A Confrontation with Inko

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 The surprise present on Mitsuki's face was a very rare sight in general but what caused this is the fact of how quickly Inko had reigned in the two teens. Granted Ochako had never been a trouble maker, but she could be pretty rambunctious at times. Izuku on the other hand was a saint, and it was easy to see why with how strict his mother is being right now. Both teens are sitting on the couch trembling in front of the short green haired woman, Izuku tensen with anxiety. Izuku and Ochako are seated in front of Inko on the opposite couch in near perfect posture, looking at the ground, pressing their outstretched arms on their knees. The nervousness on their faces is evident.

"Tell me what you just said again? You two fought the hero killer?!" Inko shouts causing not only Izuku and Ochako but also Toshinori and Maruki to flinch at her volume. "If this would have been Katsuki then I'd believe it, but you two?! You better start explaining what happened right now or so help me."

"W-well..." Izuuku stammered trying to recall the events that had taken place. "Wh-where do you want me to start? When the attack on Hosu happened or when we fought Stain?" He asks after swallowing a lump of anxiety in his throat.

"The fight." Inko says sternly.

"We didn't start it, but the way we got involved was because of Iida, a classmate of ours." Ochako says after taking a deep breath. "His brother was attacked by the hero killer several weeks ago during the sports festival causing him to drop out. After that he had this self proclaimed crusade against Stain and tried to fight him."

"I was on the way to Kyoto with Gran Torino when the train was attacked by a winged Nomu, it destroyed a portion of the tram and tried to abduct someone. Torino and I got separated after that and I followed the destruction to the center of the city where I ran into Ochako and Miruko. Ochako told me that Iida had only taken his internship in Hosu to find the hero killer. We both knew he was going to be in serious trouble and tried to find him. When we did, he was already paralysed by Stain's quirk and was about to be impaled. I attacked Stain first trying to defend Iida from his bladed weapons and Ochako assisted. Shortly After, Todoroki came and helped us as well" Izuku recalls, turning to Ochako to continue the recollection.

"While Izuku didn't get cut by Stain, I ended up getting nicked on my arm by his knife, but I detonated my blood and took off his hand. Had he swallowed my blood to paralyze me he probably would have lost his head in the explosion." Ochako explains, causing Mitsuki to nod in affirmation.

"Well that explains how you two literally fucked the dorms down, any bodily fluid from your body can be detonated. Here I thought it was just your sweat and the oils of your skin. Though I find it strange that Katsuki is only able to use his quirk on his hands."

"That idiot has been trying to replicate it over his body, and while he's gotten some sparks he hasn't gotten a full explosion yet." Ochako scoffs.

"What happened after the fight?" Maruki questions causing both teens to relax slightly, knowing that Ochako's father is the more understanding and laid back of their folks.

"Well, after we went to the hospital to get me some stitches and take what was left of both Stain and Iida there, the police commissioner Chief Tsuragamae came to speak with us. He reprimanded Iida for attacking Stain without his pro hero but said he understood his motives and wasn't in any trouble. He also told us that he knew we were given permission to use our quirks by our mentor heroes and congratulated us on defeating Stain. After that he said that our hero mentors would get the bulk of the bounty Stain had on his head but they had given us 1 million yen for myself, Izuku and Todoroki."

"That certainly seems like one hell of a weekend, but what are you gonna do with all the money? That's a lot for a couple of teenagers to have." Toshinori pipes up as Inko sits back down and purses her fingers together in thought.

"We were going to go to the bank later today and put it in our joint account." Ochako states.

"Joint account? Don't you think you two are moving a bit fast? Next thing you know you'll be asking Nezu to add a nursery to your dorms." Ochako laughed at this statement from her father.

"We're being careful about that, but Izuku and I are moving into the same dorm together. Thanks to a little help from my dipshit little brother. He and I made a bet, if we fought the hero killer during our internship, the other had to do whatever we said for a full 24 hours. No if ands or buts about it." Ochako gloats, showing them a programmed clock on her phone displaying the 14 hours, 23 minutes and 17 seconds Katsuki has to be her minion for.

"That must be torture for him."

"You should have seen those two this morning. Ochako was sitting on top of her dresser, smacking him with a plastic spatula for being so slow while he took it from her room to mine." Izuku laughed slightly.

