Chapter 5

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Meal did not come today.

The woman walked through the woods. Before the night falls, she must hurry home.

She had no shoes. The last time she received clothes was ten years ago. Even though her clothes were worn out, they somehow held up. But no matter how much she saved her shoes, they just couldn't hold up. She needed daylight to roam the forest barefoot. Or she could be seriously injured.

Herbs, where are the herbs?

Looking back on what has been going on, there will be no more food in the next two or three days. So on the way home, the woman looked carefully at the ground. Herbs are highly reproducible plants. It had already descended from the top of the mountain last year, and now at this point, you can see two or three roots.

Winter is coming.

Will I be able to be alive this winter? The woman thought, looking for the herbs.

Summer was particularly hot. Winter will be very cold. She might die this year. The woman paused for a moment. In order for her to live, she must walk and find the herbs. Or she would have to spend long nights with terrible hunger, and she would have to chew her own flesh.

She would have had to cry dozens of times thinking about whether she would rather cut the flesh and eat it. Still, weighed down by the heaviness of life made her unable to walk even a single step.

Can't I run away?

After her mother died, the woman reconsidered the thoughts that she had every day.

Last year she was hung up on this thought only. If only she could descend this cursed mountain! If only she could escape just once, avoiding the eyes of the armed men imprisoning her in the mountains!

Last year, she nearly succeeded. She had dug a tunnel. The tunnel that the woman alone made without tools was barely a short distance, and the tunnel was eventually discovered.

At that time, she was whipped to the point where her back was peeled and flaking off. She thought she was going to die. No, she wished to die. Rather she wished she died, but she did not die.

Instead, the meal decreased, saying that it was because she was too strong. They will cut down on meals so she can't do useless things. In the end she was only given one meal every two days.

There were many times when they forgot. The woman has been starving for four days now.

Oh, it's the herb.

The woman pulled the herb and chewed the leaves. One was not enough for her to last all night. She needed two or three roots to survive until dawn.

After she ate the herb, she got a little bit stronger. Her head is dizzy and her body is getting lighter little by little. Thank God. The weak energy began to turn. Hunger will be gone soon.

The woman staggered and stood up. If the herb's medicinal energy is in full swing, her vision will be brighter. Then she will be able to find the other herbs better.

The woman squatted and covered her head with her hands.

Why don't the herbs kill people?

When she was not hungry and all her senses were clearly alive, she wished she could die at that time.

She remembered her mother who died a few years ago. Her mother said the woman was a goddess. When her mother was in a good mood, she told the story of a place that wasn't the mountain. The woman couldn't understand it very well, but she could only see that her mother missed it. Her mother had been forced to bring the woman here.

Each time the woman felt guilty of her own existence. If it weren't for her, her mother wouldn't have been dragged to this dark mountain and she would not have died alone.

The mother told the woman not to die.

'I prophesy in the last divinity, and you will be saved. And you will take my revenge. So you must live and take revenge on this mother. Forgive no one.'

Both the people and her mother called the woman a goddess. Goddess. She could write the words that she is a goddess, but she couldn't figure out what it meant.

Her mother had the name Yuhwa. The woman didn't have a name. Her mother said that the woman's name should be made by her father. The father called the woman goddess bitch. It wasn't a name. The woman thought she didn't have a name for herself.

As she reached out her hand to the second herb, the woman recalled her father. No, some guy she knew that she called Father. He had a greedy and gleaming gaze. People said he was good-looking and virtuous, but the woman could see that what was in his bulging belly was enormous greed and lust.

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