Off to the Druid Holy Land

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3rd Person Pov

Y/n, King, Elizabeth, Hawk and Meliodas all stand in front of Diane as she had looked at Y/n as heard her asking if they knew each other.

Y/n: Come on, Diane, this isn't the time to be messing around. It's me, Y/n.

Diane: Y/n?

Diane puts her finger on her chin as she looks up before looking back at Y/n.

Diane: I know a Y/n, but he's only a child, there's no way your him.

Y/n looks at her as he looks down before looking up as he ignited his feet with flames as he floats up in front of her face as she looks at him. Elizabeth and the others watch him as Y/n puts his hand on her forehead as he closes his eyes as he begins to chant the ancient language of the Druid's as a yellow aura appears around him as it soon appears around Diane as she closes her eyes. The aura soon disappears as Y/n takes his hand back and opens his eyes as Diane does the same as she looks at him. Y/n smiles before being grabbed by Diane as she presses his face and upper body against her cheek as tears fall down her face.


Diane continues to rub Y/n against her cheek as he smiles before getting out of her grip as he sits on her shoulder.

Y/n: Sorry, Diane. I promise I won't do it again.

Diane smiles as she looks at Y/n before looking down at Elizabeth, Meliodas, King and Hawk.

Diane: Are you guys okay?

Meliodas: Yep, nothing too serious.

Elizabeth: But are you sure you are all right, Diane? You seemed confused when Y/n mentioned his name and you acted as if you didn't know him.

Diane: I don't know, I had a weird feeling in my head after my fight with Gowther. Maybe it had something to do with that.

Y/n looked at Diane before hopping down from her shoulder as he walked over and stood next to Elizabeth.

???: That is correct.

The group turns to look behind them to see Gowther and Slader walking over to them as Merlin in Aldan floated beside Slader.

Gowther: I erased her memories, with my Lost World ability. Wanting to learn about emotions, I manipulated Guila's memories after Y/n had left. Diane strongly condemned me for doing so and said " If memories were something that you could just change, then you have another thing coming." So as a test, I erased her. As I predicted, they were quiet easily removed. Memories are nothing but simple bits of information after all.

King looked in shock as well as Diane as Y/n's hair while Meliodas, Hawk and Elizabeth looked at him. King glared at Gowther as he clenches his fists.

King: You miserable could you do that to someone's mind?!

Y/n puts his arm out in front of King as he looked at him in shock. Y/n walked over to Gowther with his hair still covering his eyes before lifting his head as he looked at Gowther solemnly.

Y/n: At least tell me this, what feelings did you experience when you erased her memories?

Gowther: What do you mean? I'm not sure if I understand the question,

Gowther lifts his left arm up and pokes his cheeks softly with his finger.

Gowther: To wipe away collections of somebody, feelings aren't necessary at all.

Y/n: That's where your wrong.

Gowther looks at Y/n who slowly clenches his fist as it shook slightly.

Y/n: Memories and feelings are almost one in the same, you can look back at memories and remember how they made you feel. They could make you sad, or happy, or even angry. But as long as you have them, they make you feel your emotions. That's what it means to have your memories.

Y/n continues to clench his fist as he had a flash back of the memory he helped the Goddess Race seal the Commandments and the Demon Race. He would see Derieri and Melascula calling out to him as he had tears running down his face. Slader groans as he puts his hand on the metal mask on his face and shakes his head as Gowther looks at Y/n tilting his head.

Gowther: Huh? What's the matter? Why are you angry?

Slader: Gowther!

Y/n releases his fist as he looked at Gowther giving a soft smile at him.

Y/n: I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed in you, that's all. Because a person's heart...

Gowther looks at Y/n before being blown back down the hall and into a wall as he crashed into it as Y/n had punched him with a fist of fire.


The others look at him in shock as Y/n calms down and stands up straight as the flames around his hand disappear. Y/n turns as he looked at Meliodas and crosses his arms.

Y/n: If we are going to beat the Commandments and save Britannia, we need to go see some old friends.

Meliodas: I was thinking the same thing.

Elizabeth: And who would these " Old friend" be?

Y/n smiles as he looked at Elizabeth.

Y/n; My two favorite Druid's. We are going to the Druid's Holy Land.

Slader walks over as he grabbed the back of Gowther's shirt lifting him up as some small debris comes off of him.

Slader: Idiot.

The group then gets on Hawk's Mom as the begin to travel towards the Druid Holy Land.

With the Ten Commandments

The Commandments sit and lay on the large reddish leaves coming out from the Edinburgh Castle ruins as Gloxinia had finished healing Galand.

Fraudrin: You are sure you landed a destructive blow on Y/n?

