crying makes me hungry. Can I have chili fried rice, please?"

"Yeah, why not," I said. "I'm hungry too," I concur to his request.

We went inside the house, locking the main entrance before I amble into the kitchen and start cooking while AXF-52 follows Siddique to watch Ejen (Agent) Aliana, the spin off animation character to young adult Ejen Ali.

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