Off to the Fairy King's Forest

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3rd Person Pov

Y/n does a hand stand on a cliff outside of Liones as he had his eyes closed. Y/n opened his eyes slowly letting his crimson red eyes look out to the kingdom as he smirked.

Y/n: The time has come.

Y/n pushes off as he flips and lands on his feet as he grabs his sword and straps it to his side.

Y/n: Guess I should head back, don't want anyone worrying that I got mauled to death by these things.

Y/n turns to thirty Chimera's that had cuts around their bodies as most had severed limbs and their heads cut off.

Y/n: Really thought these things would be a challenge, I mean people say they are but I'm not impressed.

Y/n turns back to the kingdom as he uses his shadows to create a pair of wings as he shoots into the sky. Y/n makes his way towards the Boar Hat as he lands as he walks inside to see Elizabeth knelt down in front of Hawk.

Hawk: For real? The kings going to give all of us medals?

Elizabeth: Yes! Y/n and the Seven Deadly Sins did save the kingdom,

Y/n: I mean, it's not really a big deal if you ask me.

Elizabeth stands as she looks at Y/n as she smiles and walks over as she hugs him. Y/m returns the embrace as he kisses her cheek before she pulls away and looks at him.

Y/n: You okay, Ellie?

Elizabeth: Yes, it's just I'm glad your with me.

Y/n smiles as he nods before seeing Meliodas hop over in green shorts with a white and green long sleeve as the collar had stars and moons on it as the back of it said "Boar Hat".

Meliodas: Thanks for waiting, guys. What do you think? This would make an awesome new uniform for the Boar Hat.

Y/n: That's a new uniform?

Elizabeth: It looks wonderful!

Hawk: So where did you get those sweet threads?

Meliodas: Actually it was a gift from Elizabeth.

Y/n deadpans as Elizabeth smiles softly as she held her hands together.

Elizabeth: Well I wanted you to look nice for the ceremony.

Meliodas: And it fits perfectly!

???: I too am all set to go.

The four turn to the door of the tavern to see Gowther as he had black jeans and a grey jacket as a short white lined top with a red bow as it exposed his stomach.

Gowther: Sparkle!

Y/n: Sparkle?

Meliodas & Hawk: Who the heck picked out that get up for you?

Y/n just looks in confusion as his eye brow twitches as Ling floats down behind the four as he held Chastiefol in its pillow form.

King: Hey, hey. Looks like everyone's having fun.

Hawk: Your dressed as always, huh King? Hmm, what's going on with your hood, dude? Is that a helmet?

King turns to look at the helmet hanging off his hood.

King: Oh, this? It's a special gift from my best friend.

Y/n: So, where's Diane? It's not like her to be missing.

Diane: You guys! Come take a look! Come outside!

Diane's shadow casts over the window as the group looks outside before coming out. The group walks up towards Diane as they look in awe at her knew outfit.

Y/n: Looking good, Diane.

Diane: You like it? This is just a little something Merlin put together for me!

Merlin then appears next to the group in her normal outfit as her arms were crossed. Diane smiles as she looks at her.

Diane: I had a really hard time picking between the two you gave me, but I ended up choosing this one!

Merlin: That's odd, since I only remember giving you one.

Ban: So what's with all the commotion out here?

Diane and the others look to the door as it slowly opened.

Diane: Ban's wearing his new costume!

Ban comes out in his regular clothes as he looks up at Diane as she looks in annoyance.

Diane: Wait, no he's not!

Diane bends down as she clenches her hands into fists as small tears appear in the corners of her eyes.

Diane: Ban, where is it?! What happened to your new outfit?!

Diane puffs her cheeks out as Ban scratches the back of his head.

Ban: Outfit? Wha? Wait, you mean that thing hanging in my room?

A tick mark appears on Diane's head as she leans closer to Ban.

Diane: Y/n and I spent a lot of time picking out those clothes just for you, you jerk! Come on!

Diane puffs her cheeks out more as Ban holds up his hands and smiles a little.

Ban: All right, all right. I'll put them on later. As long as their cool, cause their staying right where they are if their ugly.

A knife flys by Ban's face going into the door of the tavern as Y/n looks in slight anger.

Y/n: You'll wear them and like them.

Meliodas and the other walk up to the three as Meliodas puts his hands in his pockets.

Meliodas: All right, listen up everybody, the ceremony's tomorrow, so in the meantime, why don't we celebrate?


Y/n sat at the bar next to Elizabeth as Diane sat on the other side of her after taking a magic pill Merlin made to make her normal size. King floated in the air on pillow Chastiefol as Hawk ate out of his bowl of scraps. Ban smiled as he held a meat pie up as Meliodas leaned on the bar and watched them. Ban walked over to him as he smiled.

Ban: Hey there, Captain, you got a minute or two?

Meliodas: What's up?

Ban: Just follow me, okay?

Ban takes Meliodas out of the tavern as Y/n looks at them as he stands up and goes up to his room. King watches the two leave before going back to floating in the tavern. Y/n enters his room as he closes the door and looks at himself in the mirror.

Y/n: I know the time is close, when they will resurrect and try to claim Britannia. Even though I am part demon, I cannot allow them to destroy the home I remember.

Y/n looks at his hand as he clenches it into a fist as he growls lightly.

Time skip
Early Morning

Ban walks out of the Boar's Hat in a long dark red jacket as it had a circular opening in the back. Ban kept his red pants as he hung a nap sack over his shoulder and turned towards the tavern.

Ban: So long, Captain. Later, Little Captain. Bye, master.

