part 10

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Did I just kissed bela instead of rishi?

No No this can't happen. It's just that i am Overthinking.

~Dude you really kissed her.
my brain gave a me a pathetic look.

Hey i didn't kissed her and if I did it was it was unintentional.

"Yeah dadda kissed mumma! Dadda kissed mumma".

And here comes my child squealing 'his dadda kissed his mumma"
As if telling the whole world.

I  was facing Second hand embarrassment right then.

Gosh!! Why I have to be this much stupid always. Why I closed my eyes. Shouldn't have done that. I am such a jerk.

Bela left to her room and I followed her with my eyes.

Was she angry on me?

As if this was not enough here comes my "oh-so-cute-family" Just standing near the dining table with their jaw dropping to the ground and eyes shinning like stars. I knew they saw everything.

Saving my self from further embarrassment I quickly ran to my room.

Rishi still there all excited.

I closed the door and leaned on it.

I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

"Was she angry? I need to talk to her "

I sat on the bed and started surfing through my phone to distract myself.

But again those memories kept disturbing me.

I kept the phone aside and sat straight on the bed , thinking what to tell bela about that "unintentional kiss".

" Ya come in" I said when I heard a loud knock on the door.

Oh it's dad.

"Yes dad"

"Mahir you know what dear son "

"What dad"

"Dear let me complete.
Mahir see child you have taken rishi's responsibility . You can't forever live like this Without marriage. "

Oh I see it's again about that marriage topic.

"Dad please if it's about marriage then let's not talk about it. I am already tired"

Dad sighed and started leaving the room being Disappointed.

Wait dad said something.

"Dad did you just called me bull shit".

" No dear I just called you rat shit "
Dad said in his signature over sugar coated voice as if it meant nothing.

"Dad how can you

" Pig shit" With that he closed the door loudly and went out.

Hey this is not done. I am hurt but who cares. I can't even throw tantrums unlike them. You see I have a good heart. Huhh!! Enough drama for today I am sleeping.

When I woke up it was the time for dinner. I freshened up myself and went to dining table ignoring all the intense gaze(s) at me.

I sat there quietly that's when I noticed bela was not there.

Is she that much hurt that she doesn't want to see my face even. I need to apologize.

I quickly got up and went towards her room.

I knocked on her room door but door was already opened so without wasting a single minute. I quickly came inside.

I saw bela was sitting on the couch totally engrossed in her laptop.

I tapped her shoulder.


"Mahir you here? " She became alert and closed her laptop as if trying to hide something.

"Bela why you didn't came for dinner? "

"Mahir I was coming in just 10 minutes"

"You sure? "

"Of course mahir"

"Actually Bela I wanted to apologize"

"For? "

"That kiss was totally unintentional I was I was..

I saw her red cheeks was she angry or blushing?

" It's okay mahir I don't mind that "

She didn't mind so can I kiss her once more? Her cheeks are so soft.

I wanted to kiss her intentionally right then.

No mahir keep your pervert thoughts aside.

"Okay so let's go for dinner"

"Ya sure you go I will join you in a minute. "

I came out and waited for her. I know she will come herself but I want to wait.

After few minutes she came out and we all had dinner together.

Only I know how I controlled my blush whenever mom dad or kuhu looked at me teasingly.
I gathered all my strength to have a poker face through out the dinner but bela sitting beside me didn't helped much.

I came to my room, held my pillow and kissed it two three times.

Yuck !! it tastes bad.

I dozed off hugging my pillow and blushing God knows for what.


In morning, When I woke up I realised today was sunday. That means I can be at home and can play with rishi .

After all he is my kid and I need spend some time with him.

I quickly freshened up and went to living room after having my breakfast to complete all the pending work so that later I can be with rishi.

I was the only person who woke up late today because everyone was already busy in their work.

Mom in her serials, dad in his chess game with a house helper and rishi along side cheering for him and kuhu in her studies basically in her hidden phone between books.

And I came to know from rishi that my selfless beauty has gone somewhere early in the morning.

This girl works a lot even on sundays. She really needs to take care of herself.

I was totally engrossed in my work
And was struck at the last calculation.

Rishi came and started jumping around me I told him not to disturb me for sometime but he being a kid didn't understand.

At last I took out all the frustration at him.

"Rishi can't you see I am busy . Stop jumping around"
I yelled at him

And that was it I felt guilty the very next second he started crying.

"Rishi baby listen"

Instead of listening to me he started crying more.

He ran towards mom and hugged her legs.

While sobbing loudly he hiccuped few times making me feel more guilty of my action.

I looked up to see mom glaring at me.


" Just shut up mahir "

"Mom listen

" Hand or sandal "

What type of combination is this.

"Mom what are you talking about "

"Answer me hand or sandal "

"H.. H. Hand"

. Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Thanks for reading ❤.

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