"As funny as that is, I'm just glad you two didn't get injured. Hero work is extremely dangerous and I'm not sure if you should be becoming a hero in general Izuku. Even if you do have your father's quirk." Inko's concerns bring the mood down once again. "Just look at what happened to your father."

"This only happened because I was too foolish to kill that masked horror. Now that he's made a move on the chess board, our next confrontation is on the horizon. This time, he wont be walking away." Toshinori states with a firm resolve, and for him to declare he's going to take the life of a villain... well, that's never happened before now.

"What villain are you talking about? Toxic Chainsaw? I know he put you in the hospital for a few days but I hardly thi-"

"His name is All for One. He goes by many names, but that is his most prominent. He has the ability to take away someone's quick. Anyone's quirk and use it for himself. What's worse is that he can even give away quirks as well, meaning that USJ abomination that the twins put down could just be the beginning. The GQC and WHA are powerless compared to him. His tendrils have seeped their way into every underworld syndicate, including some governments."

"GQC? I've never heard of that one." Mitsuki responds, scrolling through her phone and looking at the UN's branche of Heroics known as The World Hero's Association.

"It's the Global Quirked Coalition, composed of Heroes, Anti Heroes and Bounty Hunters the world over and is an underground organization meant to permanently take down organized syndicates and criminal empires, using lethal force if necessary. Aizawa Shota, your homeroom teacher, is the most proficient bounty hunter and hero in their employment. At least under the Japanese Branch. Though, both the GQC and WHA could have both been compromised by All for One. Not only does he have power, he also has allies. Arresting him isn't an option as his corruption would likely keep him from going to trial or, if convicted, being executed. With the creation of the Nomu, and more of them that were found and neutralized in the
Hosu incident, I now know for certain that he has returned." Toshinori's words whisper an echo through the room of now silent group.

"This is the same villain you told Izuku and I about during his training right?" Ochako asks, breaking the silence. Toshinori nods affirmatively before unbuttoning his shirt and showing her the wound that All for One had inflicted on him.

"Five years ago was our last confrontation, though that feels like 50 now. I was sure I mortally wounded him in the exchange that took my stomach and most of my left lung but I was mistaken. Now with my body no longer able to use my quirk with any proficiency, this last confrontation needs to put an end to him. I know this is hard to understand, but being a hero means making the hard calls. Including knowing whether or not you need to take the life to preserve others. I'm going to tell the both of you this right now. You can't save Everybody." The fact All Might himself said these words shook the two of them to their core.

"What happens if you fail?"

"I don't want to think of that. I won't fail because failure isn't an option in this situation. I can't, because if I fail... You will have to fight him." Izuku swallowed a lump of fear in his throat, he hasn't even heard a physical description of this entity known as All for One, and he's already afraid of him. "He's too smart to be lead into any trap like a common thug or mod boss, it'll have to be done face to face."

"I-I think we've talked about morbid crap long enough. How about we go out for dinner tonight, on us?" Maruki suggests, asking the room of blank stares, trying to change the subject.

"Sure, Izuku and I have nothing better to do aside from torture BaKuGoU with weird tasks I tell him to do." Ochako answers for Izuku, mocking Katsuki's choice of using his mother's maiden name.

"He's gone that far as to use my maiden name? I don't know whether I should feel proud of his choice to use it or disappointed that he's gone so far as to distance himself from us by changing his name." Mitsuki sighs.

"Who cares about that jerk anyways, let's go get some food."

While Izuku would rather spend his date with just Ochako, hanging out with family friends isn't going to be bad either. Now that the two of them are officially an item, their families were going to be spending more time around each other anyways. The rest of the afternoon was spent talking about their upcoming final exams, meeting heroes at autograph events, eating dinner and enjoying the company of Ochako and her family. Luckily for Katsuki, he wouldn't have to spend a whole day doing what Ochako wanted him to, but his luck wouldn't last for long thanks to a certain list a particular principal rodent had created.

Practical Exam

Katsuki Bakugou and Ochako Uraraka vs. All Might

Nezu practically couldn't contain the amount of excitement he felt for this final exam practical battle. This might be just the thing to get the twins to work together for once, instead of trying to tear each other limb from limb. Or it might backfire and leave half the UA campus in a crater. He'll just have to wait and see.

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