Hobrin Fan Club Buttons

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Should I be writing Magic's Memories? Why yes, yes I should. Am I making random stuff on GIMP instead? Why yes, yes I am. Oh, Hobrin. My sweet, snarky little half-goblin. He appeared on the scene while I was writing Magic's Minister and promptly began waving his backstory and personality in my face. An unusual phenomenon since I typically have to woo and torture my characters for a long while before they finally spill all their secrets to me. *grins evilly while looking at Sedgewick and Feyla*

Hobrin's popularity always kind of caught me by surprise. Not that I don't love the guy, but the way everyone latched onto to him by his second or third appearance and acted like they wanted to drag him out of the book and adopt him was fun to see. So, in honor of everyone's favorite rat-loving, Sedgewick-insulting, new-family-needing (because they are seriously just awful), half-goblin, I present...

The official Hobrin fan club buttons! (complete with Mrs. Sniffles!)

And the second opinion...

Also I'm pretty sure  LuckyPlum mentioned we needed T-shirts so here's an imaginary one that I do not in any way actually sell.

Bonus Hobrin fun fact: Originally, his pet was going to be a rabbit and Feyla wasn't going to befriend him until after she and Sedgewick had already been captured by Crayden. I changed it once he popped up again at House Sunspirits.

Annnnd that's my procrastination for the day. This was fun! I haven't messed around with GIMP in a while. Let me know what you think!

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