Chapter 5

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I stared after Leo's disappearing form.
Why was he so angry about the dare?
"Um, what should we do now?" Frank asked. No one said anything.
"How about hide and seek?" Will shrugged. Rachel rolled her eyes.
"What are we, five?" She sneered.
"You have any better idea's?" Reyna spat. Rachel cringed away from her burning glare, staying silent. "No? Thought not."
"So are we really gonna play hide and seek?" Jason asked. Everyone exchanged glances.
"Why not?" Percy shrugged.
"Alright. I guess it could be fun." Piper said. "But who will be it?"
"Rachel." Reyna said imediately.
"Hey!" She tried to protest.
"Okay, whoever thinks that Rachel should be it, put up their hands." Percy commanded. Nine hands went up. "Okay. Sorry Rachel." He shrugged apologetically.
"I'll go talk to Leo." I said, standing up. I found him sitting in a shadow, leaning against a bookshelf. His knees were pulled up against his chest, his head hanging down.
"Leo?" I whispered. His head shot up as he looked at me. He quickly wiped at his eyes and cheeks and with a start, I realised he had been crying. "Are you alright?" I asked softly.
"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, giving me a grin. I just sighed.
"We're playing a game. Want to join?" I asked. He raised an eye brow.
"What game?" He inquired.
"Hide and seek." He cracked me a smile, this time a real one.
"Seriously?" He asked, letting out a soft laugh. I just nodded. "Alright." He stood up, following me as I walked back to the group. Percy looked at me as we came back.
"It's been decided that we will be hiding in pairs. You and Leo, me and Annabeth, Hazel and Frank, Nico and Will, Thalia and Reyna, Jason and Bianca, Piper and Octavian. Is that okay?" He asked. Everyone silently nodded.
"Rachel, slowly count to fifty." Percy said. "And... Go!" He yelled, he and Annabeth racing away. Everyone did likewise, running away from the annoyed Rachel who had started counting.
"Where do we go?" I asked Leo as we ran out of the library, the flashlight swinging in Leo's hand.
"The cafeteria, come on!" He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards our destination. We burst through the cafeteria doors, a large table of food sitting undisturbed. We ignored it. Leo vaulted over the counter, pulling me with him. We sat in a small corner between the fridge and the counter, hidden from sight. Our faces were close to each others, the small area forcing us to be squashed together. I didn't mind though.
"Ready or not, here I come!" Rachel's voice echoed through the school. I shifted slightly, as did Leo. I felt my face flush at our closeness.
"Um, are you too uncomfortable?" Leo asked. I shook my head.
"It's fine." I answered. My eyes wandered to his warm, sparkling brown eyes. Our eyes locked, a spark racing down my spine. I could get lost in his stare forever. I subconsciously leaned forward, as did he. Our faces came closer until we were only a few inches away. His breath tickled my face, my heart beating erratically. Then, for the second time that night, our lips touched. The kiss was soft and gentle, and before I knew it, he had pulled away again. His forehead rested against mine as he smiled.
"Didn't I tell you to warn me, Sunshine?" He joked. A soft laugh escaped my throat.
"You're such an idiot." I whispered back. The sound of footsteps pulled me out of my daze.
"Damn. Where the hell is everyone?!" Rachel growled as she walked through the cafeteria. Leo and I stayed silent until she had left again.
"That was kinda close." I murmured.
"Well, she didn't see us. So I guess you're stuck with me a little while longer, Sunshine." I smiled.
"I wouldn't mind if I got stuck on an island for all eternity, if you were the one trapped with me."

"Come on! We must go hide!" I pulled Octavian behind me, shining the light around the doors.
"Why? This is lame." He rolled his eyes.
"Just come on!" I groaned, pushing Octavian into a room. I slammed the door shut, looking around with my torch. Dozens of canvases, paintbrushes, paints and easels were spread across the room. Paintings hung across the walls.
"The art room." I mused, looking around.
"Yeah, this isn't an obvious place at all." Octavian sneered.
"Oh shut up! You're so annoying!" I sighed. He gave me a shocked look.
"What did you just say?" He demanded.
"You heard me! I have never liked you, you selfish, arrogant jerk!" I yelled.
"Why you little bit-" The door swung open, Rachel standing there.
"Jeez, you guys were so loud that I found you!" She said, turning around. "Okay, I've found you first. You must go back to the library now while I look for the others." She left us alone. I glared at Octavian.
If only he knew why I even bother pretending to be perfect.

