Together Again

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Cooter and Jesse pulled up alongside the General Lee, racing down to find Bo, Luke, and Flash intact. They helped the cousins take care of the prisoners, tying them up and letting them ride in the back of Jesse's pickup truck back to town. Flash, naturally, rode with the Duke cousins in the General Lee back into town, Cooter following them with the green sedan in tow. He had decided to fix it up for the owner at no cost, seeing as it wasn't their fault it was wrecked in the first place. Jesse took in the four criminals, leaving them in the care of Enos, who locked them up.

Bo and Luke made their way inside with Flash to find Rosco asleep on a bench, leaning against Daisy's shoulder. He was still clutching the stuffed Basset Hound. Daisy was reading one of Enos' comics in the meantime, which he had happily loaned to her. Rosco was sound asleep, snoring lightly. Bo walked over to them with a small smile, putting Flash in Rosco's lap. Flash laid down quietly, knowing Rosco needed his rest get recover from his concussion. Bo and Luke stepped back, Luke grabbing a pillow from Rosco's desk, where he sometimes slept, and put the pillow under Rosco's head. This allowed Daisy to stand up, admiring the Sheriff for a moment before returning the comic to Enos with a smile.

Flash nuzzled Rosco's arm with her wet nose, making Rosco subconsciously drop the stuffed version and cuddle the real Flash instead. The Dukes and Enos laughed quietly, the three cousins walking outside to the General. "I wonder if Rosco's gonna know about how we got Flash back for him." Bo mused.

Luke chuckled and looked at his younger cousin. "Probably not. He'll give us a speeding ticket instead."

Daisy laughed, then put her arms around her two cousins. "I'm proud of y'all."

Bo smiled and started up the General Lee, making it roar down the streets of Hazzard toward the Duke farm.

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