Finished deal

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"Considering the information you just got from us I think that means what"

"Yeah no shit sherlock, you just told me to go on a date with the world's eighth biggest exporter which also happens to be the tenth strongest county in the fucking world Ciper"


"Why do you need me to go on a date with him?"


"Spit it out Sever."

That was the fist time after the news that anyone moved from their spots and it was North Cyprus that flinched at the harsh tone Slovenia used to say his name. On one side he couldn't blame him he just got told he has to go on a date with someone he in his words 'doesn't really interact with' North would roll his eyes at that if the older county wasn't staring at him like he was about to start another balkan war, but on the other hand....actually no Slovenia did have all the right to be angry.

After Slovenia realised that he scared the younger country he quickly apologised: "I'm sorry North I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me, but please do explain why you only tell me shit like this on Friday nights?"

North Cyprus chuckled nervously and scratched his neck before he spoke: " Well its not my fault older kids like you only messege me after the end of the shool week. I only found out at like two in the afternoon."

"And you only decided to text me at one in the morning?"

North made the gesture of whistling while looking anywhere but Slovenia in the eye that was glowing a golden yellow. Whilst looking around he realised now that Slovenia was also standing his dalmatian Sivka was sitting bored next to her owner and when she noticed North staring at him she tilted her head as if she was saying 'he has you there'.

"could you two stop glaring at eachother" Cyprus finally piped up after stunning herself into silence.

"Slovenia is doing all the glaring!" called out North whitch earned him a scoff from the older teen.

"The moment you two explain to me how you got me into this situation I'll decide if I'll stop or no."

"Okay,,,,, Do you know what the Italian rose flower is?" asked Cyprus sending a pleading look to her younger twin brother ro ask him to not stay quiet like when they have to explain some weird situations to other peaple.

"Yes it looks similar to a rose and it aperently smells really nice? I don't see how that's related to this conversation at all" answered Slovenia uncertainly.

"Yes well it's one of the only flowers we don't have in our collection...and Italy happens to have some he is willing to give us but he asked for something in return and becuse it's not summer season yet we're broke as fuck so instead of paying with money we got into an agreement that now involves you going on a date with him" After she finished she looked at Slovenia with uncertainty she wasn't sure how he would react to the information, he might the calmest in the region but he still has alot of pent up rage from other ...predicaments he's ready to unfurl onto someone.

"They draged me into this shit for some flowers?" muttered Slovenia to himself but all thanks to his horrible luck he was overheard

"Hey they're not just 'some flowers' they're really expensive and hard to get!" Yelled North and stomping his foot like a child

"well I made an awesome choice with your nickname! And I'm leaving, ferewell" before either of the twins could say anything Slovenia was already downstairs Sivka hot on his tail and before the teens knew it they heard a door slam shut signaling Slovenia left.

" you think he'll figure it out?"

"of course he will! He's the smartest shooler around here I bet he's already calling Italy to confirm him about it"

"either way Italy gets what he wants we get our flowers and maybe we're gonna get some free romance"

"5 euros says they get together in a week"

"296 Turkish lira says two weeks"

"oh it's on" and the Cyprus twins even shook on it.

'I don't belive those two at all' though Slovenia to himself on the way to his house. He was already a decent way away from the twins house and when he checked the time on his phone it read 03.12 .

'well there will be no sleep for me tonight I guess'he thought as he neared the woods  but as he plans to take a shortcut home he can't stop the curiosity from creeping into his mind.

'Italy definitely didn't want to go on a date, so what did the Italian want' and it didn't take a long time before Slovenia hopped off of the sidewalk and onto a hidden wood path where he sat on a wooden log and opened up the chatting app on his phone and after a bit of scrolling he came to the contact he was looking for but before he pressed it he hesitated. 'is it eccepteble to bother someone at this time?...."

"oh fuck it I need actual answers" was the last thing he whisperd to himself before he pressed the green call button under Italy's contact.

The phone buzzed two times before a slurred voice with a strong accent spoke up with not such a nice tone of voice: " whoever you are who do you think you are to call me at this fucking time?

"Hey Italy, its me Slovenia that kid from the naigboring street also your classmate"

"Slovenia? Oh I'm sorry for that, I thought you ware Germany or Japan and you don't have to tell me who you are how could I forget you?"

"Sorry I'm just used to peaple forgetting or just not knowing about my existence, and I respect the way you pick up the phone haha"

Slovenia could hear a deep chuckle from the other end and felt as his face went from blue to violet.

"I have to suprise peaple somehow, having the upper hand means to be unpredictable"

"Does that include threatening anyone who is on the other line?"

"yep it does, also why did you call at three in the morning?"

"oh, do you by chance have any deals with the Cyprus twins?"

"they asked for flowers and in return I asked them to ask you in my name if we could hang out since you never gave me your number, but I guess I have it now. Why do you ask? Actually don't answer that your one of the balkans you bunch are always up to something so what did those two tell you?"

"now that you say that this shit is so much more funny to me"

"Spill the info quick you never know where a wild USA might be listening in"

"Well so those two literally called me up asked me to come to their house at one at night and then when I asked them to explain what they need from me they said "we need you to go on a date with Italy""

"ohhhh that's what they told you...umm yeah younger countries can be like that"

"Yeah so when do you want to hang out?"

"you know that if you don't want to you don't have to right? I just said something to.....get those two off my back yeah"

"oh- umm do you mind if we still hang out?"

"Not at all! Is tomorrow afternoon okay at my house?"

"Yeah it is, so I'll see you tomorrow!"

"see you! also you better get some sleep"

"Dude I slept away todays afternoon"

"the sleep you get at night is far more healthy and important"

"Yeah yeah I know adijo"

"Ciao Slovenia"

Slovenias phone screen flashed red signaling the call has ended and he smiled a little at himself like an idiot he didn't know why he just felt like smiling after talking to Italy. But he quickly realised where he was , so he called for his dog and started slowly running to his house.

'you two really know nothing about how to be a good liar huh?'

'I mean we got you a date with our fishy boy and we got what we wanted so we don't see a problem'

'last time I checked he was an Olm therefore an amphibian"

'why do you know that?'

'because I care and I'm not failing biology?'


'also I'm pretty sure I left both of you some lily's too do you like them?'

'yeah thank you so much!'

'no problem, just please don't fuck this up for me I really like him'

'no promises'


No spell checks again but I know it will bug me so much I'll probably do one later
No art for this chapter but here's something I've been working on

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