where it all started

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It was a summer afternoon. The school day had just finished for the majority of students and they ware now all running out of the building like their life dependent on them being first one out.

In the many piles of students that ware sprinting to freedom ware also two countries that happened to be friends, or well more like accomplices. They only hung out for personal gain.
Their names ware Romania and Slovenia. The gain they usually got when sticking together was higher grades because they would rather study than look at echothers faces. And that study tactic worked, until now. Their end of the year exams ware rapidly aproching and neither of them understood the current assignments. So in short and in their words : They are fucked.

The topic of their current discussion was 'how to not fail' and so far they've got one idea. One that could couse a world war. But it was still an idea. And they ware willing to try anything at this point.

"Okay so, should I do it"

"Yes, just add them and get this over with it won't make a difference if you do it now or later"

Their idea was indeed to create a groupchat with peaple that they knew, and that might help them with studying. But there was one major problem with it as it contained each and every currently existing Balkan country.

"Okay I added them. Let's just hope they know more than us" said Romania. Him and Slovenia ware currently walking from school together since they lived in the same neighbourhood.

"I can assure you all my brothers combined know less than me and you so there won't be much help from them" laughed Slovenia, he was the oldest sibling and the intelligent one.

"Oh well...Why didn't you want to add the central Europeans? If anybody could help us it's them" Whisperd Romania giving two other students a side eye as they passed them.

"If we go down we go down like real soldiers not cowards. I'd rather seek help with the peaple that I've known for a while and that are familiar to me rather than the ones on the west. It's not that I have anything against them they are all very nice and are welcoming us to new ways of life. But...its hard to just start trusting someone you ware told to hate your whole life. And it would be a critical hit to my ego."

"Damn that was deeper than I wanted to go, how about we-"

He was interrupted by the sound of two loud dings coming from their phones.

"what ware you going to say?" asked Slovenia.

"oh nothing I just wanted to change the subject" Romania replied .

"Oh alright then"

Neither of them said anything else as they went on their

Romania has created a group chat
Romania has added 14 peaple to the chat
Romania changed the chat name to " couse of WW3"

Serbia: Wtf is this some sort of way to wage another war in Europe?

Romania: The idea was that we could study together as a bunch of neighbours but I'm prepared to sacrifice my grades for a good fight

Slovenia: ngl me too

Serbia: Slovenia you're with him!? i though I was your favorite sibling you fishy traitor

Slovenia: First of all I'm an amphibian. Second of all yes. I need the drama but I'd like to keep the decent grades going :/

Romania: is your family still going to work next to the lake this summer?

Serbia: yeah we like own the whole resort...why?

Romania: Oh nothing I just wanted to know if there was going to be anything good this summer

Serbia: fuck off you vampir you're allergic to the suj

Romania: Ah yes I'm allergic to ✨️suj✨️ also I need to do something real quick

Slovenia: is it a positive something or a catastrophic something

Serbia: he's not replying

Slovenia: yeah I can see that but he's also typing on his phone very fast

Serbia: wait you're with him rn?

Slovenia: yeah were walking from shool together
Also btw where the hell are you I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you in 3 days

Serbia: oh I'm in biology class rn but damn brate we live together and you still manege to ignore me I was screaming for help yesterday 😔😭

Slovenia: you ware?
Oh well

Serbia: oh well that's it ? Such a good older brother you are Croatia almost killed me and all you have to say is oh weel

Slovenia: well*
And this is where I tell you that as your brother my job isn't to care for you but to be a problem
I was planing to be more absent than our dad

Romania: damn

Slovenia: Hey Romania what did you do

Romani: nothing special

Slovenia: that's suspicious

Romania has changed Serbias name to : War Criminal
Romania has changed Slovenias name to :🐠-y traitor

🐠-y traitor: I don't know which one of you I hate more

Romania: Slovenia is giving me a death glare lmao

🐠-y traitor: I'd start running if I was you

War criminal: listen to him he's a sociopath in disguise

Romania: he can't be that bad- also hy are you not mad about the name :|

War criminal: I was tough from a young age that truth hurts
And there was this one time me croatia Macedonia and him ware picking berries and croatia was pissing him of so he threw a Swiss knife at him

Romania: .... Slovenia please forgive me 🙏🏻

🐠-y traitor has changed Romanias name to : Low key vampire

Low key vampire: oh come on im not a vampire 😠 how many times do I have to tell you that😭

🐠-y traitor: idk dude you've been staring at my neck so much I decided to wear a scarf mid-summer

War criminal: and your tactic in fighting is biting someone until you draw blood not to mention you got fangs

Low key vampire: 😐🤨 both of you got sharp teath and none of you are getting accused of being a vampire


🐠-y traitor: ...

Low key vampire:....

War criminal: sorry had to get that out of my system

🐠-y traitor: oh shit Igtg see ya at home Serbia

War criminal: bye atlest I can still annoy Romania
Hellloooooooo are you there ?????
Damnthey both lestf me

Both Slovenia and Romania went offline because they had just arrived infront of Romanias house and gave eachother a quick high five before they each went their own way.

Slovenia now that he was alone was unsubcontinously walking faster than before just so he could get home quicker.

When he finally saw his cream colored house in the distance he almost started sprinting toward it.

And when he came to the door he practically threw it open closed it took his shoes off at record speed, probably bocouse it was hammerred into his brain, and ran upstairs to his room where he jumped on the bed professional diver style.

He didn't bother closing his bedroom door, he was the only one at home and most of his sibling wouldn't come back hone anytime soon if he knew them correctly.

So he just peacefully dosed off exhausted from the constant studying and he was glad it was finally the weekend where he could just chill and anyjoy his time. Not before he tossed his heavy bag off the bed.

It was already dark out before a ding and an unread message from an unknown number woke the south slavic country up.


And now some art from me because I'm on vacation and i bearly have Internet 🥲

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