Chapter 45

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I got up instantly and hid behind Nick while Jason was on his knees, looking at us angrily

"Hey, mind your own fuckin' business, you cock!" Jason shouted angrily at Nick.

"No, you should mind your own fuckin' business," Nick said coldly.

Jason got up and charged towards him but Nick briskly kicked Jason by the chest causing him to be thrown backwards. Jason went back up again, persevering for another fight. He balled his fist and about to throw a punch at Nick, but Nick managed to dodge the blow and elbowed Jason by the jaw. Jason clobbered again onto the ground losing his balance. I began to see soberness in Jason's face, and he couldn't fight anymore. The substance in his body no longer made him invincible.

"Okay, Nick. Come, we're leaving," I said in my raspy voice, but Nick walked past me as though I wasn't there. He marched towards Jason, kicked him in the stomach and his head relentlessly. I cried for Nick to stop but he ignored me, like I was his conscience that he refused to listen. Jason's face was beginning to spew blood from his mouth and nose.

"Nick! Stop it! Knock it off!" I yelled frantically. "You'll kill him!" I looked at Nick and saw the same anger he had at Alderley Edge in his face. Psychotic, irrational and wrath read all over it. I wrapped my arms around Nick from the back and retracted him away from Jason with every strength reserved in my body, while repeatedly chanted "Enough, Nick. Beat it!" like a mantra. I finally succeeded and he complied.

As we left the scene, I managed to turn around to see if Jason was okay. From the rippling of his chest and his coughing of blood, I was glad that he was alive. I returned to Nick, trying to catch his pace. I reached for his hand, but he angrily wrenched it away. He withdrew a cigarette from the cigarette pack with his lips before lighting it up.

"Nick, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Why the fuck did you leave without my consent?!" he barked.

"What? I sent you a text, didn't I?" I said in astonishment.

"And led me to this rodeo rape situation with you at the bottom!" he raged. "How dare you let someone else touched you?!"

"He was drunk, and I was able to defeat him," I responded.

"By what, having his cock stuck to your anus?" Nick's erratic breathing intensified from the smoke fuming out of his nostril. "You're weak and vulnerable, you even flunk sparring. And yeah, from the way I see it, you'll ace it."

"I could if you don't barge in," I snapped.

"So, this is the thanks I get? I wasn't supposed to save you? Okay, fine. Go back to him and let him straddle you. Go on!" He turned to me, pointed his cigarette at Jason's depleted body a mile away from us. But I stood silently, looking at him pacing around angrily in front of me. He took a few more puffs and continued, "Why do you come here in the first place?"

"I need some time on my own, away from people," I answered.

"Including me? What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked, puzzled in his voice.

"It's an introvert thing, you wouldn't understand," I replied but he looked me like I just said something stupid and turned to walk away. "You're the one who wants a weird girlfriend. Well, congratulations! It comes with baggage to it."

"Nah, it's about your new look. You're doing that Bruce-Caitlyn shit and it's disturbing," Nick said, carelessly tossing the burnt cigarette filter to the ground. "I was happy when you were mine alone. Now, every dickhead wants a piece of your ass."

"I changed the way I look for myself and not for anyone," I clarified.

"Okay, wear them only in my presence, especially those Dior dress I bought for you. Do that rendition of 'Versace On The Floor' for all I care," Nick spoke unsteadily before drawing his face inches from mine. "But you can never leave my sight ever again, nor my apartment. Are we clear?"

"Yeah, you can't possibly make me," I snorted, folding my arms. "I'm going back to my flat." Nick didn't reply. When we finally reached his X351, he beckoned me for the spare apartment keys. I reluctantly placed it onto his cupped hand and said, "You don't own me, Nick."

"Well, technically I do," Nick said smugly, pulling passenger's door to open before walking around towards the driver side. "I'm going to make sure that no one else ever touches you or hurt you again."

"You have no right–"

"Shut up, Zahida. I don't want you to talk about this anymore!" he snapped. "Get in the damn car."

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