Part 1

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"Careful ! careful!  A kid is lying there."
I made the driver stop the car immediately when i spotted  a small kid right in front of our car lying unconscious .

I ran out of the car and went towards the kid "hey are you okay. Baby get up" I tapped his cheeks being extremely worried for him.

"Yeahh! I made u fool . Yeah! I won" Kid got up and started jumping in joy.

"Hey kid are you mad. You wanna die" Shaan (driver) scolded him.

"It's okay shaan. Let it be. He is just a kid. " I calmed him down.

"Hey baby  where are your parents? ".

" I am searching for them  we came here together  but i the lost way "little kid chocked with tears in his eyes.

Oh baby!

" Oh then let's find your parents " I hugged him  and caressed his hairs.

"  But first Will you buy me a chocolate "kid asked with innocent face.

Aww! This kid is so cute.

" Chocolate? "

He replied "yes" With a puppy face.

I chuckled at his expressions "of course I will. Come"

I and the kid oh I forgot to ask his name.

Anyways, we walked towards the nearest shop in spite of shaan's continuous efforts to stop us.

The shop was big of course as it was a mall not just an ordinary shop.
Kid looked at the whole mall with wide eyes and mouth opened.

We were heading towards the sweet shop when the kid  leaving my hand started running towards a man dressed in formal suit and having well physique his back was towards us.

Rishi went and hugged him. I couldn't listen what they were talking.

After few minutes Kid pointed towards me "She is there" .

Man turned.

He is handsome must say! .

Man and the kid moved towards me.

Before I can ask something

"How irresponsible  mother you are. How can you leave your child alone. You are ." That  man started talking.

Wait. Whose mother. What is he talking about ?.

" Hey stop whose mother? "

"This child " He said Pointing towards the kid.

"Do I look like his mother. I am not even married and who told you that I am his mother but first tell me who are you? "

Kid who was silently standing till now jumped between us "he is my father. "

"Whattt"  I was shocked that was justified but why he was shocked.

"I... Father.... No... Not at all...

" Now I got it you are running from your responsibility that is why calling me his mother "

"Please believe me I don't even know his name"

"Oh shut up and stop running from your responsibility mr. What..

" Mahir. I am mahir . please believe me I don't know him I was just helping him to find his parents that's all "

"Okay I will believe  but first you also have to believe that I am not his mother"

"But he said you are his mother..

Our argument was interrupted when a staff came to enquire.

" Mam, sir why you both are arguing ?"

"Because he is saying I am his mother"
"Because she is saying I am his father "
We Both spoke out at the same time.

"What " Staff member was also confused.

"You both can fight at your home sir and mam. See your child looks so disturbed"

"He is not my child"  We Both said again at the same time.

"Shyam did I ever told you that I am married ?" Man asked the worker.

Do he know him? How?  What is all this happening today.

"Why are you asking him. Don't you know and who told you that his name is shyam? " I snapped at mahir.

"Mam sir knows my name because he owns this mall but sir you once told shweta that you are married"

He smacked his own face Remembering his truth.


"I knew it you were lying " I gave him a weird look.

"But.. I..

" Sir fights between husband and wife are common  but you can't say you don't know the child see he looks so upset "shyam added further.

We are not husband and wife I wanted to say loud and clear.

A man who was witnessing this  probably from last few minutes came to us

"If you once more said that you don't know the child I will put you behind the bars for harassing a child. See he looks so upset"

"What harassing  When I harrassed him" Mahir asked him being all confused.

"You are sir. Indirectly hurting your child mentally by saying that he is not your child. It can affect him in negative way "He replied with a staright face.

"But who are you to put me behind the bars? "Mahir asked amused.

"ACP ajitabh  "

"I am sorry Mr. Ajitabh but I really. Don't know him. " Mahir clarified.

"Okay let me ask the child.
Hey kid what is your name"

"My name is rishi"

"And where are your parents? "

"They are my parents " Kid replied pointing towards us.


" Enough. Mr and Mrs. Seghal take your child and go home don't argue here. I know you own this mall but you can't disturb others like this" Mr. ACP  shouted at us.

Not having any option left we both moved towards the exit along with rishi.
. Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading ❤.

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