Galand: That's right, but before I could finish him off, he was able to blast me all the way back here. But what was a bigger disappointment, was the battle I had with Meliodas and his pansy group. How could the two heretic's who once struck into the heart of the Demon race meet such a close death?

Fraudrin would cross his arms as Zeldris sat a distance next to him with Melascula floating in the air beside them as they looked at Galand.

Fraudrin: Is this true, Galand? I find it hard to believe that you could give such a destructive blow to one that had beaten you before we were sealed away. Even if he managed to send you all the way back here with one strike.

Galand: *sits up* Are you doubting me? Do you not believe what Galand of Truth is telling you?

Fraudrin: No, I'm well aware of your powers, I'm just a bit surprised.

Back with Y/n and the others

Hawk's Mom trudges at full speed as Hawk slept near her snout. The door to the Boar Hat is kicked open as Y/n and Meliodas run out and stop.

Y/n: Hawk's Mom! Stop now!

Hawk's Mom starts to grind to a halt as Hawk screams out with his snout rubbing quickly on his mother's as it starts to turn red. Hawk turns and looks at the two as their hair covered their eyes as Hawk's snout was glowing red from the pain with tears in his eyes.

Hawk: Give me a little bit of a warning next time, huh?!

Diane and King make their way out of the tavern as King floated next to Meliodas and Diane, in her human size, stood next to Y/n as she looked at him.

Diane: What's wrong, Y/n? Why did we-

Diane then stops talking as she and King gasp as they look out to the large grasslands.

King: I'm sensing a large powerful force of magical power.

Diane: What could be giving off so much magical power?

Y/n: My guess, it's The Ten Commandments.

Y/n looked out to the grasslands before holding his arm out with his palm facing the tavern behind him as his sword shoots down the stairs and into his hands. Y/n straps his sword to his back as he looked at Meliodas.

Y/n: I'll buy you guys some time, if I distract them long enough, you should get by without them knowing your out here.

Meliodas nods as Y/n does the same before looking forward as he begins to run and jump igniting his feet in flames as he blasts off towards the Commandments location. Meliodas, King and Diane would watch him as Elizabeth watched from the window in worry.

With the Commandments

Zeldris would sit on a branch as he crossed his arms before looking up and to his right as he stands up.

Zeldris: Something's coming this way, and it's fast.

Fraudrin looks at Zeldris as well as some of the other Commandments as they look to where he was looking. Fraudrin narrows his eyes as he looked out to the grass lands before gasping in shock.

Fraudrin: It's him! It's-

The ground under the castle shakes as a small explosion occurred near it. The Commandments look over and see a figure in the smoke as they stand up slowly before the smoke clears showing it was Y/n as he looked at them with a deadly glare.

Zeldris: Y/n.

Melascula and Derieri looked at their lover as he turned and faced them while putting his hands on his hips.

Y/n: You know, when I first felt the seal starting to open, I knew Hendrickson would be alive somehow. But what I never did think about, was how you *looks at Fraudrin* Fraudrin, could hide in Dreyfus's body for so long.

Fraudrin looked in shock as he looked at Y/n for finding out his secret.

Fraudrin: How did you...

Y/n: Back during the battle in Liones, I sensed something was wrong with Dreyfus and looked inside his soul and saw you. Of course, I said nothing to the others, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you.

Fraudrin looks at Y/n and growls softly as Y/n smirks a bit before looking at Melascula as she blushed slightly while looking back at him.

Y/n: Hello my little Melascula, I see your still cute as ever in that outfit of yours. And you as well, Derieri, your looking fine as ever.

Derieri would blush as she looked away as Monspiet and Drole moved closer to the edge of the branches they were on. Y/n looked at them as he smirked cracking his knuckles.

Y/n: I just need to distract them until the others are clear. After unlocking my dragon armor, I lost half of my magical abilities. The only ones I have now are my dragon slayer abilities, my ice magic, my demon powers and an earth magic I've been trying out. Hopefully their enough to stall the Commandments for a bit.

Y/n was brought out of his thoughts as he heard Galand cackle evilly as he looked up to see him rearing his halberd back with the side with a spear pointing at Y/n. Galand continues to laugh as he moves his arm quickly slashing his halberd in different directions as Y/n begins to dodge them.

Galand: Cruel Slash Barrage!

The slashes continued as they strike the ground as Y/n dodged them as they made the ground crumble. Y/n continued to jump back before Monspiet appeared behind him holding his hand out. Y/n looked at him quickly before jumping over him as he kicked Galand's weapon out of his hand as it spun and pierced the ground a good distance away from them as Y/n landed.

Y/n: I see, a two on one, huh?

