Caelum Dot

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I was on vacation at a beach cottage a few days ago and I sat outside almost every night looking at the constellations and on the last night I was there you could see every star so clearly. It was truly beautiful so I was inspired to make a new character based off of them. So meet Caelum.

-Shy but outgoing when you know him
-Overly dramatic
-Overly trusting
-Very fearful
-Loves astrology
-Loves anything spiritual
-Likes sleeping
-Likes being alone
-Likes music
-Likes swimming
-Always wants to escape reality
-Hates know-it-alls
-Hates being criticized
-Hates cruelty of any kind
-Scared his past comes back to haunt him
-Is a Pisces
-Is 17 (000) years old

Now for a backstory!

I remember stars, lots of stars and then... Falling, endlessly falling. Being just an infant, I remember the many colours I saw nearing my crash. A beautiful white tail trailing behind my star as I entered the atmosphere of a gorgeous planet.

It all goes black.


My eyes open to the rays of sun penetrating through the rubble I was trapped under. Everything hurt. I wasn't used to pain. I've never felt it. I cried out for help... But nobody came.
I sat there for awhile, crying. I realized no one was coming to help me, so I took intuitive and slowly dug myself out of what was once my star.

I looked at my surroundings, millions of tall beings toward over my small figure, their many long arms reaching out to grab me. I screamed and ran and ran... And ran... ... And ran.

As I was running, I was knocked off my feet and I landed on my rear. I looked up to see another being. They seemed to be quite taller than me but not nearly as tall as the beings that surrounded my star.the one in front of me had long chestnut hair tied back by some sort of ring. Their eyes were quite odd, they had white eyes with a green orb in them. Tho their smile was quite comforting...

"Oh my! Are you alright little one?!"

They can speak my language?!

"Uh... I'm f-fwine"

"You're hurt! And... Your eyes... Um never mind."

They pointed out an open wound across my cheek.

"Here. Come with me, I'll fix you up!"


For some reason, I trusted them.

"What's your name?"

They looked at me curiously as we walked.

"Caelum, Caelum Dot!"

"Like the constellation?"


I had stayed with them for awhile... They to,d me they were a female. Her name was Matēya. She had taught me the ways of the world... Earth.

She had raised me as her own. Other children picked on me for my appearance and my struggle of always understand their ways.


I knew...


I knew I didn't belong.

Ok I'm done!!! So sad. ;-; why must I always make my characters sad?! Idk... I love him tho. So cute.
Anywho! He's open for roleplay! Have fun!
And remember that a comment, a vote and a follow are greatly appreciated!

Ashlee out!🎨

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