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 Through almost his entire life, Katsuki had never been afraid of anything or anyone but standing in front of the door to All Might's office after the events of today... his body trembles with anxious trepidation. All Might would never hurt him, he knows that much, but he can't help but feel afraid. His sister doesn't share these feelings, deciding to tag along to see how the confrontation goes, she is the one to open the door to the modest teacher's office. For the first time, he has to calm himself before finding the strength to walk forwards into the office. Entering the room, Katsuki notes that the office isn't covered in accolades and awards that All Might has achieved through his hero career, instead it's filled with pictures of his family. On the bookshelf is a picture of him and his mother reading a children's book, the blonde woman with similar golden locks and bangs that the number one pro has. Beside it is his father the man is American, with blonde hair and blue eyes with a goatee and slightly curly hair. On his desk is a large six picture frame set showing moments through his and Inko's relationship. The first is their first date, the second photo where he asks her to marry him, the third is their wedding day, the fourth Inko holding a positive pregnancy test in her hands. The fifth framed picture is of Inko who is heavily pregnant holding her arms under her belly, and the last one is of Izuku, maybe a few hours after he was born.

"Shut the door." All Might says as the twins enter the room, beside the desk is Izuku himself seated nervously knowing what is going to happen next. All Might himself isn't facing them, instead he is staring at a picture of Inko and Izuku on the back wall. Ochako does as asked, and shuts the door to the office. When he hears it click shut, All Might sighs deeply before turning to face the twins. "Ochako, you and Izuku can go if you'd like. This doesn't concern you two." Izuku jumps slightly at the mention of his name, not expecting to be spoken to. The teens don't say a word as they leave the room, leaving Katsuki alone with All Might. "Do you think you're better than me?"

"What? What kind of question is that? Of course not, you're the greatest hero to ever live." Katsuki responds, though the answer isn't what All Might wanted to hear. "Was my bitch of a sister actually telling the truth? Were you quirkless like Dek-" Katsuki is abruptly shut up when All Might strikes his desk with his fist when Katsuki gets to the word Deku.

"Don't you dare refer to my son by that insult in front of me." All Might says sharply, almost speaking through his teeth. "If you think you're better than him, then you think you're better than me. So, do you think that you are?" Katsuki lets the question hang in the air, not daring to answer it. "I'll take your silence as a yes..." He says before taking in a deep breath and sighing once again. This time as he exhales, his body releases steam as he deflates from his muscle form back to his true one. The emaciated, disheveled skeleton of a man who is All Might. "What about now?"

"N-no s-sir." Katsuki stutters, his bravado having fled him as he stares in horror at what has become of the number one hero. "W-what happened to you?"

"It's a long story, take a seat. We're going to be here a while." Toshinori says, gesturing to the ash blonde. "Take a look around my office, what do you see?" he asks, causing Katsuki to scan the office with his eyes before hurriedly returning eye contact to All Might. "Notice anything? Not a single thing in this office is related to my hero career, except for what I'm wearing. Each and every single thing in my office is dedicated to my family. I would throw away my entire career as a hero in a heartbeat to be with my family. In fact, I already have. Do you want the full story or the abridged?" He asks, and for a moment Katsuki doesn't respond sitting nearly as stiff as Izuku does.

"T-the f-full s-story." Katsuki answers.

All Might nods slightly before standing from his chair and walking over to the bookshelf where the pictures of his parents are. "My personal life is known to even fewer than the actual nature of my quirk; One for All. Only Inko and Izuku know," He says as he sets the two pictures of his parents in front of Katsuki. "Much like myself, my father was a hero a long time ago. My father John was a quiet and reserved man and a powerful hero in the United States. My mother Kimiko Yagi was quirkless like me... and these are the only two photos I have of them. My mother died when I was young, and my father vanished searching for her killer. I was in and out of orphanages and foster homes until I was a teen, and I got taken in by a woman named Nana Shimura. She was the one who gave me my quirk."

"How can a quirk be given?" Katsuki asks, but All Might dismisses the question.

"I'll get to that soon, but she was the one who mentored me and trained me to succeed her in wielding the quirk. Just after I turned 18 she died too, giving her life to save mine from the man who created that quirk. One for All is a quirk created by the absolute embodiment of all human greed and evil, in the only act of kindness he ever did. His brother had a useless quirk that allowed him to transfer his quirk to someone else but the older brother gave him a quirk that allowed him to stockpile power infinitely. These quirks fused created One for All, made by the man who can take quirks away. The same demon did this to my stomach." All Might explains as he lifts his shirt to expose the gnarled scarring and stitches of the wound on the left side of his body. "At the time of that encounter, she had given up her son and daughter to be adopted, and Inko got the surname Midoriya from her adoptive family. She was around 15 at the time of Nana's death. After that, I finished my training in America, and returned to Japan after a decade to put down All for One permanently but I failed. Inko and I would get together after she graduated from UA and became Tatsumaki. For nearly five years we were an unstoppable hero team. Then, she got pregnant with Izuku and you know everything from there, up until recently that is."

"You gave One for All to De-Midoriya just before we started at UA then..." Katsuki says as he finishes connecting the rest of the dots.

"I spent most of your childhood trying to dissuade you from any sort of quirkless discrimination. How many times do you remember me comparing people who bully the quirkless as villains? Made public appearances at quirkless empowerment events, therapy centers... suicide prevention facilities. More times than I can count, but you never changed." Katsuki swallows a lump in his throat when All Might says this. "Every single scratch, cut, bruise, broken bone, burn... tear stain on my son's face hurt me even more than it did him. I wanted to believe you'd change but you never did. Then, this is the thing that hurts me the most, your twin sister told me that if she was to ever get pregnant with my son's child, you would kill her to keep him from spreading the disease of quirklessness. So, tell me..." All Might says as he removes the picture of Inko holding her pregnant belly out of its frame and hands it to Katsuki. "Would you kill her to stop quirklessness from spreading?" Katsuki remains silent, his hands trembling as he stares at the picture between his fingers. His eyes starting to water slightly as he looks at the pure joy captured on Inko's face. "Are you going to say something? Answer me."

"N-no..." Katsuki stammers, trying with every ounce of his being to keep from crying.

"I don't believe you." All Might says as he extends his hand for Katsuki to return the photograph, which he does. He lets his words sink in for a few moments before taking the framed picture of his own mother and handing it to the boy. "What about her? Would you kill my mother to prevent me from being born quirkless and passing that gene to my son?" He asks, after picking up the framed picture of his mother and putting it in Katsuki's line of sight.

"N-n-no..." Katsuki says as his voice breaks and tears begin to stream from his face.

"Then why is it different for my son? Why do you think you're better than him when he is far better than I will ever be. Even through all the shit he had to endure from you for almost 12 years now, he's never resented you for it. He's never wanted revenge, and that's where he's the better man than I am. I tried to avenge my master, the woman that was like a second mother to me, I avenged other heroes that fell in the line of duty but Izuku is forgiving and he's forgiven you. Katsuki, for the longest time I wanted to believe in you... I truly did, but I can't." All Might says as he grabs his cape off the back of his chair and clips it to his shoulders. "Turn off the light when you leave." He says as he flexes his muscle form and approaches the door. As he gets to the handle he looks slightly over his shoulder at the crying teen before shaking his head and twisting the handle.

"I-I'm... s-sorry..." Katsuki barely squeaks out through sobs as he raises his hands to his eyes to wipe away the tears. "I-I'm... n-not a v-villain, I-I'm not e-evil... am I?"

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." All Might says as he pushes the door open and exits the room, leaving Katsuki alone. "And that is a question only you can answer." 

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