Y/n reaches back and grabs the hilt to his sword as he pulls it out of its sheathe as he looked at them.

Y/n: Then bring it.

Monspiet would look at Y/n before quickly looking at his side.

With Meliodas and the others

Meliodas would gasps in shock along with King, Diane and Slader as he and Merlin had joined the three outside. Slader then looked at the holo-image of Merlin coming form Aldan.

Slader: Big sister, could this overpowering murderous intent be...

Merlin: ' Yes. It looks like they've detected our presence even with Y/n distracting them.'

Hawk: No way! Are you serious?! But their still hundreds of miles away from us, aren't they?! Their sense of smell is crazy!

Elizabeth looked at Hawk as she smiles nervously and hold her hands in front of her chest.

Elizabeth: Uh...I don't think they detected us by smell, Hawk.

Meliodas looks out to the grasslands as he narrows his eyes slightly.

Meliodas: I can't believe he's the one who noticed us...

Back with Y/n

Y/n looked at Monspiet in shock as he held his sword tightly.

Y/n: Damn it!

Y/n dashes at Monspiet as he reeled his sword back and attempts to slash at him only for Galand to block with his halberd after quickly claiming it back from the ground. Y/n looked at them as he growled before shooting a torrent of flames from his mouth as he blows the tow back to the castle as he ignites his feet in flames and takes off back to Hawk's Mom. Monspiet would come out from the debris as his cloak covered his arms as he looked in the direction Y/n was going.

Monspiet: Multiple powerful presences concentrated in one place, like a birdcage. On top of that and besides Y/n, one of them is very similar to Meliodas.

Monspiet holds his right arm out opening his hand as a large bird like creature made of flames erupted in front of him.

Monspiet: I'll use Hellfire Bird. All right, let's see what's out there.

Monspiet reels his arm back before launching the bird as it took off at top speed and passed by Y/n as he looked in shock.

Y/n: No!

The Hellfire Bird continues to soar at top speed burning down anything in its path as Y/n tries to catch up to it. Meliodas and the others look out to the grasslands as King looks in shock.

King: A mass of devastating power is heading towards us at at top speed! Y/n is closing in but it's moving too fast even for him!

Hawk: Huh?!

Gowther: ETA, ten seconds.

Meliodas runs up near Hawk's Mom's snout as he looked down at the large boar.

Meliodas: Hawk's Mom, change direction and run as fast as you can!

Hawk's Mom snores out as it turns to the right and begins to run Y/n continued to catch up to the bird before it quickly changes directions as Y/n looked in shock.

Y/n: What?!

Y/n quickly takes off after it as Slader looked back in shock.

Slader: The magical power just changed course! It's pursuing us!

Meliodas looks forward as Hawk's Mom continues to run before Hawk turns to see a bright flash coming towards them.

Hawk: Over there! It's coming!

Meliodas turns as he saw the Hellfire Bird coming at them as Y/n was a distance behind it. Meliodas looks at the bird as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Meliodas: This attack is to see if it's really me out here. If I use Full Counter, they'll know for sure I'm still alive. And with Y/n coming towards us, they'll know it's me as well as wel as our exact location. I don't want to...*grabs hilt to Lostvayne* But theres no other way out of this!

Meliodas gasps for a second as Hawk's Mom turns towards the bird and runs at it.

Hawk: Mom? He said not to go that way!

Hawk's Mom continues to charge at the large Hellfire Bird coming toward them.

Hawk: Mom!

Meliodas looks at the grid as he pulls Lostvayne out of its sheathe slightly as Hawk jumps on him in panic.

Meliodas: Hey, Hawk! I can't see!

Hawk: Please, I don't want to die!

Meliodas: I can't stop this thing if you don't get off me!

Hawk's Mom continues to charge toward the bird as Y/n was right behind it before looking in shock as Hawk's mom opens her mouth as the bird went inside it as the shadow of the inside of her mouth covered Y/n.

Y/n: Shit...

Hawk's Mom closes her mouth with the two in it as Meliodas and Hawk look in shock with the others as stems ours out of Hawk's Moms snout.

Elizabeth, Diane and Merlin: Y/n!

The group would head muffled shouting from inside Hawk's Mom's mouth as it was slowly lifted open before Y/n came zipping out and landed on top of her as he groaned. Y/n looked at himself as he was covered in saliva from the large pigs mouth before he burns it off with his flames.

Y/n: I am never doing that again!

Y/n shoots his head around as he puts his sword back in its sheathe as he sighs. Elizabeth and Diane looked at him as they smiled running over and hugging him tightly. Y/n would smile and hug them back as he looked at the others.

