Regrouping With Ban

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3rd Person Pov

After returning to the Druid Land, Y/n and Meliodas land on the ground as the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins looked at the others who looked at the two.

Meliodas: Yo!

Hendrickson: Sir Meliodas...Sir Y/n...

Gilthunder: *smiles* I'm so glad your both all right.

Y/n: Well, we did just go over and say hi.

Jenna looked at the two as Zaneri had joined the group as she looked at Y/n seeing his demon form as the others weren't paying attention to it, but it would quickly disappear as the demon side of Y/n face went to that of his left side, looking normal and no sign of any demon markings.

Jenna: B-But...I want to know exactly what kind of greeting you gave them.

Y/n: Well, it's more on the lines of a warning. That if they were to try something stupid, we would go and kick their asses.

King and the others gasp in shock as King floated above the others throwing his arm out to his side.

King: You two were the ones being stupid! Cause what you did was go out there and pick a fight!

Y/n's hair covered his eyes before holding his hand up slowly. King looked at him before groaning as a dark shadow like had grabbed him and began to slowly crush him.

Y/n: Make no mistake, King, I fully intend to protect Britannia and fight anyone who dares to hurt my home or those I care about. You don't like it, then get lost.

Y/n lowers his hand as the shadow hand disappears, releasing King as Y/n crossed his arms. Meliodas put his hands in his pockets as he looked at the others.

Meliodas: The land of Britannia is filled with different towns and villages, they'll be able to raid them all pretty easily by splitting up. Soon, their gonna realize that. With the Ten Commandments all in one place, we don't stand a chance against them, including me. That's why we're gonna separate them! That way we can crush them one or two at a time!

Y/n smirked as he looked at Meliodas after hearing his plan, but other than that, he had a different plan for two of the Commandments.
Y/n would try to convince Derieri and Melascula to join their side instead of fighting against them. Howzer looked to the Cave of Training as he saw the others starting to come out.

Howzer: Hey, looks like the others are starting to come back.

Y/n and the others look towards the cave as they saw the other two pairs coming out. Y/n looked at Arthur with a raised eyebrow as he saw what looked like a pudgy red and white cat on top of the king of Camelot's head.

Y/n: Uh...Arthur? What's that on your head? It's kinda weird.

Arthur looked both confused and embarrassed as he smiled gently as Gowther stood next to him resting his chin on the wooden stick he was given.

Gowther: A mystery.

Arthur: A-A mystery.

The group looked in confusion before looking at Slader who was holding a small boy in his arms as the boy cried.

Slader: There, there, such a good boy.

Y/n took a good look at the boy leaning forward before he realized that Griamore had for with Slader.

Gilthunder: *shocked* G-Griamore....

Howzer: Is that really you?

Y/n looks with a raised eyebrow before shaking it off as he felt so many stares on him as he looked at the others as they looked at him.

Y/n: Uh...what's up, guys? Why are you looking at me like that?

Diane: It's just...

Arthur: You have something...

Howzer: On your shoulder.

Y/n looked at them before looking at his shoulder as the little demon from when he turned back into his old form was still on his shoulder.

Y/n: You gonna stay like that or are you gonna change back, Liebe?

Liebe: Kekeke, I'm working up to it, but to think these humans should see a demon like myself in his true form is beneath me.

Y/n would only let out a small sigh before looking at the others. They would make their way to the exit as Y/n turned and looked at Jenna and Zaneri.

Y/n: Thanks for all your help, Jenna. You too, Zaneri.

Jenna: Feel free to visit anytime you want. Bring Ban and Wendy with you, too.

Y/n: No problem, I'm sure she would like to see Mom and Dad again.

Jenna: Now go out there and win.

Y/n smirks and nods before kissing them both on their cheeks as he turns and follows the others out the portal. Y/n holds out his hand and gives a thumbs up as Jenna and Zaneri watch them before turning and heading back. Y/n stops as he turned and looked at them before looking at his palm as small a red and purple flame emerged and traveled into the ground of the Druid land as he smiled and left. Once they were outside and back in the large Stonehenge area, Y/n stretches out as he and Meliodas both stretch out their arms.

Meliodas: What I wouldn't give for a drink right now.

Y/n: You and me both.

Gilthunder and Howzer walk over to them as they looked at Y/n and Meliodas.

Gilthunder: Y/n, Meliodas, is it true that you battled with the Ten Commandments? 

Y/n: I would call it a battle, it was more like a quick spar.

Meliodas: Hey, not bad, you two look like you powered up too, huh?

Glithunder: You hear that, Howzer?

Howzer: Yeah, but somehow it doesn't feel all that different to me.

