The Importance of Phones

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I realised the importance of phones when I lost my 18 year old sister. We were at a university open day, had an argument about how awkward I looked roaming around aimlessly, before she stormed off into the crowds.

Everything would have been fine if she had a phone with her, but since our parents were unnecessarily strict, she didn't have one. At first, I wasn't that worried. The logical part of my brain said that she'd probably end up at the bus station next to the university because that was the only way home. So I waited there.

Two hours passed and my anxiety was way passed the threshold that I could usually handle. I ended up crying to one of the volunteers handing out information booklets and she was kind enough to get her manager so we could contact security to help find my sister.

To say it was a traumatic experience was an understatement. Not only was it embarassing that my grown-ass 18 year old sister was lost (which the security tried to withhold their judgement for politeness sake but I could feel that they thought the situation was absolutely ridiculous and I don't even blame them, an 18 year old isn't really a child), my sister didn't even show any remorse when she came to the meet-up point.

In summary:
- Phones are very important
- I don't think my sister has a heart


A/N Note: Wow, what a throwback. 

I thought I'd share one of my drafts that honestly isn't very special or riveting except to me. One of my many random rants I typed up on wattpad as a form of therapy to help me deal with my rollercoaster of emotions a few years ago. Now that I think of it, the title should be 'My sister doesn't have a Heart' but I'm going to stick with the original for memories' sake.

Thank God I grew up a bit and can somewhat laugh at these awkward memories! My sister is still a bitch though hah some things never change I suppose.

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