Y/n: Let's get going, they should think that I disappeared along with the Hellfire Bird.

Meliodas nods as Hawk's Mom goes back in the direction they were heading as Diane looked at Merlin's holo-form.

Diane: So, why are we exactly going to the Druid's Holy Land and why is it important?

Merlin: ' Right now, our top priority is to power up so we can fight the Ten Commandments. And to make that happen...'

Hawk pops up with a smiles on his face.

Hawk: We'll have a meal, right?

Y/n punches Hawk on top of his head as he squealed in pain as Merlin narrowed her eyes looking at at Meliodas.

Merlin: ' I'm going to give back the power I stole from you, Captain.'

Slader and Arthur gasp as they look at her as Meliodas's hair covered his eyes.

Slader: Big Sister stop it?

Elizabeth: I don't understand, what power?

Merlin: ' I took a percentage of the Captain's power because it was too overwhelming and Dangerous.'

The others besides Y/n gasped as he knew what kind of power she was talking about as she smiles softly.

Merlin: ' Yes, that's right. That's why the Captain always kept his emotions in check. So his powers wouldn't run rampant.'

Hawk: But still, it's not like he hasn't gone berserk more than once, right? What's up with that?

Merlin: ' Those times? In terms of his true power, what you saw were merely the dregs.'

Hawk: Ha, merely the dregs, she said.

Meliodas crossed his arms as he looked down at Hawk.

Meliodas: Laugh it up, pork ball.

Merlin: ' And besides the Captain's power, Y/n will also need to get his back as well.'

Y/n nods as he put his hand on his hip as Merlin looked at Meliodas.

Merlin: ' Ten years ago, admit the drama of our exile, when a certain young girl was seriously injure trying to help us, the captain started to lose control. So for everyone's safety, the moment he let his guard down, I deprecated his strength from him.'

King: I can't believe that really happened.

Merlin: ' We're going to need that power back in order to battle the Ten Commandments.'

Meliodas: Makes sense, but where is it now?

Y/n: The same place I locked mine away, it's not too far now.

The group soon arrives at a large grassland with different rock formations as large rocks balanced on rock spikes.

Y/n: Istar.

Y/n looks at the lands as Elizabeth stood next to him with Diane behind them.

Elizabeth: *smiles* So this is Istar, the Holy Land of the Druid's, right?

Meliodas: Yep, I think it's been about ten years since I've been here.

Y/n: For me, it's been longer than that.

Y/n begins to walk forward as Elizabeth catches up to him as the others follow them. Elizabeth looks around the large rock covered land.

Elizabeth: I know we are in the right place, but there is nothing but stones as far as the eye can see, and there doesn't seem to be anyone around.

Elizabeth continues to walk as she stops and gasps looking at a tall Stonehenge as she looked at it and began to walk through it. Elizabeth looks at the large stonehenge as she smiles.

Elizabeth: Did the Druid's make all of these, too?

Elizabeth looks forward and stops as she gasps to see she had entered a different land with a large river surrounding a small island. The island had a large silver stones pillar like building reaching up to the sky as the other building was made of dark stone as it almost resembled a coliseum. A long thin passage leads toward the island as Y/n walked next to Elizabeth as he smiled. Elizabeth turns as she looked at Y/n.

Elizabeth: Y/n, what is this?

Meliodas and Hawk walk up behind them with Diane and the others as he smiled.

Meliodas: What do you know, I guess the entrance was already opened.

Hawk looks in shock as Slader, King and Merlin came up next to them.

Slader: How exactly does this work?

Merlin: ' It's a special type of gate that protects this place. In order to pass through it, you need the spell caster's permission.

Slader: *looks at Merlin* By that logic, Big Sister, if the fare is already open then...

Hawk: *gasps* Look over there.

The group looks to see two small females and a tall man as they stood in the middle of the path. One female had long blonde hair as she had a small red dress on with yellow flowers at the top of the chest region of the dress. The second female and long brown hair as she had a white dress with pink flowers of the the chest region as the two females had the same color eyes. The man stood in between them with his hands on a wooden staff in the ground as he had a purple robe covering most of his body and grey pants.

???: Your deduction is correct! We were indeed aware of your arrival.

Slader: Who are they?

King: Those are the Druid chiefs.

Jenna: *smiles* The Seven Deadly Sins, it's been quite a while. And for the new comers, I'm lady Jenna, this is my sister Zaneri.

Y/n looked at them as he smiled seeing how they hadn't changed a bit as he stayed behind the others. Y/n would walk out from behind them as Jenna and Zaneri looked at him before gasping in shock as he looked at them and smiled.

Y/n: Hey, Jenna, Hey Zaneri, been a while.

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