Diane walks over to them as she stood by Y/n as she didn't fell any different from her training.

Diane: Same here, I feel like the same old me.

Hawk walks forward as he was still in his dragon form as Y/n could only look in confusion at him.

Hawk: In that case, I'd better take a look. Let's see, Little Gil, yours went from 1,970 to 2,330. Howzer, yours jumped from 1,910 to 2,350.

The two look at each other in shock before bumping arms and cheer for themselves seeing how their power grew. Y/n smiled as he looked at them as Meliodas looked at Hawk.

Meliodas: Can't believe you were able to remember their old power levels like that.

Hawk: Of course, just call me Power Level Maniac Hawk.

Meliodas: So, about that new look of yours...could you tell me how and why you ended up like that exactly?

Y/n: And why you look like a pig version of a dragon?

Hawk: Well, that's a long story. I was fighting a Tyrant Dragon and it swallowed me whole. So I scarfed it up right back and I ended up like this.

Meliodas: You mean you had to eat your way through it's stomach to escape?

Elizabeth: Uh, Hawk, is your stomach okay?

Y/n: I wouldn't mind him, if he can eat a bunch of scraps in one sitting, he should be fine. On another note, Liebe, are you gonna stay like this or do I have to force you out of it?

Liebe: Kekeke, I suppose I can let these mortals see me in my true form.

Liebe hold off of Y/n's should as a dark glow surrounds him with his body slowly growing in size to Y/n's height. Liebe's form had changed as he had silver spiky hair like Y/n with black horns and black eyes with red pupils. His form was covered in darkness with a pair of wings while his right arm had red markings on it and a tail behind his waist. He gave a sharp tooth grin as he looked at the others as they looked at him in shock.

The group looked at Liebe in shock as he kept his grin while looking at them. Y/n looked at him before looking at the others.

Y/n: I don't get why you guys are so shocked by this, we have seen other devils and demons before.

The others look at Y/n before nodding a bit as they remembered seeing the other demons back in Liones. Liebe laughs as he looks at the others seeing their expressions.

Liebe: Kekeke, I'll let you humans know right now, I'm nothing like those other demons. They are nothing compared to what I can do.

Y/n: I don't think now is the best time for a lesson, Liebe.

The devil looked at Y/n and lost its grin and began to grumble under his breath. Y/n looked at him and chuckled before talking with the others as Gilthunder looked at Y/n and Meliodas before walking over to Hawk and kneeled close while the pig raised his ear.

Gilthunder: Um...By the way, Sir Hawk. What is
Y/n and Meliodas' power levels?

Hawk: Ah, so you're curious are you, my boy? Cause I've wondered about that too. Let's see...

Hawk first took a look at using the earring that Merlin gave him to look at power levels of knights and other people with different abilities.

Hawk: It's 3,250!

Gilthunder smiles as he looked at his idol as Howzer looked at him.

Gilthunder: Meliodas is pretty incredible, isn't he? *looks at Howzer* Right?

Howzer: *looks at Meliodas* Well, yeah sure. But I know we can both catch up to his level in no time!

Hawk looked at Meliodas before trotting over to him as the group looked at him.

Hawk: Hey, Meliodas, I don't get it. If your power was restored, how is it lower than 3,370?

Merlin's astral image appears as she had her arms around herself as she hovered over to them with a closed eyes smile.

Merlin: "It doesn't make sense because you forgot to add an extra zero, Hawk."

The group besides Y/n, Liebe and Meliodas gasp as Hawk looked back at Meliodas and soon saw his true power level.

Hawk: You're saying...his power level is 32,500?!

Gilthunder: *shocked* Now hold on a minute...what did you just say?

Hawk: And that would mean...when Y/n was at 6,780 and after he got his power back....his jumped to...

Hawk looked at Y/n who had looked back at the pig with Liebe standing next to him as Hawk sweat dropped increasingly.

Hawk: 67,800!!!

Y/n: I don't see how it's that surprising, besides, when me and Liebe merge, our power is stronger. Also, Meliodas, I'm gonna go back to my sister and Jericho.

Diane: Your leaving again?

Y/n turned as he faced Diane as she had a look of sorrow on her face. She didn't want Y/n to leave again due to not trusting Gowther for taking her memories. Y/n looked at her and knew why she didn't want him to leave before he turned towards her and took her hand in his as she looked at him.

Y/n: It's not like I'm leaving forever, Diane. I can tell that we will see each other again real soon, I just have some unfinished business. Plus, I need to tell Wendy that our parents are okay.

