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6:00 am. Wake up.
Each individual rises from their bed simultaneously, despite being separated by walls. They each stretch up to the ceiling, waking their limbs from their slumber. They venture towards their corner bathrooms where they release their contents into the toilet before stepping into the shower. They begin the process of preparing themselves for the day.

7:00 am. Eat breakfast.
Oatmeal. Apple. Water.

8:00 am. Do your duties.
Each individual exits their living quarters and forms a line of figures clad in black uniforms. They walk together in unison, as if they were one being instead of hundreds; indistinguishable from each other, their faces void of emotion as they go about their day.

A sea of familiar faces that blur into one - they no longer feel the spark that drives the will to live. They simply follow instructions as written in their schedule. They simply live to keep their shells of a body alive.

12:00 noon. Eat lunch.
Rice. Salad. Meat. Banana. Water.

1:00 pm. Resume duties.
They return to their assigned compartments of duty. Like gears in a clock, they rotate around and along each other, touching briefly but never acknowledging their presence for they were all the same person - a tantamount mass.

5:00 pm. Return home.
As the clock strikes 5, they stop their duties and exit their compartments; forming a single line in preparation for their walk to their living quarters.

6:00 pm. Eat dinner.
Bread. Soup. Orange. Water.

7:00 pm. Get ready for bed.
Within their living quarters, they begin their night-time routine of releasing their contents, showering and dressing in their sleeping garments.

Pinpricks of emotion flicker on the surface as a growing sense of anticipation bubbles insides them. They're about to enter a peaceful oblivion called sleep, where their dreams hold change and diversity from their schedules, where they can control their choices, experience feelings long since forgotten after the categorizing of society into identical masses in an attempt to be a more efficient world.

8:00 pm. Sleep.
As each individual lies on their bed, staring at the smooth concrete ceiling void of cracks or dents that signal time passing - they begin to wonder about the world in their dreams. What would it feel like if their dreams were a reality, if the people surrounding them weren't identical masses that blur into one?

Would it be beautiful? Would they be at peace? Or would everything be chaotic without the structure that holds their society together?

Before they can make a decision about the fate of their society, their eyes begin to close and they slip into the warm blankets of oblivion.


My entry to: Aim To Engage II Day #24 - (no)Diversity 

Word Count: 450 words

It was very challenging to imagine a world without diversity. This writing is definitely out of my comfort zone, it feels choppy but I kinda like it, especially in the context of a uniform world where everything is mechanical.

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