I walked along the hall, scanning the classes. I didn't bother running, like everyone else did. I just walked slowly.
"Thalia, we must hurry. Where are we hiding, anyway?" Reyna asked, trailing after me, her flashlight giving us light.
"Aha!" I laughed in victory, opening the door and walking inside. It was Mr. D's class, the usually drunk teacher that would rather sleep than teach, who calls people by their wrong names.
"Why are we hiding in this class?" She questioned, closing the door behind her.
"Because Mr. D always has a secret stash somewhere." I answered, looking in the drawers of his desk. Nothing but papers and books. I looked under the desk, seeing a secret compartment hidden on the underside of it. I reached towards it, smiling victoriously as I pulled out a half empty bottle of wine.
"Bingo." I said, showing it to Reyna. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Alcohol?" She asked in disbelief. I opened the bottle, taking a deep swig of the bitter drink. "You drink?" She asked, her jaw agape with surprise.
"Yeah. So what?" I asked, sitting in a chair, resting my feet on a desk.
"W-Why?" She asked. I just shrugged.
"It helps me forget. Now are you going to stand there or are you going to sit down?" I asked, taking another long sip. I felt warm, my mind getting a bit hazy as I continued drinking. Reyna sat next to me, looking confused and a bit... sad?
Why would she be sad?
Soon the bottle was empty and I was feeling drowsy. I closed my eyes, letting myself fall asleep.

Nico followed me silently.
"Where can we hide?" I asked, looking around the hallway with the light of my flashlight. He just shrugged. My eyes scanned the hallway, seeing a place we could hide.
"Come on." I gestured to the bathroom. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything as he followed me.
"Alright, what's wrong?" I demanded when the door shut again.
"What?" He asked, kinda surprised.
"Why are you so moody all of a sudden?" I folded my arms.
"I'm not." He muttered.
"Yes you are." I said, my voice turning gentle again. "What is this about?" He looked away, his eyes glistening with tears.
"Do you know why I cut myself?" He whispered. He sat on the tiled floor, his eyes glazed as he was lost in his memory. I sat opposite him. "About a year ago, a girl named Zoe, one of Bianca's closest friends, committed suicide. Bianca took it hard, and she hasn't been the same since. She's been trying to become popular, trying anything she can to fit in with them." He continued. "First she started with the fancy, extravagant makeup. Then stylish, expensive clothes. Then she started being rude. First to random people, but then to everyone. Even me and Hazel. Whenever she insulted me, it felt so... so personal. My sister, who had once been my role model, my best friend, my whole world, was now so..." He trailed off, wiping his eyes, letting out a humorless laugh. "You must think I'm an idiot. I mean, sticks and stones, right?" I leaned forward, engulfing him in a hug.
"Being betrayed like that by someone close to you is difficult. You mustn't think that this, in any way, is your fault." I said, rubbing my hand soothingly in circles on his back.
"Thanks Will. I guess I just needed to let it all out, huh?" He chuckled darkly.
"Hey! Is anyone in there?! I heard voices!" Rachel yelled, giving me a fright. She popped her head through the door, looking around. She smiled when she saw us.
"Gotcha! Go back to the library now." She went away again. Both of us stood up.
"Alright. Let's go."

Percy and I ran through the halls, laughing. Our flashlights lighting the way.
"Where are we going?" Percy asked.
"Oh, I know where! Follow me!" I said, leading him to the Chemistry room.
"Really? Isn't this a bit obvious?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, closing the door behind us. Experiment equipment and materials were packed neatly and orderly around the class. Chemistry was my favourite class, taught by Miss Athena. I sat down at a desk, Percy sitting opposite me.
"Okay. Why do you keep lying?" I asked. He looked surprised.
"What do you mean?" He asked, a secretive look entering his green eyes.
"You know what I mean! You didn't get injured by skateboarding." I folded my arms as he scowled.
"Yes I did." The door swung open, and we saw Hazel and Frank looking surprised.
"Sorry. We didn't realise you were here." Frank closed the door again and they left again, the sound of footsteps fading.
"You really think that I won't know when you are lying? I've known you for years! Why won't you tell me the truth?" I asked. Percy looked away.
"I can't." He whispered.
"Why not? I'm your friend, aren't I?" I asked, feeling slightly angry and sad at the same time.
Why won't he just tell me? I might know what he's feeling. Does his mother treat him badly, as my step mother does? Does his step father turn a blind eye to his despair, as mine does too?
"Of course you're my friend!" He answered.
"Then why won't you tell me?"
"I just can't. I'm sorry Annabeth."
"Aha! I found you!" Rachel smiled victoriously at us from the open door.
"Alright. We'll go back to the library." I rolled my eyes, giving Percy a look that clearly said,
"We'll continue this later."