Diane looked at Y/n and nodded before diving into him and hugging him tightly with her head nuzzling into his chest. Y/n smiled at her and held her close in a tight embrace not wanting to let her go before looking at Elizabeth and Merlin. Diane soon pulled away and kissed Y/n's cheek as he smiled and pecked her lips before walking over to Merlin and Elizabeth as he looked at Merlin's astral body.

Y/n: I'm sure the next time I see you, you'll be back to normal.

Merlin: "I'm certain you'll find that out soon enough. Be careful, Y/n."

Y/n nods before looking at Elizabeth as she looked back at him.

Y/n: I'll be back, Ellie. I promise.

Elizabeth looked at Y/n and smiled as she nods before hugging him tightly as he smiled and hugged her back while also kissing her softly on the lips. Elizabeth returned the kiss in full before the two pulled away as Liebe looked at them before turning into his smaller devil form and hopped onto Y/n's shoulder as he took a few steps away from the group and turned towards them.

Y/n: *smiles* I'll see you guys later, and I'll have some reinforcements the next time you see me.

Y/n smiles before blackish purple devil wings appear on Y/n's back as he takes off into the sky as Liebe held onto Danma on Y/n's back. The young knight shoots into the sky at a high speed as Meliodas and the others watch him take off as Elizabeth held her stomach softly as she watched Y/n leave. She wanted to Y/n something before he left, but would wait till he came back to her.

With Ban

Ban, Jericho and Wendy stood and sat on a small hill in the grasslands near a make shift grave for Ban's father, Zhivago. After hearing how Zhivago raised him and soon saw him pass, Ban wanted to make sure that he had a burial instead of being left to rot in the streets. Ban poured a bottle of ale over a small round rock as Wendy and Jericho watched him.

Ban: Rest In Peace, Zhivago.

Jericho: What a good guy.

Ban: *smiles* Yeah. If it weren't for him, I would have been dead a long time ago.

Before the bottle was finished, Ban stopped pouring the booze on the stone and took a sip for himself as Wendy looked at him.

Wendy: She was talking about you, Ban. It's not really your character to do something like this.

Ban pulled the bottle away as he looked at the two as Jericho looked at him with annoyance.

Jericho: Jeez, you are so stupid sometimes.

Jericho looked at Ban before the ground beside her began to rumble slightly as she looked in confusion before a corpse shot out from the group. Jericho gasps as the corpse began to regenerate into a man as she and Wendy yelled out and backed up falling onto the ground.

Man: I...hate every woman. Now...every single one of them must die. Always, always betraying me, that's why...I must kill you.

Jericho froze and trembled with fear along with Wendy as the man walked over to Y/n's sister. Before the man could attack, Ban picked Wendy up and moved her out of the way as he stood in front of the man.

Ban: Hey, it's one of those resurrected corpses we heard about. Listen, you look all gross and stuff, but I can't let you kill my best friends sister.

The man growled and yelled out as he drove his hand through Ban's chest and somehow went through the hole in the back of Ban's coat without tearing any other part. Jericho looked in shock as she sat forward a bit.

Jericho: B-Ban!

Ban: *coughs up blood* Whaddya' know, you got superhuman strength, huh? Guess your different from the ones that were brought back to life.

Man: I hate wom-

Before the corpse could finish, Ban grabbed his face and crushed it with ease causing blood to splatter as the corpse fell and the arm came out of his chest. Ban's wounds began to heal as Wendy and Jericho looked at him in shock.

Jericho: Ban!

Ban didn't pay attention to them as he looked at the corpse on the ground.

Ban: I don't know what your deal is, but you sure seem to have a grudge against woman.

Jericho: Are you gonna be all right?

Wendy: Yeah, do I need to heal your wounds?

Ban turns as he looked at the two.

Ban: Yeah, I'm fine, what about-

Ban stopped mid sentence as he saw a purple portal behind the two as a pair of arms wiggled behind them. A spray of blood shoots into the sky as Wendy and Jericho groan as they were pushed onto the ground by Ban who moved them out of the way. The two look at Ban as he looked in shock at his attacker to be who he didn't expect, the one he was trying to bring back, his lover, Elaine. Elaine had stabbed him in the chest as she had a pitch black dress on as her eyes were dead as a corpse.

Ban: *grogily* E...laine...

Ban coughs up blood as he looked at the fairy as blood was now on her hand from her attack. Jericho and Wendy looked at him seeing how she was dangerous.

Jericho: Ban! You have to get away from her now!

Wendy: Move out of the way before she attacks you again!

Ban and Elaine stood as they looked at each before leaning into one another and captured each other's lips in a kiss that had been ages to have one again. Jericho looked at the two in shock with Wendy as they kissed and held onto each other, little did they know about what Elaine would do when her focus went back to them.

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