Loki Story & Meditation - 09/02/20

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I just remembered a story I wrote for Loki before I actually started working with him, back when a friend who working with him and I had her show him for me. It was called "Darkness Of A Broken Heart, Light of Hidden Love". He told me I should make a short story out of it or something. It's a mix of memories and what I've learned to be true from every work I've read about Loki (some of the stories only had maybe a fact or two wrong and others... it was horrid). I'd use my friend as a leeway to chat with Loki about things, such as memories or what I'd read. She enjoyed learning this stuff too. If any of you want to read it, maybe I'll post it if at least three people comment yes.


I decided to meditate in the tub again, partly because the only other places I have to meditate are the rug in front of the entrance by the bookshelf with tools (in the way of practically everything) outside on child concrete or tarmac (I like the cold but concrete is uncomfy) and the grass out back (bad idea).

That's the candle lit.


I'm using this music this time, it's one of three I know Loki likes.

Candle after meditation.

Tonight we mostly talked about past lives and forms and such. Also, when I was thinking of trying to draw Loki again but kinda didn't want to because I don't think I draw well, he told me I drew pretty good and to think of something I'm good at drawing. In response, I commented on how I've drawn nagas before, I hate doing hands and feet, and, needless to say, after a bit more talking, Loki now expects me to try my hand at a snake. At least I don't have to worry about extra appendages.


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