Chapter 5

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The birds outside my window were being annoying. My first thought was to shoot them, but I didn't want to scare the neighbors more then I already had prior. The second thought was to just get up and get ready for a relaxing day. I had finished a good mission yesterday, and I deserved a break. I stood from my bed, pulling my pants from my wardrobe, along with a white fitted shirt. "Where are my boots" I grumbled, searching around. Suddenly, a knock sounded at my door. "Who would be here at this time of morning?" I mumbled, walking over to my door and opening it. "Madame Sparrow?" A regal looking man asked, standing at the door. "Um, Amelia is fine. Who are you?" I ask, confused about who this guy was, and why he was at my door. "The king, his royal highness Carter Reinhesrt the seventh, asks your presence at the castle" he states. This was one of the king's servants. "Um, right now? I was planning on a calm day. And I don't have any dresses" I state. "He wishes to see you now, and in your hunter attire. You have five minutes to collect your things" he states, walking away.

That guy was kind of rude, but he also works for the kingdom, so it's time to get dressed then. I'd rather not be beheaded on such a nice day.

I walked over to my bed, looking under it. "Aha!" I called triumphantly, collecting my boots and pulling them on. I grabbed my trench coat from the rack, pulling it over my shoulders. I fastened my scabbard around my waist, making sure my shortsword was there.

I grabbed my quiver of arrows, placing it over my left shoulder. I picked up my crossbow, and pulled it over my right shoulder. I pulled my hair into a bun, and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My blonde hair was pulled harshly away from my face, but that was the only way to keep it out of the way. My lips were pale pink, but I didn't own makeup. Why would a demon hunter own makeup? It would be ruined I only a few minutes in a fight.

I grabbed my gun, placing it in a thigh holster on my left, the daggers going in the right. I nodded, and picked up a stake, putting it in my satchel before I headed out to the awaiting carriage. "He sent a carriage? I could have just ride Philip" I state to the footman. "He requests you now, m'lady. And two horses are better then one" he says, opening the door for me.

"Can someone at least ride him to the castle for me? I'd like to be able to ride him home. I'm not  really one for cramped rides" I state, earnings sigh. "If you insist, madame. I will have the other attendent help" he says, ushering me into the carriage and closing the door after me. I sat in one of the seats, leaning back against them. They were cozy, sure, but I enjoyed riding Philip. He was a good horse, and he was fey related, which brought the demons out of hiding most times.

The footman took a seat next to the driver, and the other attendant had mounted Philip, starting ahead. The carriage jerked forward slightly as it began to move, but that was it. I looked out the window, watching  the village go by, which was alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life. The smell of freshly baked bread and cakes filled the air as the carriage rolled over the old cobblestone paths.

The carriage picked up speed as we neared the end of town, starting into the farmlands. The carriage ride was going to be a long one, so I moved my weapons to the side seat to get more comfortable. I stretched out over the seats, smiling happily. I could finally read that book about ways to kill vampires easier.

My satchel sat next to me, making it easy to grab the book, flipping it open to the first page. I pulled out a water flask, setting it in my lap. "Danm, no snacks" I grumbled. Oh well, the would be enough.


The book was lying about everything! You can't kill a vampire with oak wood stakes! Who the hell even wrote this thing? It was such a waste of time. The carriage drew to a halt, stopping in front of the castle. The castle was a tall stone structure, with tall towers for the guards to patrol. The doors were deep mahogany, and towered three feet taller then me.  The doors were opened by the guards, and the inside was huge.

A red carpet ran the expanse of the hallway, which was covered in art. The whole place was illuminated by the many chandeliers that were lining the roof, the candles flickering overhead. Large doors seperated each room from the main hallway, but the ones seperating the throne room from the hallway were the largest. They weren't mahogany, but white and guilded in gold scroll.

"The king is waiting for you right through here" an attendent says, going over to the ornate doors and opening them. "Your highness. I present to you the hunter Amelia Sparrow" he states, and moved out of the way for me to walk through. I walked up the hall, and kneeled before the king and his queen. "Your highness, it's an honor" I say, bowing my head down in respect.

The king made a noise, telling me to stand up. "I've heard about you, your family used to be demon hunters. Me and your father, we used to be friends." He states, and I smiled. "that's explains the many late nights, your highness" I stated. He nods. "Now is not the time to reminisce. I've heard rumours from the north that that the demon populations are starting to get bigger. I want you, and my son Max to investigate this matter. And take as many demons as you can down with you" he states.

I take a breath. "Your highness, with all due respect, I work better alone. I haven't even worked with your son before, it may cause complications when I'm investigating the demons. There's certain things a hunter must know to be useful" I state. "Max knows enough. Son, come in here, meet your new partner" the king calls.

A door behind the thrones opened, revealing max. He was tall, but had a muscular build. His eyes were green and his hair a dark muddy brown. If he was the kings youngest, then he had to only be a year or two older then me. "M'lady" Max says flippantly, walking over and taking my hand, kissing it and giving me a grin. Already, I knew me and Max were going to have conflicting interests.

"Now, I want you two to get acquainted in the cart, I'm sending you off to our northern most territory" the king says, ushering a man in the door to come forward, holding out supplies to Max. "Well, when do we leave?" I ask, looking up at the king as Max got his gear on, running a hair through his wavy locks.

"You leave now" the says, finality in his voice. And with that, we were already heading out the doors.

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