Meeting the Zarude

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Lela was fast asleep in her new room.

But was woken up, by something jumping on the bed. Yawning Lela, sits up and rubbs her eyes. When she looks up, to see who is jumping ok n her bed. It was Umbreon. "Good morning to you to." Lela said, and then Umbreon started, licking her face. "Haha ha Haha ha." Lela started laughing, as they lick her face. "Stop it you girl that tickles."  And with that Umbreon stop. "Ummmm" Umbreon yips out. "Come on let's get breakfast ready." Lela said, as she rubbs Umbreon head.  Lela gets up and puts some clothes on. Umbreon waits at the door for her trainer.
"Ok let's go." Lela said, and with that both trainer and pokemon left. As they made it to the kitchen,

Lela started to make Umbreon food "Ok, today I will be going out today. And I want you to stay here." Lela said. Umbreon was about to respond, but Lela stop him. "I want you to stay here because, you are still tried from yesterday." Lela said, as she saw Umbreon face. "And while I am out, I will think I  will start a garden, to grow berries and Revival Herbs." Lela said, as she puts Umbreon food in her bowl. And then she sets them down, Umbreon started eating.
"Ok you girl, I am going out. I will be back later. She told Umbreon. "Umbreon." Umbreon replies, as she ate her food.
Lela opened the door, and walked down the stairs. And then she took a deep breath of the fresh air. Lela smiled  and walked towards the forest. As she was walking,  with her tail wagging freely. She started hearing singing,

It was a tribe of black monkeys pokemon. Their bodies is covered with black fur, and through its chest and belly are patterned with shorter gray fur. It's upper snout, palms and rings around its eyes are devoid of fur, and its skin is a light gray. And it have teeth extremely sharp with 2 on its upper jaw  hanging downwards. It arms have two green things around their arms.
Lela pulls out her pokedex, she updated it when she arrived in Galar. They were eating berries and beating on logs. The small pokemon near them were scared of them. As one of them let out a roar at them, they all ran
"Zarude the rogue monkey Pokemon." It said. Lela learns what it is, but what shocks Lela the most is that they are talking or that she can understand them. Then Lela was pushed forward. "Ahhh." Lela shouted out in surprise. She falling in the middle of the tribe Zarude. They all stop what they are doing and all growled at the intruder.
As they watching her and circle around her. Alpha the one that push her, went to his friend. And his friend dada told him and the rest of the tribe. "This is the human that build the home." Dada said, to his friend and tribe. Then his friend alpha sniffed the air, he looks  at Lela. Who was still frozen in shock that the pokemon are talking. Dada smells this to, and walks closer to Lela and started sniffling her. "Hey, knock it off." Lela said, as she pushes herself up. "This human smells like Zarude." Dada said, their was murmuring from the rest. Alpha then saw her tail it was a Zarude tail. His eyes widened at this a grabbed a hold on her tail. "She has a Zarude tail." Alpha said, as he showed everyone her tail. "Ow, let go." Lela said, as she rips her tail out of his hands. "You can understand us." Alpha said, as he realizes that she understood him. "Yes I can." Lela said. Then dada the said. "You have Zarude blood in you." Dada said. Lela then finally realizes what pokemon she is. "Yes, I guess I do." Lela said. "You are just a hybrid not a full Zarude." Alpha said, making Lela frown at this. "Don't worry I will leave you guys alone. Me and my friend are here to live and hide." Lela said.  "Then way are you in our territory." Alpha asks her. "I was just walking through the forest. That's it and you guys are scaring the other pokemon that lives here." Lela said, as she give Alpha a glare. Alpha glare right back at her. "They are weak, we are eating." He said. Lela just stares at him, as she begins walking away. "I will leave you along, I am just going home." Lela said.
Alpha then looks at the rest of the Zarude. "Come on, let's get back to the heart tree" Alpha said, as he and the other Zarude started walking away. Lela was walking away, but she heard. "Wait." Lela turned around to see a Zarude was talking to her. "Yay." She said. "I want to know your name." The Zarude asks. "My name is Lela." Lela told the Zarude, she could tell that he is different. "That is a nice name. My name is dada." Dada introduces himself. Lela dosen't know why but, she started blushing. "Hmm, it's nice to meet you Dada." Lela said with a small smile. Dada didn't know what happened but he smiled back. He could tell she isn't like the rest of the humans, even she has their blood in her.  Dada was about to replied back, but Alpha told him to come on. "I will see you around then." Dada said, Lela just smiles. "Ok, I will see you around to and maybe you can meet my friend to." Lela said, as she walks away.
Walks away to, but he keeps on looking back at Lela. Before he couldn't see her.

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