Ban closes his eyes as he turns and opens them only to see King floating on pillow Chastiefol as he was smiling.

King: Hey, Ban. Leaving without saying anything?

Ban says nothing as he looks at King as he drops his smile.

King: So your not even gonna talk to me now?

Ban doesn't say anything as he walks past King towards the forest in front of the tavern.

King: I kinda overheard what you said to the captain yesterday. And I have a pretty good idea about what happened between you and Elaine. To be honest, I'm really touched that you feel so strongly about my sister. But she's dead now, and the Fairy King's Forest that she protected for so long was burned to the ground.

King turns and looks at Ban as he continues to walk slowly.

King: Knowing that, where do you think your going?

Ban stops as he looks towards the forest for a minute before turning and looking at King.

Ban: To the Fairy King's Forest.

King gasps in shock as his eyes widen while looking at Ban.

King: But why? There's nothing there.

???: Your not going alone.

The two look to the forest as they saw Y/n and Wendy as Y/n was leaning on a tree with his arms crossed as he had a black sleeveless muscle shirt and dark green pants with his sword strapped to his hip. Wendy stood by her brother in a red blouse and black leggings as her hair was straightened out as she had a backpack on. Y/n looks at Ban as he gets of the tree and puts his hand on his hip.

Y/n: I need to pay my respects to one of my old friends, and where you guys are going, it's on the way.

Ban looks at Y/n as King looks in slight shock as the Wendy and Y/n walk over and stand in front of them. Y/n smirks as he holds his hand out to Ban.

Y/n: How about it, Ban?

Ban looks at Y/n before smirking back as he shakes Y/n's hand.

Ban: Why not? It'd be fun to have you around.

Wendy: Plus, if any of you get injured, I can heal you.

The three boys look at Wendy dumbfounded as she had big white eyes and blinked a few times.

Wendy: What?

Y/n: I'm sure Ban doesn't need healing since he's immortal, and I have demon powers, so the only one that needs healing is King's sorry ass.

King: Excuse me?!

Ban chuckles softly as Y/n does the same as Wendy smiles and nods as a figure watches the four from a bush.

Time skip

Ban and Y/n jump down a hill and land as they walk through the forest as King follows while floating on his pillow with Wendy walking next to him.

King: I still don't understand. The Fairy King's Forest has vanished completely. Now it's just a barren land where nothing grows anymore. Trust me, I saw it with my own eyes ten years ago. Why would you go there now?

Ban: None of your business. Now stop following me. I don't mind Wendy and Little Captain coming along, but you, no. Go bother somebody else.

King: Not gonna happen. At least, not until after you tell me the truth.

Ban continues to walk as Y/n follows behind as he looks at King.

Y/n: Not to be rude, King, but maybe lay off of what Ban does. I mean, if he doesn't want to say, you don't have to be a pain in the ass about it.

Wendy: I'm sure it's something important, too.

King: Even so, why go back? Is he going to soak in what he did?

Y/n stops as he turns and faces King as his face was covered in anger as his eyes glowed black.

Y/n: Why don't you leave it alone!

King looks at Y/n in shock as he was about to get ready to fight but was stopped as Wendy held her brothers hand. Y/n looked at Wendy as her eyes were telling him to calm down as Y/n looks at her before taking a deep breathe and closing his eyes only to open them as they were back to their normal color.

Y/n: Just leave it alone, King, It's his business.

Y/n turns back to Ban and starts to walk as Wendy looks at him and soon follows. King looks at the three walk as he sighs and continues to float behind them. As Y/n continued to walk, he stopped as his body sent a pulse throughout every bone inside him. Wendy looks at him in worry as Ban turns and looks at him.

Ban: Little Captain? What's wrong?

Y/n holds his chest as he felt the demon blood inside him pulse as a small tremor came through the forest as Wendy looked around.

Wendy: What is that?!

Ban: An earthquake?

Y/n: It has to be them! They've been resurrected!

In a ravaged chasm

After destroying the seal that bound the Demon race, Hendrickson laid on the ground back in his human form as he groaned softly and opened his eyes. As he opened them, he looked up to see a figure as his head was covered with shadows as he had light brown pants as a blue long sleeve shirt.

Hendrickson: Wait...Drey..fus?

The shadows disappear as Dreyfus is seen with a demon mark on his head.

???: You did very well. The ceremony is now complete.

Hendrickson turns over and slowly gets up as he groans in pain.

Hendrickon: Dreyfus...those eyes, and that pattern on your face....

???: To show my gratitude for your usefulness, I will allow you to live. Besides, it's what this man asked me to do. You are free to go wherever you like.

Hendrickson stands up all the way as he looks at his friend.

Hendrickson: Free to go? What I'm the world are you talking about?

Hendrickson gasps in shock as he feels a dark presence behind him as it started to take form of nine shadows.

Hendrickson: Wait...what is this abnormal presence I'm sensing?

The figure in Dreyfus's body smirks as he crosses his arms and looks behind Hendrickson.

???: It's been 3,000 years, but you've finally returned.

Hendrickson starts to sweat as he turns and looks at the nine shadows as they start to take form of different figures.

??? 2: Three thousand years, huh? Please tell me that their still alive.

Hendrickson: That almost sounds like...

Hendrickson turns to the boy in a red clothes with a sword strapped to his hip as he had metal armor on his arms. The boy smirks as he had a demon mark like Meliodas's on his forehead and almost resembled him.

Boy: I'll see you soon, Meliodas, as well as you...


To Be Continued.....

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