"Where do we hide?" I asked Hazel as we ran.
"I don't know." She answered, a little breathless.
"The gym?" I asked.
"There's nowhere to hide in there." Hazel countered.
"Alright. This way." I pulled her to the Chemistry room, swinging the door open. Hazel and I froze, Percy and Annabeth already occupied this class, sitting opposite each other.
"Sorry. We didn't realise you were here." I closed the door again and we left, running down the hall again. I tried another class, but this one was locked.
"Damn." I muttered. "Where can we go?"
"Um..." Hazel trailed off. She shone her flashlight around, lighting up the area. "Here?" She asked, trying to open another door. "Dammit. This one is locked too." I froze at the sound of footsteps. Quite far away, Rachel was walking in our direction. Hazel quickly switched off her flashlight. Rachel paused at a room. She opened the door and looked inside.
"Come on!" I hissed, pulling Hazel along. I stopped, seeing the corridor split into three different hallways.
Left, right or front?
"Which way?" I muttered, mostly to myself.
"Left." I said, at the same time Hazel said,
"Right." We stared at each other for a moment.
Which way?!
"This way." We said simultaneously, trying to pull each other in opposite directions.
"Let's just pick! She's coming!" I whispered frantically. I turned to see Rachel looking in a classroom only a few doors down. "Come on!" I said, turning and running through the left passage. I turned a corner and continued. I burst through a class, panting.
"Hazel, you okay?" I asked. She didn't answer so I turned around to face her. Except she wasn't there.
"Hazel?" I asked, looking around. But she wasn't anywhere in sight. "Hazel?" I asked again. No reply
Damn. She must've gone the other way.
I started walking away, half whispering and half shouting her name.
"Hazel? Where are you?"
Jeez, where could she be?
I looked around, not watching where I was going. The result? Me bumping into Annabeth, causing her to trip.
"Annabeth! I'm so sorry!" I apologized, helping her up.
"It's fine. Did Rachel find you too?" She asked, dusting off her jeans.
"Not yet. Have you seen Hazel?" I questioned. Both of them shook their heads.
"No. Sorry." Percy shrugged.
"It's fine. See you later." I carried on my search, retracing my steps. "Hazel?" I called. Still nothing.
Well shit. I lost my girlfriend.
The beam of my flashlight lit up barely enough light for me to see with, but I still saw a small figure walking alone. I ran towards it, recognising Hazel's curly hair.
"Hazel!" I placed my hand on her shoulder. With a scared shriek, she whirled around, blinded by the light of my flashlight. The pupils in her incredible gold eyes dilated as she tried to see me.
"Frank?" She asked, squinting through the light. I moved it out of her face and she gave me a bone crushing hug. "Don't scare me like that!" She cried out, burying her face in my shirt. I let out a laugh.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to give you a fright." I apologized.
"I-I ran. I thought you were behind me! Then I got lost, a-and you weren't there, so I-" She started stuttering.
"Hazel, It's alright. I'm here now." I said soothingly, trying to calm her down. "Why don't we go hide, before Rachel finds us." She nodded, calming down slightly.
"Where?" She asked. A thought popped into my head.
"The swimming pool! Why didn't I think of it before?" I shook my head. Hazel smiled.
"Alright, let's go to the pool." The school had an indoor pool, which was kinda cool. I've never really been into swimming though. We walked through the empty gym, opening the doors to the pool. I walked along the edge of the pool, noticing the floor was wet.
That's weird. Percy jumped in ages ago. It should be dry by now.
My gaze trailed to the choppy water of the lightened up pool.
Choppy? There's no wind in here, and no one has used it for a while...
My eyes widened in horror and shock as I saw it. The blood drained from my face and I froze as if I was petrified. Next to me, Hazel froze in terror, her body quaking in absolute fear.
"Oh my god..." I trailed off weakly. Hazel's blood curdling screams echoed throughout the entire school.

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